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Cameron launches "Big Society"

I do stuff for the church who do stuff for the community, but it doesn't count when you are guilt-tripped into it by clean-necked happy clappy fuckers with thier free food and freindly requests.
admission you don't do nowt then?
You wanna know? I do a morning a week in a day hospice in patients. I'm on the committee of a local children's charity, used to be secretary but frankly I was a bit shit (and was doing too much) :hmm: I'm also still involved with organising the local toddler group bring n buys even though my kids stopped going near on two years ago. All that proves sum total of fuck all.

Is it really Preserve? :D

btw never said volunteers were all christian right wingers. Obviously it's a spread of all different people from all political backgrounds but I'd bet you it's disproportionately religious people.
I know a religious person who gives 10% of his salary immediately to charity.

I am not sure how he selects the charity or if he leaves it up to his church.

However he is very well paid so he is left with plenty to keep the wolf from the door.
10% is the tithe you are supposed to give according to jeebus, although he does make the point that the old woman who gives her last groats quietly is better than the wealthy man who makes a show of giving.
10% is the tithe you are supposed to give according to jeebus, although he does make the point that the old woman who gives her last groats quietly is better than the wealthy man who makes a show of giving.

I am not sure I could do it, I don't feel I have enough yet to give away 10% it is still pretty hand to mouth (relatively speaking of course!).
I haven't read any of this thread yet, but I've heard the rhetoric fro Cameron. Cover for the proposed cuts in public services. The private sector will just cheery pick those that that will give them the highest returns. Charities and the voluntary sector will never be able to fill the gaps left. This is ideologically driven of course, same wine in new bottles from the tories.
the thing is that running a library as a public service is not something which can be left in the hands of well-meaning volunteers, even if it was desirable. how would they, for example, deal with enquiries about genealogy resources available locally, about interlibrary loans, queries about electronic resources, repairing books, and working with children? and museums? what knowledge would most volunteers bring to the job?

and, returning to libraries, there are a number of professional ethical issues which would imo need to be resolved before this sort of thing could be considered at all. the issue of censorship, for example, where books by fascists (or communists, for that matter) might be informally withdrawn due to volunteers' political sympathies.

They'll probably just tell people to use the free internet PC provided to look it up on Google or Wikipedia. That's what everyone else does, isn't it?

You wanna know? I do a morning a week in a day hospice in patients. I'm on the committee of a local children's charity, used to be secretary but frankly I was a bit shit (and was doing too much) :hmm: I'm also still involved with organising the local toddler group bring n buys even though my kids stopped going near on two years ago. All that proves sum total of fuck all.

I'm impressed - genuinely.
So why do you feel the need to talk bollocks about others and spout lazy assumtions about them, as you have done here? I mean - you are willing to put yourself out for other folk in real live (I just hope you don't judge who you work with in the way you do in this site...) so I guess you are a reasonable and decent caring human being in that real life so why do you feel the need to make daft generalisations about people you clearly know so little about online? Do you think the anonimity and physical distance (plus a dose of ignorance - not necessarily your fault but that still what it comes down too...) makes it a bit too easy to act like an arse towards other more 'distant' folk?

Personally, I'm tied up with trying do do far to many practical things mostly for individuals - like the old lass upstairs from me and other neighbours in an attempt to cover for all the gaps these folk are facing in the wake of the very real effects and political realities that are the result of politicians 'big ideas' (new labour/tories or a local liberal council - its all the same... basic carer coverage for example, diy, even form filling for folk to get the benefits they should get after 50 odd years working) to be able to do much in the way of 'bring and buys'. But we each do our own. That and working 70+ hours a week in an attempt to keep a roof over my parents and sisters heads (all hard working folk - ironically a working class 'tory' in the case of my sis - who have been screwed buy the economic downturn despite best efforts).

My political difference with you is I do not want my older neighbours relying merely on the 'goodwill' of others rather than a proper support system. 'Goodwill' and 'bring and buys'are simply not enough. I am happy to discuss such differences with you but if you simply resort to dumb stereotypes you will simply get them thrown back in you face.

You really should stop making lazy and ignorant comments about other folk as, I would hope, you would avoid doing in real life Edie.
Yeah well politicians are mostly a load of thieving cunts anyway. I just wanna see the day when they back the fuck off, stop taxing us to shit and leave us to sort our own stuff out. I'd fucking much rather my kids school were just given the money and left to run the school as the teachers see fit. Same with the hospitals. Just fuck off all the managers and let the doctors run it. But every time shit like this gets suggested people on the left just pop up with all this bullshit about how UNFAIR it would be, and how normal working people couldn't possibly be educated enough to run a fucking library. Turns out most of them just look after them and theirs anyway.

I'd rather rely on my neighbours than the fucking system but there you go.
I'm impressed - genuinely.
So why do you feel the need to talk bollocks about others and spout lazy assumtions about them, as you have done here? I mean - you are willing to put yourself out for other folk in real live (I just hope you don't judge who you work with in the way you do in this site...) so I guess you are a reasonable and decent caring human being in that real life so why do you feel the need to make daft generalisations about people you clearly know so little about online? Do you think the anonimity and physical distance (plus a dose of ignorance - not necessarily your fault but that still what it comes down too...) makes it a bit too easy to act like an arse towards other more 'distant' folk?

Personally, I'm tied up with trying do do far to many practical things mostly for individuals - like the old lass upstairs from me and other neighbours in an attempt to cover for all the gaps these folk are facing in the wake of the very real effects and political realities that are the result of politicians 'big ideas' (new labour/tories or a local liberal council - its all the same... basic carer coverage for example, diy, even form filling for folk to get the benefits they should get after 50 odd years working) to be able to do much in the way of 'bring and buys'. But we each do our own. That and working 70+ hours a week in an attempt to keep a roof over my parents and sisters heads (all hard working folk - ironically a working class 'tory' in the case of my sis - who have been screwed buy the economic downturn despite best efforts).

My political difference with you is I do not want my older neighbours relying merely on the 'goodwill' of others rather than a proper support system. 'Goodwill' and 'bring and buys'are simply not enough. I am happy to discuss such differences with you but if you simply resort to dumb stereotypes you will simply get them thrown back in you face.

You really should stop making lazy and ignorant comments about other folk as, I would hope, you would avoid doing in real life Edie.
why would you want doctors running a hospital? you'd think they'd be too busy doctorin'.

can't see the point of them doing all them years at dr school to sit behind a desk deciding on car park allocations & the like...
Yeah well that's admin. I'm talking about them, and teachers etc making local decisions about how money is spent, what priorities are, what standards should be. Instead, in some bid to just homogenize everything and retain power away from the place it's needed it's the government that does it.

Most of the parents in school want to be able to take their kids out of school for holidays (specially if you need to go to Pakistan or wherever). Are we allowed? Are we fuck. Ofsted have a fuckin check box about attendance. It's just bollocks. Let the parents and the school decide.
why would you want doctors running a hospital? you'd think they'd be too busy doctorin'.

can't see the point of them doing all them years at dr school to sit behind a desk deciding on car park allocations & the like...
Yeah well politicians are mostly a load of thieving cunts anyway. I just wanna see the day when they back the fuck off, stop taxing us to shit and leave us to sort our own stuff out. I'd fucking much rather my kids school were just given the money and left to run the school as the teachers see fit. Same with the hospitals. Just fuck off all the managers and let the doctors run it. But every time shit like this gets suggested people on the left just pop up with all this bullshit about how UNFAIR it would be, and how normal working people couldn't possibly be educated enough to run a fucking library. Turns out most of them just look after them and theirs anyway.

I'd rather rely on my neighbours than the fucking system but there you go.

What on earth makes you think doctors know how to manage and run a hospital ?

And as for relying on neighbours what happens if they don't want to know ?

I for one don't want people relying on other people's charity etc for essential services and you still haven't answered what happens if no one volunteers ?

oh and no,a lot of people would not be educated enough or have the skills to run a library.....give us all our tax back and let us sort our own stuff out....you can't be serious surely..........
I am serious. Why shouldn't a school just be given the money per child and left to do what the fuck it wants? Run by teachers and parents? No national curriculum, no set rules about attendance, no tests. Teachers seem to spend their lives jumping through fucking hoops to meet targets rather than actually just doing what they want to do- teach. In the way they feel is best.
What on earth makes you think doctors know how to manage and run a hospital ?

And as for relying on neighbours what happens if they don't want to know ?

I for one don't want people relying on other people's charity etc for essential services and you still haven't answered what happens if no one volunteers ?

oh and no,a lot of people would not be educated enough or have the skills to run a library.....give us all our tax back and let us sort our own stuff out....you can't be serious surely..........
I am serious. Why shouldn't a school just be given the money per child and left to do what the fuck it wants? Run by teachers and parents? No national curriculum, no set rules about attendance, no tests. Teachers seem to spend their lives jumping through fucking hoops to meet targets rather than actually just doing what they want to do- teach. In the way they feel is best.

Nice as that might sounds can you not see that might lead to some kids getting next to nothing education ? or do you actually not give a shit ?
Well I don't know what the fuck neo-liberalism is. Butchers says I'm a fucking tory wife. He's a total cunt that bloke (altho quite sexy in a fucked up way) anyway tbf to the bloke he knows his fuckin shit about politics. So if he says I'm a tory then I'm a fucking tory. Like I give a shit anyway. I just want less fuckin government and more people to actually DO shit for people around them.
Everything you're criticising 'the left' of, Edie, is actually perpetuated by the right and neo-liberalism?!
Why might it? Cos the parents don't give a shit, cos the teachers don't give a shit? Do we need to bring everything down to some base level just to cover for the chance that some people don't and wont ever care? I'd be prepared to take that risk cos I don't think people need the government to tell them how to do their jobs or look after their neighbours all the fuckin time.
Nice as that might sounds can you not see that might lead to some kids getting next to nothing education ? or do you actually not give a shit ?
Free market sounds fine to me. Let people do what they fucking want instead of trying to control it all the time.

Except it doesn't work like that. It just means instead of a semi-accountable state running affairs you have a series of unaccountable corporations running it instead. If you want to live in Tescos then knock yourself out.
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