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Is there any info about revenue streams post restoration. I would have expected nearly all the income would have been from the conference/wedding space in the stables, which they have apparently ditched. I know that there was some concern its use might clash with expanding the use of the park as a mega events venue.
"The Hall will be hired out to help pay back the investment. Total income from wedding hire is expected to rise from £57,000 in year 1 of the project to £171,500 by year 5. The Council predicts that venue hire in total rises to £248,000 by year 5. Council officers are expecting income from all sources will grow to £382,400 by year 5."

From June 2021
"The Hall will be hired out to help pay back the investment. Total income from wedding hire is expected to rise from £57,000 in year 1 of the project to £171,500 by year 5. The Council predicts that venue hire in total rises to £248,000 by year 5. Council officers are expecting income from all sources will grow to £382,400 by year 5."

From June 2021
That's 250K they'll presumably make up by putting on more security fenced mega events.
"Urinating and defecating in residents’ gardens living close to the event are also mentioned as objections in the report."

I find it amusing and puzzling at the same time how, every time there is a big hoo-haa about a day festival in an urban park, there are multiple reports of 'revellers' going for a shit in nearby gardens. I've never seen anyone do that, has anyone else? The odd rogue pisser i can completely believe, but do people actually come out of a festival (which has hundreds of toilets dotted around), suddenly have an urge to drop their pants, and curl out a shite, making sure to specifically hunt out and do it in someones garden? Even though there are toilets outside the festival perimeters too? Do these people get humans confused with foxes or are they just chatting absolute nonsense because they are NIMBYS?
"Urinating and defecating in residents’ gardens living close to the event are also mentioned as objections in the report."

I find it amusing and puzzling at the same time how, every time there is a big hoo-haa about a day festival in an urban park, there are multiple reports of 'revellers' going for a shit in nearby gardens. I've never seen anyone do that, has anyone else? The odd rogue pisser i can completely believe, but do people actually come out of a festival (which has hundreds of toilets dotted around), suddenly have an urge to drop their pants, and curl out a shite, making sure to specifically hunt out and do it in someones garden? Even though there are toilets outside the festival perimeters too? Do these people get humans confused with foxes or are they just chatting absolute nonsense because they are NIMBYS?
I guess it can happen - particularly urinating - but the way the festival was set up last year there was no real opportunity as routes out are fenced off and stewards directing right to train station & bus stops. Seems an overblown nimby argument tbh.
"Urinating and defecating in residents’ gardens living close to the event are also mentioned as objections in the report."

I find it amusing and puzzling at the same time how, every time there is a big hoo-haa about a day festival in an urban park, there are multiple reports of 'revellers' going for a shit in nearby gardens. I've never seen anyone do that, has anyone else? The odd rogue pisser i can completely believe, but do people actually come out of a festival (which has hundreds of toilets dotted around), suddenly have an urge to drop their pants, and curl out a shite, making sure to specifically hunt out and do it in someones garden? Even though there are toilets outside the festival perimeters too? Do these people get humans confused with foxes or are they just chatting absolute nonsense because they are NIMBYS?
I've seen it happen once by Clapham Common. It wasn't a fenced festival, but there was some sort of event going on. A young woman, with a friend to keep watch, went into one of the gardens by the Common and had a shit. She wasn't particularly secretive about it.
I've seen it happen once by Clapham Common. It wasn't a fenced festival, but there was some sort of event going on. A young woman, with a friend to keep watch, went into one of the gardens by the Common and had a shit. She wasn't particularly secretive about it.
how did you know she was having a shit? Did you time the act and decide that it had to be a number 2, or did you go and check the mucky aftermath?
Is there any info about revenue streams post restoration. I would have expected nearly all the income would have been from the conference/wedding space in the stables, which they have apparently ditched. I know that there was some concern its use might clash with expanding the use of the park as a mega events venue.
The stables were going to be new public toilets and offices. The wedding/event space is in the mostly roofed-over courtyard between the stables and the house.


I don't know what this means for the toilets now. Are they really going to be left in their current state? :(
"Urinating and defecating in residents’ gardens living close to the event are also mentioned as objections in the report."

I find it amusing and puzzling at the same time how, every time there is a big hoo-haa about a day festival in an urban park, there are multiple reports of 'revellers' going for a shit in nearby gardens. I've never seen anyone do that, has anyone else? The odd rogue pisser i can completely believe, but do people actually come out of a festival (which has hundreds of toilets dotted around), suddenly have an urge to drop their pants, and curl out a shite, making sure to specifically hunt out and do it in someones garden? Even though there are toilets outside the festival perimeters too? Do these people get humans confused with foxes or are they just chatting absolute nonsense because they are NIMBYS?
So you think they're just party poo-pers?
So you think they're just party poo-pers?
I think that the more they say 'revellers' shit in their gardens the less people and authorities take it seriously. If they really want to stop a music festival from happening near their home, they ought to think of something a bit more original and believable.
I've had someone shit on my drive during one of these events - I didn't get to check their ticket so could not be sure it was an attendee. Possibly an unlucky coincidence? But I definitely caught lots more pissing on CCTV. Not that this doesn't happen once in a blue moon but never several in a day. The thing that gets me is that there is a grassy areas with big bushes immediately opposite on the other side of the very quiet road - why choose instead to piss on someone's home?

The event organisers had provided a number to call for clean up operations but no one showed up.

It's not very nice. But no one died. (Although judging by the stool, its contributor may not have survived for long afterwards).

My beef with the music events is closing off such a large chunk of the park for long periods and the fact that Lambeth recently removed any limits on the number of major events (40K+ attendees).
If Lambeth said that part of the benefits in hosting all these events was the restoration of the free fireworks event in Brockwell, that would go a long way to build support
Nope. There are way more important things they could spend it on.


Lambeth ( and most councils ) have been fucked by central government funding cuts to over the last 12 years, the tories must love it when lefties bash labour councils for doing things to raise cash.

“Lambeth has been making huge savings since the Coalition Government came to power in 2010 and imposed a 50% cut in our core funding. To balance the books, between 2010 and 2018 we’ll have had to make savings of more than £200 million.“
I used to be annoyed about the park being a no go area for weeks on end, but now that’s it’s unbearable 365 days a year (braying joggers, mass workout groups, pro dog walkers, roadmen, electric scooters) I don’t ever go and my life is much improved.
I used to be annoyed about the park being a no go area for weeks on end, but now that’s it’s unbearable 365 days a year (braying joggers, mass workout groups, pro dog walkers, roadmen, electric scooters) I don’t ever go and my life is much improved.
Braying joggers? :D

It's definitely much busier than it ever was. When the park was part of my regular running routes in my 20s /30s I'd often not see another runner. I could run around braying to my heart's content without disturbing a soul. These days it is rammajammed. Although I'd rather it were beautifully peaceful, it can only be a good thing if people are getting to enjoy the park as a green space.

In my view that additional demand only adds to the argument that, more than ever, turning closing large chunks as an events venue isn't appropriate.

Lambeth ( and most councils ) have been fucked by central government funding cuts to over the last 12 years, the tories must love it when lefties bash labour councils for doing things to raise cash.

“Lambeth has been making huge savings since the Coalition Government came to power in 2010 and imposed a 50% cut in our core funding. To balance the books, between 2010 and 2018 we’ll have had to make savings of more than £200 million.“

"lefties bash Councils"

I'm not sure sure those who have been criticising Lambeth for turning over the park to a lot of events here are all left of this particular Labour Council.

Secondly I get this every now and again over the Brixton Rec. Complaining about lack of maintenance and get the hand wringing its so difficult line.

In the end the problems of Labour Councils or this Tory government are not my problem.

Ordinary people should be able to put genuine issues on the table and complain about poor services. Without being guilt tripped by the powers that be.

Wanting a public space like a park to be open to all seems to be a laudable aim. And an inclusive one. As parks are mainly free in London. The level of events in Brockwell park is , from what users of park say, hampering this inclusive use.
"lefties bash Councils"

I'm not sure sure those who have been criticising Lambeth for turning over the park to a lot of events here are all left of this particular Labour Council.

Secondly I get this every now and again over the Brixton Rec. Complaining about lack of maintenance and get the hand wringing its so difficult line.

In the end the problems of Labour Councils or this Tory government are not my problem.

Ordinary people should be able to put genuine issues on the table and complain about poor services. Without being guilt tripped by the powers that be.

Wanting a public space like a park to be open to all seems to be a laudable aim. And an inclusive one. As parks are mainly free in London. The level of events in Brockwell park is , from what users of park say, hampering this inclusive use.
I think much is made of closing part of the park - it doesn’t take away any facilities except one football pitch and is the least interesting part of the park imo. Plenty still open. Think people that live close to the park and it frequently should be a bit more appreciative that they get to use it so much. Plenty in London do not have such a luxury.
I think much is made of closing part of the park - it doesn’t take away any facilities except one football pitch and is the least interesting part of the park imo. Plenty still open. Think people that live close to the park and it frequently should be a bit more appreciative that they get to use it so much. Plenty in London do not have such a luxury.
It's a massive disruption. Footpaths are closed. Toilets are locked. The fencing clutter is there for weeks.

The commercialisation of parks is a betrayal of the basic trust people have in the local authority.
It's a massive disruption. Footpaths are closed. Toilets are locked. The fencing clutter is there for weeks.

The commercialisation of parks is a betrayal of the basic trust people have in the local authority.
Plenty in Lambeth don’t have such easy access to parks - think those living close take the privilege too much for granted and through their toys out of the pram for some slight inconvenience that brings in money to the council and host amazing line ups. Much better to work with the council on how these can be hosted reasonably rather than just opposing the very idea of it.
Plenty in Lambeth don’t have such easy access to parks - think those living close take the privilege too much for granted and through their toys out of the pram for some slight inconvenience that brings in money to the council and host amazing line ups. Much better to work with the council on how these can be hosted reasonably rather than just opposing the very idea of it.
What about the people who live on the edge of the park? It's not just well off Herne Hillians, Cressingham residents get all the disruption for weeks.
I don't think saying people should be grateful they have a park is a very compelling argument. It's never good to bring it down to the lowest common denominator.
I would feel happier knowing what that money was ringfenced for. And let's remember that previously the council gave the business side a very generous offer, proper management with transparency is also essential.
Another thing. I also remember the park being used for free events back in the 80s. A different era I know. Its the increasing monetization of public space that I find concerning. Walling off public space for income generating events. Its almost become accepted as a given. And if you arent happy with it your a "nimby", middle class or "leftie".
What is this 'lefties' in inverted commas thing. Are we trying to pretend that Labour are left so if you criticise them you're not real left? That concern over the protection of public resources is not left? I'm lost on this one.
I think much is made of closing part of the park - it doesn’t take away any facilities except one football pitch and is the least interesting part of the park imo. Plenty still open. Think people that live close to the park and it frequently should be a bit more appreciative that they get to use it so much. Plenty in London do not have such a luxury.
Agreed, there is still plenty of park to use if people so wish. If the sight of a fence and happy people on the way to a festival in the other half of the park is that traumatising, perhaps it might be an idea to mix things up a bit for a few days and go to Clapham Common to walk the dog.
Rewild Brockwell North

Anyone know anything more about the details of this project? It has just had funding confirmed by Mayor of London as part of Rewild London grants, but has been overlooked in most news stories in favour of the reintroduction of beavers in Ealing!
Brockwell Park is a popular open space in London Borough of Lambeth where leisure areas are juxtaposed with habitat including, veteran trees, meadows, and ponds. Improvements will connect habitats across the north side of the park in response to research detailed in the Ecological Planning for Brockwell Park report. This will include creating a new wildflower and grass meadow with banks and rain ponds, planting a belt of trees and native shrubs including a native hedge and damp woodland and trial improvements to the lake margins. Volunteers will be invited to help with tree planting, and to learn from experts in an annual wildlife monitoring programme.

UPDATED: A press release is now appearing on the Love Lambeth news feed

Rewilding for conservation in Brockwell Park

Lambeth Council has successfully bid for almost £37,000 grant funding from the Mayor of London to boost Brockwell Park’s role as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC).

From late summer to next spring, the Rewilding Brockwell project will improve biodiversity in a seven-hectare area in the north-west of the park (Brixton Hill side)

What do they mean by "Brixton Hill side"? The only space where I can think of where there might be seven hectares not used for sport, events or ornamental gardens is the stretch behind the Tulse Hill houses heading towards Brixton Water Lane gate. The total area of the park is apparently 50.8 hectares.

[ETA: Sorry, this should probably be in the Brockwell Park news, festival updates and more... thread - please move if that makes more sense]
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