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Cheap Picnic Food Ideas (Pescatarian and/or Veggie)


Sonic: 1 Nov 2006 - 8 Jan 2022
So we're having one of those times where it looks like we won't be able to afford our customary late afternoon/early evening couple of pints in the pub on OH's next night off, but our local little park is looking lovely and in fact not at all scuzzy right now, so I've suggested instead that if the weather is OK whenever his next night off is that we have a little late afternoon picnic with some nice food and some carefully concealed booze instead.

It's been a very long time since I last had a picnic, and some ideas would be welcome (except for quiche).

Must be veggie or pescatarian and cheap!!!
My actual picnic food staples are crusty bread and Boursin, and carrot and pepper sticks with hummus and olives - so not the most adventurous!

You could go afternoon tea-ish with selection of sandwiches? Cucumber, cheese and pickle, egg mayo? Plus muffins or similar cake item?

Made some vegan sausage rolls from scratch a while back which were a success (with lentils as main part of the filling), as was a leek and feta and walnut tart. Or a spanakopita?
Quorn do all sorts of veggie picnic items these days, like mini Scotch eggs. Price can vary quite a bit I think though. (B/f made some homemade veggie Scotch eggs a while ago, which were delicious with some piccalilli with it, but quite involved to make and probably not that cheap with the amount of fake meat that got involved!)

And/or a salady buffet? Potato salad, slaw, Greek-style salad (toms, cucumber, peppers, olives) and another one I like to make is lentils with griddled courgette and aubergine and some feta and lemony dressing (mint for extra flavour sensation). Could make a sizeable batch to make it worth the faff and have as part of lunch/dinner on subsequent days.
If you've been doing traybake teas, you could do an extra tray of veg in the day or two before and have that cold, either on its own or with pasta and/or some kind of pulse. Roast the veg with whatever herbs & spices, add more stuff like fresh herbs, cheese, olives, nuts, seeds, etc after.
Thanks everyone! Not sure it's looking like the weather is going to be up to it tomorrow, but am still collecting ideas for when it does happen :D
Falafels are great picnic food and cheap to make

You know what, I've actually got 2 different types of falafels made but uncooked in the freezer, I could get those out and cook them if the weather looks like it will be OK on Tuesday (that day is looking the most likely bet atm).

I got myself an absolute bargain quiche off the reduced to clear but it must have been reduced by mistake as it is good til the 9th - so I can have that, OH can't have it but he can have some of the falafels.

Thanks for reminding me about the ones I have ready to cook in the freezer!
Favourite picnic food for me plus vegetarian and pescatarian pals.
1. egg mayo with finely chopped onion in small soft rolls
2. tayto cheese and onion crisps 😁
3. Bakewell tart fingers
4. Big flask of sweet tea.
5. Tub of fresh fruit salad with some greek yoghurt sweetened with ... you guessed it...maple syrup .
Picnic is off today, very overcast and it should be a nice sunshine activity I feel. OH was offered an extra shift tonight so took it as the weather is a bit crap and we need the money!

We're going to try again next week, hopefully the sun will come out, but it's pretty much been wet or overcast every day off he's had for about the last 4 weeks, so nothing is certain :D
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