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Butterflies and moths

I found this last year.
Unfortunately by the time I returned after realising I should try to attach it to a lime tree, it had got blown away or eaten ...

You were almost in MY territory there!
Oh, right.

Well, could you tell of your farmer neighbours to look after the footpaths a bit better...some were stingy, brambly hell-holes and the ones over by Chelsham Court were just covered with shoulder high rape-seed. :mad:
Oh, right.

Well, could you tell of your farmer neighbours to look after the footpaths a bit better...some were stingy, brambly hell-holes and the ones over by Chelsham Court were just covered with shoulder high rape-seed. :mad:
I haven't been out that way for a month or so but even then the cow parsley and nettles were making it difficult down some of the paths. It's the same closer to me and to the south as everything's put on a growth spurt. I got attacked by the nettles on my cycle ride back from Godstone last Sunday.

I've not seen anything much in the way of butterflies, moths or even beetles so far this year.
most disappointed !

However, I did see a Rutpela maculata today. First time for one of those.
On the old airport downs there've been loads, along with the small heaths, meadow browns and ringlets. Great to see so many on every walk.
There have been a fair few different ones on the chalk hillside behind me but they never stay still long enough for me to photograph them.
Leafster - I would say that's a Silver-washed Fritillary [Argynnis paphia]
I sent the photo to our Butterfly Conservation county recorder and he agrees with you! He says it's a worn female silver-washed Fritillary.

He did say it's very difficult to tell them apart from the markings on the upper-side of the wings and that the under-sides give a better indication.

I'll know to try to take photos of the under-sides too next time!
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