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Cameron launches "Big Society"

Yeah those volunteers eh, what the fuck do they know.

No, we all need to be told what to do, unable to make any decisions. What a fucking load of shit. Fact is you lot don't want any fucking power cos you'd rather just moan and criticise and be victims of your situation.

You think that is what this is about? Rather than swinging cuts and the need for Joe Public to step in and provide free scab labour to cover the Tories arses.

True democracy where people make decisions and run their own affairs would scare the shit out of you, mostly cos it would swing hard to the fucking right.

Why would this result in a swing to the right? On what do you base this assertion? I would suspect the exact opposite tbh - were working people to have a greater say in the decision-making processes that affect their daily lives, there would be a substantial swing to the left.
Yeah those volunteers eh, what the fuck do they know.

No, we all need to be told what to do, unable to make any decisions. What a fucking load of shit. Fact is you lot don't want any fucking power cos you'd rather just moan and criticise and be victims of your situation. True democracy where people make decisions and run their own affairs would scare the shit out of you, mostly cos it would swing hard to the fucking right.

The worrying idea is this will replace any state input, so in areas without any 'volunteers' what is going to happen?
Most volunteer groups already struggle for funds and resources as it is - even if they do a great job. If a service is of value to the public and to society, then we should value it, fund it, and ensure that people are properly paid to do it and they have the resources they need to their disposal. This is not what the 'big society' is about.
Yeah those volunteers eh, what the fuck do they know.

No, we all need to be told what to do, unable to make any decisions. What a fucking load of shit. Fact is you lot don't want any fucking power cos you'd rather just moan and criticise and be victims of your situation. True democracy where people make decisions and run their own affairs would scare the shit out of you, mostly cos it would swing hard to the fucking right.

what are you on about?
Good god, Edie can you really not see what this 'Big Society' bollocks is about? It's not about being all nice and giving us democracy and greater say in our lives it's about fooling people (people like you by the looks of it) on the extent of the cuts they want to make. It's laying the ground work for privatisation of the majority of the public services all of us will depend on at some point or another. I suppose you're one of those people who think 'oh these cuts need to happen' whilst being completely ignorant of the fact that these cuts are being forced upon innocent people to settle gambling debts that are nothing to do with them, all the while banks are in massive profit again and paying huge bonuses. Why aren't they paying it back? Because they're thieves, simple as, and you're supporting them.
Why would this result in a swing to the right? On what do you base this assertion? I would suspect the exact opposite tbh - were working people to have a greater say in the decision-making processes that affect their daily lives, there would be a substantial swing to the left.
yeah course it would. Capital punishment, a ban on immigration and major tax cuts are all left wing ideas ain't they. Fact is that the people of this country haven't voted in a left wing government in my lifetime.
yeah course it would. Capital punishment, a ban on immigration and major tax cuts are all left wing ideas ain't they. Fact is that the people of this country haven't voted in a left wing government in my lifetime.

They haven't had a great say in the decision-making processes that affect their daily lives in your lifetime though, have they?

I also don't recall any referendums on capital punishment or immigration - just a number of essentially meaningless surveys. And working class people aren't generally in favour of 'major tax cuts' either, not when it is a straight choice between tax cuts or public services anyway.

I think you are talking a lot of shit.
capital punishment was abolished in a free vote, 200 to 98. Capital punishment is not left/right tbf.


loads of people would disagree but it's true.
yeah course it would. Capital punishment, a ban on immigration and major tax cuts are all left wing ideas ain't they. Fact is that the people of this country haven't voted in a left wing government in my lifetime.

most people would vote to nationalise the railways, water and the banks. Most people would oppose privatisation.

most people - if they were allowed a real debate on the real issues - not one led my the millionaries tax fraudsters who own and control our so-called "free" press - would be torn over the "issues" and would draw sensible conclusions. They would also begin to ask is 'capital punishment' and 'immigration' are the central issues ordinary people face.

but fuck it ... you stick to swallowing any old shite boss politicians tell you - just keep doffing your cap.
This reminds me of something I read somewhere, about when a Tory MP during the 1980s asked a bemused bus driver if he actually owned the vehicle he was driving.
most people would vote to nationalise the railways, water and the banks. Most people would oppose privatisation.

most people - if they were allowed a real debate on the real issues - not one led my the millionaries tax fraudsters who own and control our so-called "free" press - would be torn over the "issues" and would draw sensible conclusions. They would also begin to ask is 'capital punishment' and 'immigration' are the central issues ordinary people face.

but fuck it ... you stick to swallowing any old shite boss politicians tell you - just keep doffing your cap.
Yeah typical intellectual left wing arrogance. Think you know more than all the people who vote, who express views on the majority of websites or chat shows on the tele, who buy daily newspapers. Not just think you know better, but actually think you know what they would REALLY think if only they were as educated and knowledgeable as you :D
Yeah typical intellectual left wing arrogance. Think you know more than all the people who vote, who express views on the majority of websites or chat shows on the tele, who buy daily newspapers. Not just think you know better, but actually think you know what they would REALLY think if only they were as educated and knowledgeable as you :D

It has been frequently demonstrated that when focus groups are given objective evidence and allowed to debate freely an issue they will generally recommend policies far more progressive and left-wing than any of the main parties would dare suggest. The 'debates' that you imagine take place in the public sphere are nothing more than the angriest and loudest voices being heard.
Yeah typical intellectual left wing arrogance. Think you know more than all the people who vote, who express views on the majority of websites or chat shows on the tele, who buy daily newspapers. Not just think you know better, but actually think you know what they would REALLY think if only they were as educated and knowledgeable as you :D

you're making yourself look like an idiot
It has been frequently demonstrated that when focus groups are given objective evidence and allowed to debate freely an issue they will generally recommend policies far more progressive and left-wing than any of the main parties would dare suggest. The 'debates' that you imagine take place in the public sphere are nothing more than the angriest and loudest voices being heard.

Interesting - about the focus group thing, I mean. Got a reference for that?
Yeah typical intellectual left wing arrogance. Think you know more than all the people who vote, who express views on the majority of websites or chat shows on the tele, who buy daily newspapers. Not just think you know better, but actually think you know what they would REALLY think if only they were as educated and knowledgeable as you :D

Is that the limit of your ability to argue your point? I am - apparently 'an intellectual' who is 'arrogant'. You are a bit dense arn't you?

I've probably got a bit of a chip on my own shoulder about over educated fecks I guess - I don't need to wear it on my sleeve the way you do though. I certainly don't need to project my idiocy into others. For a genuine example of arrogance you should look in a mirror "love". :)
It has been frequently demonstrated that when focus groups are given objective evidence and allowed to debate freely an issue they will generally recommend policies far more progressive and left-wing than any of the main parties would dare suggest. The 'debates' that you imagine take place in the public sphere are nothing more than the angriest and loudest voices being heard.

The arsehole thinks 'jeremy kyle' is 'popular opinion' and anything else is 'intellectual arrogance'...
Yeah typical intellectual left wing arrogance. Think you know more than all the people who vote, who express views on the majority of websites or chat shows on the tele, who buy daily newspapers. Not just think you know better, but actually think you know what they would REALLY think if only they were as educated and knowledgeable as you :D

Yes and you're demonstrating classic tory arrogance "everyone thinks like me". Actually, they don't. About 40% of the population don't vote at all, is that because between UKIP, the BNP, English democrats, tories and libdems and labour there aren't enough right wing options? :D
Oh, it's because they're lazy and stupid, isn't it?
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