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What's happening at the Karibu then? They seemed to be doing well six or seven years ago and greatly benefited from council meetings being held there whilst the Town Hall was closed. Everything the Lloyd Leon Community centre is proposed to be - the Karibu already is, or at least was. I hope no-one is going to suggest than the Karibu has gone the way of the Abeng Centre, its earlier incarnation. These charities need to learn to do their accounts and file them.

I have to say that although the Karibu accounts are up to date, their website looks unrefreshed Karibu Education Centre Calendar of Events.

I have great sympathy with ethnic organisations Lambeth Council have turfed out. Another venue/office complex in Coldharbour Ward - 365 Brixton Road - housed various refugee groups from Eritrea, Somalia, Uganda/Rwanda etc. Those groups were kicked out and the property sold off by Lambeth Council to a private developer. I would be tempted to think it was Lexadon''s Jerry Knight, but AFAIK 365 is currently tenanted/occupied by Guardians and I don't think those are his style. Happy to report the Eritrean grouo from there are now housed in the Shakespeare Business Centre, 245a Coldharbour Lane so not out of ward - but doubtless paying a high rent.

What do you have to do to get directly sponsored by the council? Have a councillor on the committee? In extreme cases we had council officers seconded to staff to an organisation that only a few of years before was scheduled for a 100% cut - see the Black Cultural Archives in the 90s.

Lambeth community groups play Russian Roulette - sometimes organisations flourish beyond their wildest dreams.
More often they are shut down - or are faced with exorbitant private sector rent.
Looks like there's something swishy coming to 348 (next to Jimmy's Place). Anyone know what's opening up there?
Looks like there's something swishy coming to 348 (next to Jimmy's Place). Anyone know what's opening up there?
No - but did you also note the one the other side, formerly an internet cafe was sold off last year?
No - but did you also note the one the other side, formerly an internet cafe was sold off last year?
I didn't know but I often wondered how on earth that place could be still going!
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Let the SUVs park on the pavement so people can't walk there, then remove the seating so people can't sit down either.
Perhaps seating that disappears into the ground at night, rotating with those street pissoirs?.

And, to Teuchter's point - pneumatic rams that pop out of the pavement every 10 minutes to imperial parked cars? Or maybe just those one way traffic plates ?.
As an added bonus they may hamper pavement scooter riders (although wheelchair users and the blind may not appreciate them)
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Perhaps seating that disappears into the ground at night, rotating with those street pissoirs?.
There's seating around the walkway in the middle of the block, but they partied just as much when that wasn't there as there's loads of seating along the low brick walls on either side.

For the bigger - apparently paid - parties at the Moorland Road end, there's usually a wide range of sundry seats stored by the entrance to the car park.

Given that there's usually a massive row/fight every party night, I'd imagine things might royally kick off if the cops go in heavy handed.
There's seating around the walkway in the middle of the block, but they partied just as much when that wasn't there as there's loads of seating along the low brick walls on either side.

For the bigger - apparently paid - parties at the Moorland Road end, there's usually a wide range of sundry seats stored by the entrance to the car park.

Given that there's usually a massive row/fight every party night, I'd imagine things might royally kick off if the cops go in heavy handed.
How many people are turning up?
How many people are turning up?
For the parties in the space between the blocks, anything from around 20-70 people, I'd guess.

Some of the bigger parties by the car park entrance have got to be pushing 150 people or more, complete with pop up bar, hot food stalls and professional 'silent' disco gear. Zero social distancing.
There's seating around the walkway in the middle of the block, but they partied just as much when that wasn't there as there's loads of seating along the low brick walls on either side.

For the bigger - apparently paid - parties at the Moorland Road end, there's usually a wide range of sundry seats stored by the entrance to the car park.

Given that there's usually a massive row/fight every party night, I'd imagine things might royally kick off if the cops go in heavy handed.

Sounds like there is some major piss taking going on there. Im not normally on the side of the Police but surely they have to be seen to be putting a stop to these? If people then decide to kick off against the Police, then i guess they have to be prepared to be arrested or get a whack with a baton?
For the parties in the space between the blocks, anything from around 20-70 people, I'd guess.

Some of the bigger parties by the car park entrance have got to be pushing 150 people or more, complete with pop up bar, hot food stalls and professional 'silent' disco gear. Zero social distancing.
For the latter, these are silent discos? Organised? I would be really pissed off.
Sounds like there is some major piss taking going on there. Im not normally on the side of the Police but surely they have to be seen to be putting a stop to these? If people then decide to kick off against the Police, then i guess they have to be prepared to be arrested or get a whack with a baton?
I've never once complained to the Old Bill about noisy parties going on - and I don't intend to start now - but some of these fuckers really, really take the piss and show zero respect for neighbours.
For the latter, these are silent discos? Organised? I would be really pissed off.
Yes, it looks like a paid commercial event to me with everyone using matching headsets supplied from a pop up tent. They're not even remotely silent at all because people shout their heads off all night. One bloke even tried to tell me that I couldn't walk along the path outside my block late at night as it was a private event. He could fuck right off.
Yes, it looks like a paid commercial event to me with everyone using matching headsets supplied from a pop up tent. They're not even remotely silent at all because people shout their heads off all night. One bloke even tried to tell me that I couldn't walk along the path outside my block late at night as it was a private event. He could fuck right off.
This is not the same as a neighbour having a banging all night party.
This is a bunch of cunts making money by dumping on a community that has fuck all to do with them.
Also sympathising.
Hopefully the cold turn in the weather may help?
This seems worse than teenagers meeting up in a park to socialise, away from housing. And, as was said, it seem commercial

Not normally one to advocate snitching, but maybe report to the co-operative council ?
For those so inclined to grass up to the polis, I just googled this .
Or just go and give them all a penalty charge notice. Every day, until they get the message.
There is already a queue of 9,000 for the courts to process where people have received fixed-penalty notices from the police and refused to pay. Max Hill the DPP was complaining about this in the Times last week.

"Hill fears that the courts could be swamped with low grade cases involving alleged breaches of the Covid rules"
So more on the 'Billiard Lodge' aka the London Hotel.


Billiard Lodge consists of 38 studios and bedsit rooms in the Lambeth Borough of Brixton.

A very vibrant location with thriving delis, food markets and impressive Victorian conversions, Brixton has seen significant regeneration by the Council over recent years. The demand is high for the bustling centre sandwiched between Clapham and Dulwich. The significant investment here has led to a better tube station and upgrades to housing and offices.

Brixton has excellent public transport links with buses, underground and overground trains all within walking distance with access to central London within 20 minutes from train or tube.

The studios contain kitchen and shower facilities and are fully furnished with double beds, a wardrobe, side cabinet, table and chairs. For peace of mind, the property is fitted with a secure entry system, CCTV and management office with on site staff.

Bills are all inclusive of studio rent charges.

They're owned by Interland Group, a "a forward thinking property investment company with developments in United Kingdom and parts of Europe."

Interland Group started our multi-million pound property portfolio over 40 years ago, when two British entrepreneurs, Danny Edgar and Zamir Haim set out with a mission to ‘build nice homes and make them affordable’.
So more on the 'Billiard Lodge' aka the London Hotel.

View attachment 231753

They're owned by Interland Group, a "a forward thinking property investment company with developments in United Kingdom and parts of Europe."

Yes well I don't remember Cyril coming out with all than bollocks when Lambeth took them to a planning hearing regarding breaches of their planning permission.
Cyril Ogunmakin - Chief Operating Officer
It was appalling. As often with Lambeth it simply fizzled out. A two day hearing, in which the council's barrister appeared very badly briefed - or perhaps just badly performing.
The most memorable part of the hearing was the Judge's self-introducton. She was called Hilda. Like Horace Rumpole's wife. No doubt if the breaches had if occurred on her Oxford Quad she'd have been down on them like a ton of bricks.

Hilda was probably bored as hell - why should she have worried about cowboys running a doss house in Brixton and calling it appartments. Including studio rooms with no windows. After all the council took years to get round to taking the case up. I expect she was more worried about getting her train back to Oxford.

I wounder if the hearing judgement was published anywhere? Not that it was secret - just that anything to do with Lambeth Planning sees to go off a half cock -including planning committee hearings about Megablocks.
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