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Brunei brings in death by stoning as punishment for gay sex


Barbaric filthy scum. Britain should cut all ties with this backward bunch of cunts and all businesses should be forced to stop dealing with them.

Yeah, right. Like business will give a fuck.
Brunei is to begin imposing death by stoning as a punishment for gay sex and adultery from next week, as part of the country’s highly criticised implementation of sharia law.

From 3 April, individuals in the tiny southeast Asian kingdom will be subject to a draconian new penal code, which also includes the amputation of a hand and a foot for the crime of theft. The capital punishments are to be “witnessed by a group of Muslims.”

Brunei, which has adopted a more conservative form of Islam in recent years, first announced back in 2014 its intention to introduce sharia law, the Islamic legal system which imposes strict corporal punishments. It was a directive of the Sultan of Brunei, who is one of the world’s richest leaders with a personal wealth of about $20bn and has held the throne since 1967.

Alcohol is already banned in Brunei and there are fines and jail sentences for having children out of wedlock and failing to pray on a Friday. However, a heavy international backlash against Brunei imposing some of the more brutal sharia punishments has slowed their full implementation over the past five years.

Brunei was a British colony until 1984 and the two countries still enjoy strong ties. Homosexuality had been illegal in Brunei since British colonial rule but under the new laws it is now punishable by death rather than prison, which will also apply to sodomy, adultery and rape.

The announcement that sharia law is to be rolled out from next week, specifically targeting the gay community, was met with horror by human rights groups. Amnesty International urged Brunei to “immediately halt” implementing the new penalties, which they said were “deeply flawed”.

Brunei brings in death by stoning as punishment for gay sex
Barbaric filthy scum. Britain should cut all ties with this backward bunch of cunts and all businesses should be forced to stop dealing with them.

Yeah, right. Like business will give a fuck.

Brunei brings in death by stoning as punishment for gay sex
to be fair i don't suppose all bruneians are backward or ignorant, perhaps we could concentrate our ire on the sultan and his advisors rather than tarring them all as a backward bunch of cunts.
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Yeah, right. Like business will give a fuck.

Despicable behaviour.

Back in 2014 there was a very effective campaign to boycott his business interests, such as Dorchester Collection hotels. For a while these places were deserted, their main clientele are fashion and media people. However as time has rolled on people have started creeping back, we always remind everyone who asks us to book a room at one of these hotels about the boycott. There is also the flip side, that if the sultan lost all the hotels it wouldn't hurt him in the slightest, but the boycott has hurt many workers.

This is an odd bit at the end of the article:

The sharia law would apply only to Muslims, who make up about two-thirds of the population.

What's the punishment for renouncing your faith in Brunei?
I'm obviously talking about the people in power who are bringing in this backward neanderthal law.
backward, perhaps, but neanderthal? didn't our ancestors do to death all the neanderthals in broadly the same way the sultan of brunei is proposing to deal with homosexuals, adulterers and rapists?
This of course is Islam, the religion of peace as they keep telling me. How the fuck anyone with two brain cells can think that Islam is a force for good escapes me.

Yeah, because history books are full to the brim of mild mannered christians who never hurt a soul :rolleyes:

Christianity's history drips with blood. Utterly dreadful and barbaric things were done in the name of God.

The difference is that Christianity has eschewed the Old Testament in favour of the New. Christianity has moved on, Islam has not.

Sharia Law has of course fuck all to do with religious belief, it is in place to support the misogynistic patrimony which is endemic in that society. It is about command and control.

How do you feel about women being 'half a person' with regard to legal testimony, or rape only being rape if witnessed by four people.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible if you have the slightest care about women being treated as equal human beings.
Christianity's history drips with blood. Utterly dreadful and barbaric things were done in the name of God.

The difference is that Christianity has eschewed the Old Testament in favour of the new. Christianity has moved on, Islam has not.
the new testament's nearly as auld as the auld testament tho, islam was a step beyond either
Christianity's history drips with blood. Utterly dreadful and barbaric things were done in the name of God.

The difference is that Christianity has eschewed the Old Testament in favour of the New. Christianity has moved on, Islam has not.

Sharia Law has of course fuck all to do with religious belief, it is in place to support the misogynistic patrimony which is endemic in that society. It is about command and control.

How do you feel about women being 'half a person' with regard to legal testimony, or rape only being rape if witnessed by four people.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible if you have the slightest care about women being treated as equal human beings.

The Christian right in the US don't seem to care for women's rights (abortion, etc) and see how sex pests like religious Roy Moore gets so much backing. Not to mention Mike Pence and his motley crew who don't like LGBT folk one bit. Off the top of my head, Uganda (a mostly Christian country) doesn't treat gay people terribly well, either. Wasn't there an attempt to bring in the death penalty some years back?
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