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I wandered through it the last time I was there - gates were all open at both ends.
I walk past them almost every day and have only ever seen them open at both ends once - and then felt apprehensive about walking though as they're clearly not properly open to the public (and I doubt they ever will be).
Have to say that the car wash site - which has been an eyesore for years and years - is suddenly looking massively improved, although I'm not sure that the grass laid straight on to concrete will last too long.

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that kind of looks like they're taking the piss but you've got to hand it to them for the originality - I don't know of another car wash like it .
that kind of looks like they're taking the piss but you've got to hand it to them for the originality - I don't know of another car wash like it .
I can't fault their effort or enthusiasm. I suspect - and hope - that many of the workers there are getting some enjoyment out of tending to the new garden too, because it's got to be a bit of a shit job.
I walk past them almost every day and have only ever seen them open at both ends once - and then felt apprehensive about walking though as they're clearly not properly open to the public (and I doubt they ever will be).
The arches are up for rent so they're still looking for them to be occupied (maybe with The Arch company but I think that's just Network Rails' management co?) - I'm guessing not just as store/open workshops so who knows.
The arches are up for rent so they're still looking for them to be occupied (maybe with The Arch company but I think that's just Network Rails' management co?) - I'm guessing not just as store/open workshops so who knows.
The Arch company bought up Network Rail’s £1.5 billion empire of railway arches last year and was swiftly accused of proposing “excessive” rent hikes for small businesses.

I'll be interested to find out how much this wreck goes for.

Brixton's most knackered house on Coldharbour Lane goes on the market for £400,000's most knackered house on Coldharbour Lane goes on the market for £400,000

Brixton’s most knackered house on Coldharbour Lane goes on the market for £400,000
You've done an exceptional job there.
According to the auctioneer there is a council repairs notice on the property - which may be why it is being sold.
I don't understand enforcement - its so rare in Lambeth - but I suspect that when structures become dangerous it may be criminal not to repair them.
You've done an exceptional job there.
According to the auctioneer there is a council repairs notice on the property - which may be why it is being sold.
I don't understand enforcement - its so rare in Lambeth - but I suspect that when structures become dangerous it may be criminal not to repair them.
Was just watching the 316 CHL video walk through. Nice fireplace upstairs.
When I first moved to CHL in 1986 there was an eccentric (self-confessed manic depressive) next door in 314 Coldharbour Lane with his wife & kids. He was Dutch - and therefore lacked the usual London reserve, as did his wife who was Northern Irish. They were quite happy to invite you in for tea.

They had knocked through the top floor of their house into a single room to make a kitchen diner. The classy bit was it also housed the guy's harmonium (reed organ) - so you could have your ham and eggs with a bit of Bach.
There's an odd planning application in from the Shrub and Shutter
20/02182/P3C | Prior approval for the change of use of the ground floor from takeaway (Use Class A5) to restaurant (Use Class A3). | 336 Coldharbour Lane London SW9 8QH
Can't quite figure this one out - especially as the application has documents from 2014/2015 and photos which look as though they originated in a Russian spy bunker.

Could it be that the Shrub and Shutter are claiming they are upgrading Larry's bar for ladies of the night to a restaurant - six years late? Or maybe they've upset Lambeth's officers and the BID and are being forced to cough up retrospective planning fees?

I think we should be told.
There's an odd planning application in from the Shrub and Shutter
20/02182/P3C | Prior approval for the change of use of the ground floor from takeaway (Use Class A5) to restaurant (Use Class A3). | 336 Coldharbour Lane London SW9 8QH
Can't quite figure this one out - especially as the application has documents from 2014/2015 and photos which look as though they originated in a Russian spy bunker.

Could it be that the Shrub and Shutter are claiming they are upgrading Larry's bar for ladies of the night to a restaurant - six years late? Or maybe they've upset Lambeth's officers and the BID and are being forced to cough up retrospective planning fees?

I think we should be told.
It's a 'prior approval' application for change of use from takeaway to restaurant.

That use change can be done under permitted development rights.... but some of these require 'prior approval' from the council. The rules are so complicated that I can't easiy figure out whether that particular use change does or doesn't require prior approval. I guess they made the change of use under what they assumed were permitted rights (ie no planning application needed) but maybe Lambeth have now decided that they should have sought prior approval. Maybe they exceeded a maximum seating capacity or something like that?
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now waiting for the obligatory shouting match
If it was the street p[arty at my end of the block, that's usually rounded off with the traditional kicking over of the food table and an exchange of bottles - all accompanied by the obligatory shouting, of course.

I've been living here getting in three decades and I really don't recall it being as loud and as regular as this before.
If it was the street p[arty at my end of the block, that's usually rounded off with the traditional kicking over of the food table and an exchange of bottles - all accompanied by the obligatory shouting, of course.

I've been living here getting in three decades and I really don't recall it being as loud and as regular as this before.
it's the bunch that hang around the Brixton side of the car wash, very loud music even louder shouting, been in this flat for 25 years and agree it was more respectful in the past, normally wrapping up by 12. And they played the songs all the way through unlike the truncated verse, chorus change record now
it's the bunch that hang around the Brixton side of the car wash, very loud music even louder shouting, been in this flat for 25 years and agree it was more respectful in the past, normally wrapping up by 12. And they played the songs all the way through unlike the truncated verse, chorus change record now

Going around central London and south London I have noticed a lot more drinking outside.

Even in posh area like Marylebone.

Bars are serving drinks to be drunk outside the bar. One place it was a lot of the street taken up with this. This was unofficial. So no chairs / tables. Bar turning a blind eye to fact that people were standing around the street. Suppose they were desparate to make money at this time.

Saw an off license with chairs outside somewhere else with a lot of people drinking and socialising.

Parks are the same.

It started with the pandemic. Social distancing is paid lip service to by having outside drinking. Does not really work.

Given the weather is good its like people now think this is the new normal.

Its not so fun if you live near this.
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It looked like today was viewing day for the collapsing house
This surprised me. Considering the state of it. There was an ex-council house (1 Barrington Road??) at the last auction went for £400,000. Probably 3 up 3 down similar to Moorlands Estate houses - except flat roof.

But £717,500 for this palace seems generous. Either its going on Grand Designs or more likely will be 4 small flats for sale or rent.
Just add a fresh level of annoyance, the guy who has illegally parked across the pavement has been blaring his horn for a solid 5 minutes because someone (parked legally) is blocking his way. And Mr Important need to go now.

It's still going strong at 5am. I think they may have a silent disco thing going on - which is something - but that's been negated by the shouty people. I really hope that someone isn't making loads of money out of this because that would be taking the piss.
It's still going strong at 5am. I think they may have a silent disco thing going on - which is something - but that's been negated by the shouty people. I really hope that someone is making loads of money out of this because that would be taking the piss.
certainly wasn't silent here, the party was on the top floor of the Edge and it finished around 7
So the green space in front of the Barrier Block is becoming established as the go-to place place for late night silent disco parties, which I imagine are commercial.

Although it's better than a sound system blaring all hours - although the people make PLENTY of noise - I'm not so happy if this community space is regularly being taken over a private money making enterprise. And I like it even less if I get another bloke trying to tell me that I can't use the shortcut into Brixton because it's suddenly 'private.'
Domino Club news

First the good news. I mentioned on here, having seen reports on Twitter and Facebook that Lloyd Leon, former Mayor of Lambeth, CPCG member, and apparently a founding member of the Brixton Domino Club, had been taken into Kings with suspected CVID-19.

This afternoon I bumped into Lloyd at the Stockwell Lidl. He looked quite physically well, and in a brief conversation seemed very compos mentis.

I asked about his hospital experience - he said he'd was in for 2½ weeks. After saying how relieved I was to see him now so well, I asked if he was still involved with the Domino Club.
"Not really" he said.

Which brings me on to my question.
Is the Domino club really the Lloyd Leon Communituy Centre as some people say.
If you look at the Companies House record people have set up a company called Lloyd Leon Community Centre Ltd - twice under two seperate numbers
09393246 incorporated 16 January 2015 struck off 7 March 2017
10900289 incorporated 4 August 2017 struck off 7 January 2020
NB the second company had Cllr Mahamed Hashi as a director, but he resigned from the position on 10th June 2019.
I never knew that the Brixton Dominoes Club (aka Brixton Sports Club) is now the Lloyd Leon Community Centre.

15th September 630pm

It looks like some of its stewardship is being taken over but the Ubele Initiative.

There’s a virtual development session planned:
Re - Imagining a Black-led Community Space in Brixton

Some background: Lloyd Leon Community Centre — UBELE

July newsletter Welcome to the first edition of the LLCC Newsletter!
looking at the website it says its for the African Diaspora,

Thing is the Centre is between Brixton and LJ.

LJ also has large Latin American presence. Liviing in private accomodation from my bit of CHL up into LJ. They also use Loughborough park when weather is good.

The website moves between being about the "African Disaspora" and being about BAME.

I wonder if they will have any input into this.
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