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It’s only ever about 1/5 of it, it’s a pain in the arse but it’s hardly “a lot”.

Lambeth need the revenue and they make money from renting parks, they’d need to spend ( even ) less money if they didn’t do this.

That idea didn't quite work out when they charged for the fireworks.
That idea didn't quite work out when they charged for the fireworks.

I think the difference is professional orgs running the event.

The council says they will make 100k from these events, there is an upside to events in the parks.

It’s only ever about 1/5 of it, it’s a pain in the arse but it’s hardly “a lot”.
Im not going to get a tape measure out but it's alot more than that.
Lambeth need the revenue and they make money from renting parks, they’d need to spend ( even ) less money if they didn’t do this
So they keep telling us, yet they can build a new town hall.
I think the difference is professional orgs running the event.

The council says they will make 100k from these events, there is an upside to events in the parks.

And where's that money going? Is it all going back into the upkeep of the park?

A: No. They've got an expensive vanity nu-Town Hall to fund.
£120,000 they say?

“Each event will pay the highest level of Park Investment Levy (£0.50 per person per day), which could generate £120,000”

Will pay 50p per person per day.
could generate 120k.

Do the organisers pay Lambeth more than the 50p per person per day for the event ?

As there is nothing here about what the council gets paid, just what the park gets.

Not all of it is open space. The events take place on the biggest open part which is left in a bad state for weeks afterwards. Me and my son used to pull metal ties, screws and trodden in glass from the ground so he could play football.


It’s only ever about 1/5 of it, it’s a pain in the arse but it’s hardly “a lot”.

Lambeth need the revenue and they make money from renting parks, they’d need to spend ( even ) less money if they didn’t do this.

Are you sure? My understanding is that Lambeth Events still posts a loss every year.
Are the swans and, hopefully, cygnets going to be protected during the festivals? They are much closer to the edge now.
Some quite bizarre reasoning in that committee report. For example, on agreeing the 75dB limit:

The LSC notes that Lambeth’s Community Safety Team did not make a representation based on noise and Southwark Environmental Health withdrew their representation. These are of course not decisive but they are factors that the LSC considers it can give a considerable degree of weight.

Southwark Environmental Health withdrew their objection precisely because Lambeth agreed to reduce noise levels to 65dB for Southwark residents only! That's roughly half as loud as the levels to be applied for Lambeth residents.

Hopefully the music is loud enough to be heard and enjoyed, otherwise there is no point going, and not much point in it even taking place, regardless of location.
From the article

The only people at the meeting to speak in favour of the festivals were a group of local teenagers. As they explained how Field Day was the best day of their lives, or that access to live music was essential for their mental health, they were heckled and booed by the predominantly middle-aged crowd.

When young people they speak up they are shouted down and when they say nothing then they are accused of not caring or engaging. Shame on all those people at that meeting for heckling especially where discussions of mental health are happening.
From the article

The only people at the meeting to speak in favour of the festivals were a group of local teenagers. As they explained how Field Day was the best day of their lives, or that access to live music was essential for their mental health, they were heckled and booed by the predominantly middle-aged crowd.

When young people they speak up they are shouted down and when they say nothing then they are accused of not caring or engaging. Shame on all those people at that meeting for heckling especially where discussions of mental health are happening.
Strange then that an expensive one day commercial festival that had been held across the other side of town - at least one hour away by public transport - should have proved so absolutely essential and pivotal to these local youths' mental health.

Or perhaps it's because they were involved with Reprazent Radio who have a direct commercial interest in the venture going ahead?

Good summary from that article:
The situation remains delicately poised. While Field Day looks set to go ahead this year, Lambeth’s handling of the process and the bilious nature of the debate has set a worrying precedent. Arguments over the use of public space, local government accountability and Londoners’ access to live music could be repeated year after year across the capital. Well-loved local amenities could be at risk by these events on, but public funds and access to cutting-edge culture could be threatened if they’re prevented.
From the article

The only people at the meeting to speak in favour of the festivals were a group of local teenagers. As they explained how Field Day was the best day of their lives, or that access to live music was essential for their mental health, they were heckled and booed by the predominantly middle-aged crowd.

When young people they speak up they are shouted down and when they say nothing then they are accused of not caring or engaging. Shame on all those people at that meeting for heckling especially where discussions of mental health are happening.

The young folk weren't shouted down. In fact they gave as good as they got with some extreme profanity at some of the elder members of the community.

As has been pointed out, Adrian Newman of Reprazent Radio was keen to give them a platform. He was heckling throughout the meeting:

"Let's hear from the young people!"

It turns out that the young people were his DJ's. His company was involved in a nice little sponsorship deal with Lovebox.

Fancy that!
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