wtf is this supposed to mean? ^^Of course, if they're muslims, fuck 'em.
wtf is this supposed to mean? ^^Of course, if they're muslims, fuck 'em.
the absurd statements by some SW type lefties on the construction dispute makes me think that they think that class struggle must be politcially correct .. this is such a basic error and one replicated throughout the liberal left .. and further it is disasterous as it drives people into the arms of those who will decitfully will welcome them ..
people are not perfect, most people are just gettibg by and have been driven away from politics deliberately by the politicians and ignorently by the left
but what people do understand is solidarity in way the left do not .. bullshit and facile statements of internationalism etc can not cover up from the simple fact that any left worth its salt support workers in struggle for their rights
Of course, if they're muslims, fuck 'em.
i agree and i would add that with regards to political correctness only white middle class people are allowed to not be PC - as that whole recent thread started by JC2 revealed
belboid and duruti were having a bullentin board conversation as to how racsist they all are:mad
You agree with durutti? You forgot what you wrote about him elsewhere in regards to this dispute?
yes as in real life when one person disgarees with one thing a person says it automaticaly means they disagree with everything that person says
Of course it doesn't, but this is slightly more than that. You made a nice little smear, factually incorrect one, about him.
no i never smeared him i drew attention to the FACT he was discussing the extent to which racsism could be said to have been a factor in the strike so in this context it is you who is smearing oh and shit stirring
belboid and duruti were having a bullentin board conversation as to how racsist they all are
With the intent to suggest that he agreed or argued that the strikers were racist..
Just go away, keep out of wetherspoons and come back with some fucking politics.
Every fucker on this board has been discussing 'the extent to which racsism could be said to have been a factor in the strike' - the intent was clear. Have some honesty.
The inference above is pretty clear.
Not to me so i think you should you should say what it is you are inferring as things stand you are sick scum who is trying to infer somthing pretty fucking serious which is complete utter bollox for no other reason than you are very insecure and got flamed by me once upon a time after you flamed me
He is, we told him via telex just now.
Your inference is pretty clear, the angry smiley after the remark are pretty clear too. You're making a pretty clear inference that both durrutti and belboid were either in agreement with or suggesting that the strikers were/are racist. .
You've not flamed anyone, just spouted bollocks about people.
no thats your consturction of an inference to smear me which i did not make as i did not infer it and i have stated on this thread for all to see why i did what i did - your the one making a serious inference for no other reason other than you are a very insecure person and a fucking sick mofo
i was refering to the past and the fact that this escapes you is evidence to those who think for themselves what type of person you are
A what? The inference was clear, you made it that both durrutti and belboid thought that racism was a big issue for the strikers and that they were influenced by it.
I know it was referring to the past, you flamed no-one just spouted dribbling shite about people being monothought cliquists or some such gaga bollocks
no i have stated why i did what i did and yet again you are constructing more bullshit for no other reaosn than you are insecure and trying to smear me as i flamed you in th epast
no i flamed you and yes you part of a monothought click who spout bollocks unless you are really trying to argue that the majority of urban is made up of ignorant spoilt white middle class professionals who love nothing more than chav bashing while thinking what happened to JC2 was all a big jok so go fuck yourself you sick cunt
We know why you did it.
Who said what was said to JC2 was a joke? I didn't, neither did butchers.
If you have read why i said why i did what i did then you would however seeing as how you keep going on about it this is not the case i say again you are a very sick nasty insecure cunt who has to rely on unfounded smears smears to construct a non argument about a serious situation for no other reason than your own urban gratifcation
go and read the thread and go and see who started making it all into a joke you cunt and go and see what posters felt the way i did and made this point by accusing peopl eon the thread of treating it all as a joke
Yada yada yada....
Neither did I.
more interested in looking good on urban than giving a shit about people form lower classess - whatever there colour or ethnicity
nice more smears bully for you
And how do you work this one out? I'm fascinated by this one, do go on.?!
Eh? FFS, are tou too stupid to work out I think you were right re the JC2 thread? Rememerb that bit about disagreeing with someone on one issue doesn't mean you always disagree?!
oh look selective quotations
no i i knew you were saying i was right re the JC2 thread i just think your a snide cunt on the level of el jefe still as you were
You wrote the shite, singled two people out, the in?ference was/is still there/ Stop backtracking you fucking walloper.?
Ohh bless, did you flame him too? And what has he got to do with this exactly?
no it is there for all to see what i wrote i know what i wrote and i have niot backtracked at al - you have tried to twist what i posted to construct a load of bullshit on the tails of butchers for your own insecure and politcal purposes which seeing as how you claim to be left wing make s you seem stupid hypcortical and begs th equestion as to why
oh look fedayin tries to make more of a poitnt of somthing than exsists as usual:rolleyes imo is the snideiest cunt i have ever come across on urban he flames then when you return the compliment he runs to the mods and you are his second costructing smears talking bullshit yada yada yada