Rewild Brockwell North
Anyone know anything more about the details of this project? It has just had funding confirmed by Mayor of London as part of Rewild London grants, but has been overlooked in most news stories in favour of the reintroduction of beavers in Ealing!
UPDATED: A press release is now appearing on the Love Lambeth news feed
Rewilding for conservation in Brockwell Park
What do they mean by "Brixton Hill side"? The only space where I can think of where there might be seven hectares not used for sport, events or ornamental gardens is the stretch behind the Tulse Hill houses heading towards Brixton Water Lane gate. The total area of the park is apparently 50.8 hectares.
[ETA: Sorry, this should probably be in the Brockwell Park news, festival updates and more... thread - please move if that makes more sense]
It will be this bit won't it - between the BMX track and the Water Lane entrance. Its a bit meadow-y now so I guess the idea is more wildflowers etc