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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

Under Liege
Puffy-faced navy spud-masher and all-round hand-flapping ass-kicker Steven Seagal battles terrorists who have taken control of the Belgian sewer system
Bantz - When the council announces plans to build a breast cancer screening clinic, a colony of absolute legends sees opportunites for epic lols.
The Pride of Miss Jean Brodie

A Scottish fascist raises lions, with hilarious consequences.
Doc Holywood
A precocious young Free Presbyterian minister is caught speeding along a rural back road in County Down, and sentenced by the judge to running the moribund local Orange Order, with hilarious consequences; what had been intended by the beak as a quick life lesson actually leads our hero to found the Democratic Unionist Party.
Doc Holywood
A precocious young Free Presbyterian minister is caught speeding along a rural back road in County Down, and sentenced by the judge to running the moribund local Orange Order, with hilarious consequences; what had been intended by the beak as a quick life lesson actually leads our hero to found the Democratic Unionist Party.
Damn autocorrect :p
Car From the Madding Crowd

Woman with an unusual name gets away from it all for the weekend
A wank at Oxford.

An attempt to allieviate the boredom of travelling on the slow train from Banbury.
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