Orang Utan
Psychick Worrier Ov Geyoor
Had a Bleacker Burger this past weekend. Best burger I've ever eaten.
Yeah, they're not bad but do you really think they are better than Honest?
Anyone tried that yet? Right off the bat I'm somewhat suspicious...
The Big Driller £10.50 - A double decker, full pounder covered with back bacon, cheese and Texas gold BBQ sauce
One of my New Years Resolutions was to stop buying meat for 2 months. This means that I cook and eat it at work and if somebody else does for me, but on my 7 days of I'm following a mostly vegetarian diet. I'm feeling pretty good for it tbf.
Except tonight I will be eating epic burgers at Lone Star as its a present to some friends of mine from last year which we never got round to. I'm not sure if it's going to be awesome to eat that much meat or it's just going to make me feel ill.
I normally go for this.
An important analysis of the Manchester Burger Scene 2015