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Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Nearly as bad as Badgers
As suggested by Glitter, a thread for discussing Buffy.Prompted by my need to tell someone (on the wholly inappropriate Up the duff thread) that I will never forgive Joss Whedon for killing Anya. Never ever :mad:

I know it was a battle on the hell mouth and some important characters had to die to make it believable (y'know, considering :D), but I vote Dawn and/or Principal Wood. Anyone who suggests Faith is going on ignore.
Dawn should definitely have gone, considering that Riley was simply too annoying to bring back for yet another round of excruciating wooden pauses

Principal Wood, good call as well considering his moronic one dimensional vengeance schtick. Deserves to die anyway for sleeping with Faith and then being all blase about it :mad:
I liked Buffy, but not sure I can discuss it. It is so long ago. I still have the DVD box sets, but never got round to re watching it all. Just a few favourite episodes here and there.

One thing about the series, I nnever much liked Buffy herself, probably because of SMG. Willow was always the star of the series for me.
I liked Buffy, but not sure I can discuss it. It is so long ago. I still have the DVD box sets, but never got round to re watching it all. Just a few favourite episodes here and there.

One thing about the series, I nnever much liked Buffy herself, probably because of SMG. Willow was always the star of the series for me.
Buffy herself lost me a little but I warmed to her again over the last three seasons or so. Thought the loneliness of her position and the suffering she went through was very well portrayed. The way in which the series, stories, writers, actors and characters all matured over seven seasons was quite wonderful :)
Every man with whom I've ever discussed it had the hots for willow in every incarnation.

I had a thing for Spike which even I know is a bit weird
Oh, apart from the musical episode that I am happy to watch on a loop.

Buffy herself lost me a little but I warmed to her again over the last three seasons or so. Thought the loneliness of her position and the suffering she went through was very well portrayed. The way in which the series, stories, writers, actors and characters all matured over seven seasons was quite wonderful :)
I liked her once she'd died, then got over the fact she'd died and boned Spike a bit.
I like bad Willow and regular Willow when they're together in the same room. eta: I'm thinking Doppelgänger Willow. Junkie Willow is :cool: but there's less language-tastic puns when she's bad.

Also, yes to Spike. Not at all weird Manter.
One thing about the series, I nnever much liked Buffy herself, probably because of SMG. Willow was always the star of the series for me.

I'm not even sure you're supposed to like Buffy. Good superhero characters aren't likeable, because nobody in their position would be.
Every man with whom I've ever discussed it had the hots for willow in every incarnation.

I had a thing for Spike which even I know is a bit weird
Spike comes the closest to me having the hots for anybody on that show as well.
Actually, even Spike got interesting as time went by - to the point where I got all cross at Xander in particular for his knee-jerk anti Spike stuff. The revelations in the final season about Spike's siring etc were actually heart breaking
It was alright. I don't know why people still go mad over it today though.

I liked Giles and kind of wanted to be him when I grew up
One reason I didn't get into Buffy initially was that season 1 wasn't very good for the most part. Like most Whedon shows it took a season to find it's feet and season 2 was a massive improvement. For me seasons 2 to 5 are the best. I thought they introduced Dark Willow far too late in season 6, she should have been the big bad from much earlier on and they only took a few episodes to wrap that one up.
Redoing series 5 on netflix. My fave series, even though you had to watch the, slowly, painfully, embarrassingly write Riley out the script over about 10 episodes. Why they couldn't have just killed him (painfully) I don't know. Glory was an ace main villain.
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