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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

Briar - Young Jeffery goes hunting for fairies in a thorny thicket in the local park, but he soon gets a nasty surprise when the elves find him.
The movie is called Brian

do you not see the little 'monty python's life of' they've cunningly inserted?
The Lizard of Oz:

Young girl goes to Australia to find a lizard that can make all her dreams come true but it turns out to be Tony Abbot with his mask off and he eats her!
Toy Storm

The world's toys amass as a huge army to destroy western civilization as we know it.
A Nan for All Seasons: she has raincoats and short sleeved cardies. she will never be caught out by the weather. Then one day....
Lift of Brian: a man who works as a lift operator gets mistaken for the son of God.
Mad Max: Jury Road

The eponymous road warrior finds himself called to stand with eleven men good and true to judge the case of car thief. I Think we all know which way max votes.
Sad Max

His girlfriend was killed. He's sad. He decides to go home and grieve and gets wiped out in the nuclear holocaust.
Stan Trek: The Movie

Long running tv show about a guy called Stan who's on a long journey gets given the movie treatment.
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