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Cameron launches "Big Society"

Yeah those volunteers eh, what the fuck do they know.

No, we all need to be told what to do, unable to make any decisions. What a fucking load of shit. Fact is you lot don't want any fucking power cos you'd rather just moan and criticise and be victims of your situation. True democracy where people make decisions and run their own affairs would scare the shit out of you, mostly cos it would swing hard to the fucking right.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The point

It has been frequently demonstrated that when focus groups are given objective evidence and allowed to debate freely an issue they will generally recommend policies far more progressive and left-wing than any of the main parties would dare suggest. The 'debates' that you imagine take place in the public sphere are nothing more than the angriest and loudest voices being heard.
...and, I strongly suspect, the only ones that the likes of Edie are ever likely to listen to, or are even capable of hearing
They did not.

So, people who don't vote are lazy tories??? :D

Who cares? What has that got to do with anything? Oh I see, in your head anyone who doesn't vote rightwing must be in the SWP?? :D
Well if they ain't in Labour or the SWP what are these mythical lefties doing then? Posting on Internet bulletin boards about how unfair it all is and how much better they'd do and organising a revolution that no one fucking wants.

Cos actually the rest of the country and world knows that wealth, standard of living, healthcare, science and technology are much fucking higher now than they've ever been under comunism.

Do the people on your street want a revolution? Course they fucking don't just like they don't want the SWP or any real left wing Goverment.
Well if they ain't in Labour or the SWP what are these mythical lefties doing then? Posting on Internet bulletin boards about how unfair it all is and how much better they'd do and organising a revolution that no one fucking wants cos actually the rest of the country and world knows that wealth, standard of living, healthcare, science and technology are much fucking higher now than they've ever been under comunism.

Do the people on your street want a revolution? Course they fucking don't just like they don't want the SWP or any real left wing Goverment.

trade unions
Wonder why it's not being suggested that we get rid of public funding for the NHS and just have "volunteer" surgeons - I did a first aid course in 1998: I'm sure I could turn my hand to it and it's just arrogant left wingers stopping me.

On the other hand, remove public funding from my local library: ask for volunteers instead to run it - don't get enough volunteers? (perhaps because some people have - gasp - JOBS)? Simple, the people mustn't really WANT a public library, so close it down altogether.
yes Santino, so frequent are them focus groups that you can't even find a single link. Whereas I can just point to the fact that 60% of the population voted for the cons and libs and of the remaining apathetic 40%
That's not a fact, it's a fantasy, Only around half the population are actually entitled to vote, and of them only a nationwide average of about 70% voted, and only about 58% of them voted Con or Lib.
I very much doubt you can consider them all to be far left.

I mean there isn't even a left wing political party there is so little support. Fuck knows about the SWP, any normal person knows that's for students only who will grow out of it by the time they get a mortgage. Jesus Christ they seem to spend most of the time arguing with other unknown groups on the left or organising rallys against EDL (who are so fucking irrelevant even googling the letters doesn't bring up who they are or what they believe).

What would the SWP do in power then :D

Who knows, and who cares?
Well if they ain't in Labour or the SWP what are these mythical lefties doing then?
Why would anyone even vaguely left-leaning be in Labour?
And that, as they say, is the problem. There's no representative mass movement for the working classes anymore (if there ever really was and Labour wasn't just reformist appeasement).
Posting on Internet bulletin boards about how unfair it all is and how much better they'd do and organising a revolution that no one fucking wants.
What have you done for the communities you've lived in, Edie? I ask because most socialists, communists and other "lefties" I know do quite a bit for their local communities, from keeping an eye on elderly neighbours and running tenants associations to sitting on school governing boards and various local govt bodies in order to ensure representation for their community.
Cos actually the rest of the country and world knows that wealth, standard of living, healthcare, science and technology are much fucking higher now than they've ever been under comunism.
That'd be why Communist Cuba has a higher literacy rate and more doctors per head of population than the US, as well as free healthcare, wouldn't it? :D
Do the people on your street want a revolution? Course they fucking don't just like they don't want the SWP or any real left wing Goverment.
Give it a few years.
folks on mine would settle for some decent pay and not having to drive the kids to school cos of no busses.

Flash git on the other side of the road probably doesn't want a revolution but then he has been remarkably less flash and abusive to other residents since some hero sacked his home. I lolled. the cunt.
most socialists, communists and other "lefties" I know do quite a bit for their local communities, from keeping an eye on elderly neighbours and running tenants associations to sitting on school governing boards and various local govt bodies in order to ensure representation for their community.

also, this. it's the tories i know who sit around watching telly.
it's not on at the moment is it?
Why are they ready with their guns and flags right now?

Most community work I see is done by Christians and other religious people. Baptists actually, they seem to do loads. If you think community work is running a squat or throwing a free party then maybe your right.
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