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Butterflies and moths

Buddleia has finally flowered, but not seen many butterflies this year (although my nettle patch has some leaves munched)
It had a few bumble bees on it ... hoping the butterflies find it soon.

In some decent weather a few days ago, I had a small copper land very briefly on my arm as I was sitting soaking up some sun.
No pic as it was only a brief visit and no camera to hand ...

Had a lacewing visit a few nights ago - the antennas are nearly as long as the body ! spotted whilst moth watching - we had a yellow underwing visiting the next window along ...
They were both difficult to photograph !
Buddleia has finally flowered, but not seen many butterflies this year (although my nettle patch has some leaves munched)
It had a few bumble bees on it ... hoping the butterflies find it soon.

In some decent weather a few days ago, I had a small copper land very briefly on my arm as I was sitting soaking up some sun.
No pic as it was only a brief visit and no camera to hand ...

Had a lacewing visit a few nights ago - the antennas are nearly as long as the body ! spotted whilst moth watching - we had a yellow underwing visiting the next window along ...
They were both difficult to photograph !
The buddleias do seem a little late this year so perhaps the timings for the life-cycles of some butterflies haven't quite matched up. However, I have seen a few Red Admiral's in the front garden so perhaps they've been visiting the buddleias when I haven't been looking.
Not a butterfly or moth but, I just recently had the prettiest dragonfly type insect sit on my hand and then on the dog’s back for a minute or two. It had a metallic dark blue body and densely coloured midnight blue wings. I looked it up and think it was a Beautiful Demoiselle.
all the hawkmoths have huge larvae - I have heaps of poplar hawkmoths about the place, and also blue underwings (which look like a large grey cigar). Might have another mothing night if I can get my lamps to work. Loads of fun pasting wine and molasses on ropes, tree trunks and fenceposts. Finding a heap of moths, idling around on egg boxes in the traps is a delight on an autumn morning. Good to do with kids, especially hanging white sheets , backlit with torches. Hmmm, getting quite excited now.

I am helping a friend create a moongarden for nocturnal pollinators.
Anyone know what this is please?

Anyone know what this is please?

I remember finding one of those years ago and looking it up.

Can't remember now the name of it now, but it might come back to me...

...ETA if it's the same as mine, it's a vapourer moth caterpillar
Those hairs are very likely to cause "irritation" as well !

obv a case of look & admire, but keep yer mitts orf ...
Mint moth [Pyrausta aurata]

Now I've looked it up I reckon it's an Angle Shades moth. It joined me for some gardening, and didn't want to leave the leaf I was trying to weed out. Had to pick the leaf and carry it elsewhere. It was very unbothered.
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