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Claim of responsibility 'contains errors'


the truth don't care
Not sure if this has been posted already; apologies if it has.

... MSNBC TV translator Jacob Keryakes, who said that a copy of the message was later posted on a secular Web site, noted that the claim of responsibility contained an error in one of the Quranic verses it cited. That suggests that the claim may be phony, he said.

"This is not something al-Qaida would do," he said.

Islamic group claims London attack - MSNBC
Someone said this on the news yesterday that this doesn't look authentic because when these things are done they are usually very methodical and follow a set pattern and this looked more like someone trying to impersonate that. I thought it was amazing that it was mentioned that it was on a site thats known to not be trustworthy and then suddenly everyone was convinced that this was real etc. Brilliant piece of self delusion if you ask me...
Justin said:
Here we go.
What do you mean? Oh sorry, I forgot that you have to believe in extra-terrestrials from the Planet X to wonder if an anonymous posting on a website is truthful.

When it comes to Al-Quaida guest postings, everything on the internet is true, of course ;)
Most 'experts' are doubting the claims in the media.

It all goes back the the debate in general about the non-existence Al Qaeda debate

Those responsible...Murderers
Would it make any practical difference if it was al-Qaeda, or an associated group, or their sister organisation, or the Secret Organisation Group of al-Qaeda of Jihad Organisation in Europe (SOGQJOE for short), or people emulating al-Qaeda.

Incidentally, now that SOGQJOE have posted on a website, will they be
dropping the secret part, and from now on be known simply as OGQJOE ?
Jo/Joe said:
No one is saying that passage on the website is bona fide. So what if it has errors?
Well, it was mentioned on the news an awful lot yesterday - I think this is worth a passing mention to establish that it cannot be taken with any seriousness.

But it seems we're in agreement.

(edited to add: well, while I was posting this, anyway)
axon said:
Would it make any practical difference if it was al-Qaeda, or an associated group, or their sister organisation, or the Secret Organisation Group of al-Qaeda of Jihad Organisation in Europe (SOGQJOE for short), or people emulating al-Qaeda.

Incidentally, now that SOGQJOE have posted on a website, will they be
dropping the secret part, and from now on be known simply as OGQJOE ?
In criminal proceedings you need to know what you're dealing with so you can follow the evidence and make the right conclusions.
How many skeptics...

axon said:
Would it make any practical difference if it was al-Qaeda, or an associated group, or their sister organisation, or the Secret Organisation Group of al-Qaeda of Jihad Organisation in Europe (SOGQJOE for short), or people emulating al-Qaeda.

Incidentally, now that SOGQJOE have posted on a website, will they be
dropping the secret part, and from now on be known simply as OGQJOE ?
Of course it makes a difference but only if you are interested in truth.

Of course, anybody questioning the truth these days is likely to be associated with lizards and Planet Nibiru and other way out there ideas. It is sickening how the progressives on this site who seek connections have been reduced by the majority.

Think about why that might be.

It is time for progressives to deconstruct this tendency for the majority. There is a difference between presenting a conspiracy theory and exhibiting some healthy skepticism, why confuse the two unless the agenda is to do just that and prevent the pursuit of truth?

Of course, there will now follow a deluge of posts on "the truth" as if conspiraloons believe they alone have a handle on that.

Conspiralooning is the feint presented by uber-reactionaries but sadly too, there is much that is reactionary about conspiracies involving lizard monarchies and the illuminati.

We need to seperate what's what and if we define conspiralooning as a belief in lizards and Planet Nibiru and other such beliefs, then does questioning aspects of 911 etc fall into that?

However it seems as soon as any one poses a question about the "truth", the "conspiraloon" label is applied. There is clearly a need for progressive critical inquiry of events like the London terror attacks and 911 - posing questions is not conspiralooning, it is simply expressing skepticism...

How many skeptics does it take to change a light bulb?

Actually, they won't do it - they they aren't sure they're really in the dark.

1) One reason why people are hard on those who seem to fantasise is it distracts attention from actual covert operations

2) re the communique language being 'wrong'
--I wouldn't necessarily see Bin Laden as a Koran expert, actually
--in any event, if this bombing is 'Al Qaeda' in any meaningful sense, those doing it will have been a largely autonomous cell.

3) that the communique was issued on an esoteric web-site rather than Al Jazeera might point towards those planting the devices being European-based, primarily. And a similar point to the above: planting devices does not necessarily make any doing so Koran experts, any more than Richard the Lionheart was a biblical scholar: indeed there was no English translation of the bible till 250 years or so after the last Crusade.

4) Inasmuch as 'Al Qaeda' is a loose confederal network, an alliance of ideas rather than a pyramidal organisation, claims of responsibility for actions are always going to be far more difficult to verify than the old IRA system (recognised code-words/P O'Neill Dublin). This does not mean that 'Al Qaeda' in this loose sense didn't carry out the bombings, but it does make it in principle far easier for secret state factions to carry out 'flag of convenience; operations. And leaves greater space for speculation, both legitimate and also instinctive. That is part of the miasma which goes with the changed territory in which we now live.
DrJazzz said:
What do you mean? Oh sorry, I forgot that you have to believe in extra-terrestrials from the Planet X to wonder if an anonymous posting on a website is truthful.
Strange thing is that you have a long history of believing anonymous postings on a website when it suits your agenda.

Or have you already forgotten about the untraceable, anonymous 'expert' posting on an untraceable, anonymous website about Saddam's sons or the untraceable anonymous 'eye witnesses' who supposedly saw those planes over Long Island who you totally believed in?

In your confused, conspiraloon world such anonymous, untraceable garbage passes for rock-solid proof.

'Nuff said.
Raisin D'etre said:
There is clearly a need for progressive critical inquiry of events like the London terror attacks and 911 - posing questions is not conspiralooning, it is simply expressing skepticism...
When it comes from people who have a long, long history of swallowing fact-free conspiraloon shite, then it's entirely reasonable to doubt their motives.

I suspect your mind is already fully made up as to (ahem) "what really happened" and no doubt it's 'backed' by yet another load of evidence untroubled bollocks.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
So if it wasn't islamic terrorists, who was it: who else blows up bombs in London?

The IRA?
Very unlikely to be the IRA. Anyhow, the forensics would probably make it clear if it were. It looks to me like someone copying the Madrid, Morocco and Bali bombings. Soft targets, no warning, aiming at fear.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
So if it wasn't islamic terrorists, who was it: who else blows up bombs in London?

The IRA?

1) Not the IRA (Provisional or Real)--different MO entirely

2) Quite probably ''Al Qaeda' in the loose sense I specified

3) However, we should never entirely rule out state chicanery in all such bombings--few seriously believe, for example, that Chechen separatists really did carry out the series of Moscow bombings that have helped Putin get re-elected twice now.
editor said:
When it comes from people who have a long, long history of swallowing fact-free conspiraloon shite, then it's entirely reasonable to doubt their motives.

I suspect your mind is already fully made up as to (ahem) "what really happened" and no doubt it's 'backed' by yet another load of evidence untroubled bollocks.
Well you can't know that can you? Because so far you have chosen to fling mud at me. Your loss. I am sure if you and I sat down,away from the inquisitive minds who are watching this little discourse, and if we were to have a conversation, you might actually know where I am coming from. It might not be so threatening to you then. However, here you have already set up your little feints, double and triple feints, and so I serve the Urban agenda by being a conspiraloon. Aren't you lucky!!!
Raisin D'etre said:
Well you can't know that can you? Because so far you have chosen to fling mud at me.
Why not save all the confusion and be honest and spit out out your opinion about what you think actually happened?

You tried all this "oh my mind isn't made up" bollocks before and I believe it failed to impress anyone, so why don't you have the courage of your convictions and actually state a firm opinion?

Can you do that?
editor said:
Why not save all the confusion and be honest and spit out out your opinion about what you think actually happened?

You tried all this "oh my mind isn't made up" bollocks before and I believe it failed to impress anyone, so why don't you have the courage of your convictions and actually state a firm opinion?

Can you do that?
Fuck off! You always try to get people to break everything down to a yes or no answer. Stop being so simplistic. Information is still being unravelled. My comments here were to address the lizardism that your followers are so keen on reverting too. I offered no comments on the events just on the uber-reactionaryism, you want to talk about that... then probe further.
Raisin D'etre said:
. My comments here were to address the lizardism that your followers are so keen on reverting too.
I haven't mentioned 'lizards'. Not once.

And flattering as the idea sounds, I'm afraid I don't have any "followers" either.

Generally, I find it's smarter to hold back from wild speculation until the dust settles and some facts emerge.

Maybe you could learn from that approach.

Oh, and a little less of the "fuck off" stuff please. :mad:
editor said:
Generally, I find it's smarter to hold back from wild speculation until the dust settles and some facts emerge.
Maybe you could learn from that approach.
That's so hilarious! Considering that I was doing just that! Hah!
Raisin d'etre said:
Information is still being unravelled.
You need to point that out for everyone. Post numbers and so forth. Show where I have been conspiralooning by talking about Lizardism, Planet Nibiru and so forth, otherwise rest your case.
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