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Here's the thing though - Lambeth Council don't monitor their trees (either in parks or elsewhere) very well, so there's a public safety issue throughout the borough regarding unsafe trees. The big cedar on Tulse Hill only getting inspected - and felled - after it had shed branches onto the road being the most local example to me. Lambeth are big on "too little, too late". Just on my estate alone we have four trees undermining homes, but will Lambeth authorise root-pruning? Will they fuck!

It's also not the best time of year to work on trees, as I'm sure "Lambeth Landscapes" are aware. Doing so taking commercial matters into consideration, is pretty pathetic.

BTW, branch-fall casualties are more common than people think. Kew Gardens put out an advisory about 10 yrs ago, after a death there (female tourist). They attributed the increased frequency to changing weather patterns, & increasing cycles of heavy sunshine combined with very heavy rainfall. Apparently this "shocks" some trees into shedding their larger branches, so it's not only disease that's a problem.
What’s root pruning?
If Lambeth are planting significantly more trees than they are cutting down, isn’t that enough ?

No, it's NOT enough, because they don't look after the trees once they're planted. They get more than 50% die-off - in some cases >75% - purely because they don't bother - or their contractor doesn't bother - watering the saplings regularly (if at all). The saplings in residential roads that flourish, tend to be the ones that residents care for/adopt.
I note that the ‘save the trees’ whatsapp has turned into the ‘ban the festivals’ whatsapp.

Where are the festivals supposed to go?

Why is nimbyism the defining feature of english politics?
Because "local democracy" is a joke in any local authority governed thru a cabinet system (that's most of them). When people can't rely on local democracy for democratic, publicly-informed decision-making, then "interest groups" come to the fore.
The festivals were always the at the crux of the extreme NIMBYism, the cutting down of diseased trees (which Friends of Brockwell Park have inspected have broadly agreed with) presented an ideal opportunity for them to bombard social media with environmental vandalism messages to gain more support for their cause. Festivals upsetting nesting birds etc. Its a new angle they have used this year, 2024's version of 'revellers come to urinate and defecate all over my front door on a regular basis' which seems to have gone out of fashion, for now.
Admit it. You're jealous as fuck that no-one wants to traipse all the way to your doorstep to have a pony on it, you sad, envious bastard! :p
Yes - it’s slightly less than one third of the park that’s inside the fence. The Red Line for Brockwell Park events was set in 2021 and remains the same this year. Perhaps the building works at the Hall make
It feel larger when approached from some directions?

I find that Guardian article slightly misleading. All the facilities remain open as usual, but it implies otherwise. I live on the Tulse Hill side of the park, which continues just as usual.

I quite like the energy the festivals bring and don’t even mind the noise (which is LOUD at our place). Still never been able to secure a residents’ ticket though…
I had someone insisting to me last week - citing as his authority, the utterly pointless James Rowan Chatterton Dickson - that "less than 20%" of the park is enclosed by Ye Greate Walle of Brockwelle. They found my reply of "what the fuck have you been sniffing?" offensive, for some reason! 🤷‍♂️
I have noticed in the article and on social media the anti festival brigade are not shy to state misleading claims about the events, whereas those in favour or ambivalent generally stick to the facts or are at least more reasonable in their assessments/debates.
Very much getting a "people on my side are more reasonable than people on your side" vibe from your posts!
No, it's NOT enough, because they don't look after the trees once they're planted. They get more than 50% die-off - in some cases >75% - purely because they don't bother - or their contractor doesn't bother - watering the saplings regularly (if at all). The saplings in residential roads that flourish, tend to be the ones that residents care for/adopt.

And why do you think Lambeth may be not spending much on the labour heavy aspects of planting trees ?
Don't be ridiculous. If the noise of music and people enjoying themselves in a city a couple of weekends a year in the summer is 'hell' to you, then you've got it fucking easy.
You are very aggressive, and I am not being ridiculous. We could only hear the thumping bass noise, like a hammer in our heads, for 3 days. No music, only noise. It was HELL. You do not know me. Do not say that I've 'got it fucking easy'.
I had someone insisting to me last week - citing as his authority, the utterly pointless James Rowan Chatterton Dickson - that "less than 20%" of the park is enclosed by Ye Greate Walle of Brockwelle. They found my reply of "what the fuck have you been sniffing?" offensive, for some reason! 🤷‍♂️
This utterly pointless James Rowan Chatterton Dickson is the sort of thing we should strongly aim to get rid of.
You are very aggressive, and I am not being ridiculous. We could only hear the thumping bass noise, like a hammer in our heads, for 3 days. No music, only noise. It was HELL. You do not know me. Do not say that I've 'got it fucking easy'.
Well buckle up because you’ve got this weekend and next to enjoy. A lot of festival attendees have been complaining it was too quiet.
You are very aggressive, and I am not being ridiculous. We could only hear the thumping bass noise, like a hammer in our heads, for 3 days. No music, only noise. It was HELL. You do not know me. Do not say that I've 'got it fucking easy'.
I find this interesting because, although i cant speak for the other 3 days, last Saturday I was at the front of the main dance tent, could hear people talking over the music and there was no bass. I even moved around to find a sweet spot, including directly beside the speaker stack, but nothing. Unless Brockwell Live left a bass bin somewhere in Herne Hill and amplified a hammer noise outside your home, I think it's fair to say you are grossly exaggerating.

I can imagine 'HELL' to be stuck in the steelworks of Mariupol, some background noise from a music festival ending at 10.30pm? Nah mate, give your head wobble.
I note that the ‘save the trees’ whatsapp has turned into the ‘ban the festivals’ whatsapp.
Where are the festivals supposed to go?
Why is nimbyism the defining feature of english politics?
I think its a certain class value system, private space infinitely more important than communal space, and also a thing possibly originating from the church? certainly upper classes where silence is golden at all times
“Where are the festivals meant to go” LOL. as if there MUST be expensive ticketed festivals in various parks across London on any given weekend.

Reading this thread it seems that the people who went didn’t like it (too quiet, too expensive, too muddy) and the people who didn’t go didn’t like it (too noisy, ruined the park, bad parking). I am starting to think maybe they’re not such a great idea any more!
“Where are the festivals meant to go” LOL. as if there MUST be expensive ticketed festivals in various parks across London on any given weekend.

Reading this thread it seems that the people who went didn’t like it (too quiet, too expensive, too muddy) and the people who didn’t go didn’t like it (too noisy, ruined the park, bad parking). I am starting to think maybe they’re not such a great idea any more!
I like music. I dont want it banned. Its getting hard enough for a band to play anywhere.

My friends went to cross the tracks. They had a great time. I did not, I was working.

Yes, there must be festivals, fun, and everything. Or else we are not human.
“Where are the festivals meant to go” LOL. as if there MUST be expensive ticketed festivals in various parks across London on any given weekend.

Reading this thread it seems that the people who went didn’t like it (too quiet, too expensive, too muddy) and the people who didn’t go didn’t like it (too noisy, ruined the park, bad parking). I am starting to think maybe they’re not such a great idea any more!
Meanwhile indoor venues could do with the business:
Well buckle up because you’ve got this weekend and next to enjoy. A lot of festival attendees have been complaining it was too quiet.
I will NEVER 'buckle up', mate. I really don't know why I bother to use this forum. There's always some sort of aggressive macho man-child thinking of himself 'cool' and telling people that have a different opinion to his own 'cool' opinion to shut up. Pathetic really.
I find this interesting because, although i cant speak for the other 3 days, last Saturday I was at the front of the main dance tent, could hear people talking over the music and there was no bass. I even moved around to find a sweet spot, including directly beside the speaker stack, but nothing. Unless Brockwell Live left a bass bin somewhere in Herne Hill and amplified a hammer noise outside your home, I think it's fair to say you are grossly exaggerating.

I can imagine 'HELL' to be stuck in the steelworks of Mariupol, some background noise from a music festival ending at 10.30pm? Nah mate, give your head wobble.
You were not where I am. Noise reverberates and travels. If you don't believe me, it's you not believing and not me not telling the truth. Amazing the (very bad) vibes that we get from the 'happy summer festival goers music lovers' crowd when you disagree with what they think is OK.
I will NEVER 'buckle up', mate. I really don't know why I bother to use this forum. There's always some sort of aggressive macho man-child thinking of himself 'cool' and telling people that have a different opinion to his own 'cool' opinion to shut up. Pathetic really.
I'm not sure why you bother either, you've made 10 posts in total, 9 of which have come since last Thursday all to do with you being cross about a music festival. If you wanted lots of sympathy and people to angrily agree with you there's quite a lot of those types on Twitter this time of year mouthing off about your favourite subject. You'd also really enjoy the conversation in 'Brockwell Tranquility' on Facebook, they'll be no danger of you having to throw your toys out of the pram when your posts are challenged or not agreed with.
I'm not sure why you bother either, you've made 10 posts in total, 9 of which have come since last Thursday all to do with you being cross about a music festival. If you wanted lots of sympathy and people to angrily agree with you there's quite a lot of those types on Twitter this time of year mouthing off about your favourite subject. You'd also really enjoy the conversation in 'Brockwell Tranquility' on Facebook, they'll be no danger of you having to throw your toys out of the pram when your posts are challenged or not agreed with.
Challenged by being told 'buckle up, fucking this, fucking that'? That's not really being challenged, and I did get quite a lot of sympathy for my comment. Actually, Mr Cool Macho, I will do better than 'throwing my toys out of the pram', as your not very creative comment says, I will escalate the complaint and join the very disgruntled group of residents that would rather have the park for nature and people and not as a milking cash cow for the dodgy council. I wasn't going to bother, but now I will.
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Challenged by being told 'buckle up, fucking this, fucking that'? That's not really being challenged, and I did get quite a lot of sympathy for my comment. Actually, Mr Cool Macho, I will do better than 'throwing my toys out of the pram', as your not very creative comment says, I will escalate the complaint and join the very disgruntled group of residents that would rather have the park for nature and people and not as a milking cash cow for the dodgy council. I wasn't going to bother, but now I will.
Do us a favour, when escalating your stern complaint, can you please do the following:

  • sign it off with 'DISCUSTED OF HERNE HILL'
  • share a copy on here so I can laugh at it

Best of luck with it all, from 'Mr Cool Macho' 😉
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