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Change UK: Chuka Umunna resigns from Labour party and launches Independent Group

There's very little in it for the LibDems except half a dozen deadbeats in seats they're unlikely to keep past the next GE, they've nothing else to offer, no activists or party membership or even money. Why would the LibDems who are currently clearly on a roll want to be associated with these losers?

Exactly, especially when the activist base (which in the Lib Dems has way more official power than in most other parties) was so against the coalition in 2010 but got told to STFU, but was then proven entirely correct. I can’t see them now allowing another opportunity for ‘you’re in bed with the tories / labour’ accusations by taking these defectors on.
We must be able to get at least a top 5 chuk fuck ups:

'people with a tinge'
Euro candidate abandoning them for the libs mid-election (my personal fave)
'It's in your hands... lift your hands up... look it's in your hands'
Some monumental fuck up with Euro leaflets?
A new name every fortnight
All the rats in a sack deciding to get into different sacks today
When they changed their Twitter handle and their old one got taken by Brexiters
This thread should now perhaps have its title updated to "Defecting MPs found, and split, Change UK within six months."
This bit is amazing. They really expected to be exactly like the LibDems without being the LibDems and suddenly become the third party in England.
I fear that Tingers looking to become LD's are going to be in for a struggle: the LD's are a pretty 'local' bunch, the constituancy parties have a lot of clout over selection of candidates - which is why they have so many oddballs.

Joining now isn't a problem, but being selected as the LD candidate for X constituency in 2022 or whenever is by no means guaranteed - the local party may not like the sitting ex-Labour/Tory MP, and may have their own candidate.

Woollaston for example started the referendum campaign as a brexiteer, she fell out with Gove/Johnson when they wouldn't allocate her GP surgery a slice of the £350m (which shows how bright she is) and suddenly become a fervent remainer.

I've no idea if she'd want to stay with Totnes, but in 2017 - as a Tory - she had a 10,000 majority over the Labour candidate, and twenty thousand more than the then LD candidate... Its also a leave voting constituency.

I wouldn't be so sure, they built themselves in the first place by persuading any independents going to join them. Reckon they'd take them, especially in places like Totnes were LD's won't win anyway. Course, then they'll likely lose anyway.
"Next on BBC Four and featuring strong language from the start, David Oyelowo stars as Chuka Umanna in "Chucked It All Away", the story of 2019's here-today, gone-tomorrow political experiment..."
This bit's great, as it shows;

- They don't understand that an impression isn't when someone saw something, it's just when it appeared on a page. Not sure what it is now, but it used to be that an impression was the content appearing on a page for at least one second. Many suppliers didn't even subscribe to that basic requirement. Impressions basically mean nothing.

- Likewise they don't understand engagements, given videos can be set to autoplay when scrolling past.

- They also don't get how ad clicks are often click bombs, where a thumb on a mobile screen accidentally clicks on an ad when scrolling down.

- I'm suspicious that they don't understand the difference between 1 million people and something happening 1 million times too. Were the clicks and engagements uniques?

I wonder who did their social media, and how much they laughed on the way to the bank.
This bit is amazing. They really expected to be exactly like the LibDems without being the LibDems and suddenly become the third party in England.
Given the media's loathing of Corbyn and the 3 year lord of the flies going on in the tory party, it's reasonable to say the chuks had a fair wind behind them (in the world of politics at least, if not the world of humans). Since then...

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