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There's so many holes in this ^^ post - and I don't have enough time this afternoon to answer... in short:

There aren't free locals tickets for field day, or Mighty Whatsit.
friendofdorothy and I were chatting earlier that the small number of locals Sunfall tickets (which were advertised to the leafy bits of HH, and not to the estate I live on) weren't really free; and sold out in 20 minutes.
Its not one weekend - the original plan was a whole chunk of a month when the part wouldn't be accessible
LCS is free, and generally swept up in a few days after the final Sunday - but does cause some damage - not as much as 5 days of people herded together onto dancefloors.
The section was the main thoroughfares of the park - the bits they weren't using where the longer grass meadows at the top

I'm all for festivals - I grew up on them, particularly the new cross / dew drop inn ones in the late 80s / 90s; BP has been used for some massive ones - but not with fences and higher ticket prices. FD is only 'cheap' if you buy tickets now before they announce the line up...

The ones proposed here (as lots of people have pointed out) are too large and too disruptive, and too badly managed.
With regards to affording a ticket, im afraid stuff like this simply isn’t free these days (apart from Lambeth Country Show, for now, which coincidentally I see absolutely no one complaining about the noise, litter and general disruption that causes, despite it being far larger than both Lovebox and Field Day in terms of attendance)
Maybe that's because it is a community event put on for the entire community, it is free to all, it welcomes people of all backgrounds and ages, puts on loads of locals acts, has something for everyone, and it isn't primarily there to make $$$$$$$ millions for the worlds biggest entertainments company.

Just a thought.
Maybe that's because it is a community event put on for the entire community, it is free to all, it welcomes people of all backgrounds and ages, puts on loads of locals acts, has something for everyone, and it isn't primarily there to make $$$$$$$ millions for the worlds biggest entertainments company.

Just a thought.

And because it’s not fenced in, and doesn’t have huge marquees it doesn’t take over the park for a month...
It's pretty selfish to be 'happy' about a free, public space being fenced off for the majority of people, just 'cos you can afford a ticket to go. It excludes so many people and the park should be free for everyone to enjoy, especially in and borough where a third of kids are growing up below the poverty line.

This is a good post. When I put in my comment to Council on Lovebox and Field day it was on these grounds.

That these two events close off the park to large swathe of the community for large periods. So it an issue of inequality.

The posters who have had a go at you don't want to see this.
For what its worth, thinking about it, I think it’s a fair outcome not allowing Lovebox, but giving Field Day the green light. Lovebox is a behemoth and I was quite surprised when I heard it was due to be held in Brockwell park, given the size and scale of it, so it was kind of taking the piss.

Lovebox and FD each applied for 40,000 punters /day. FD have since offered to scale that back to ... 37,500. Both planned to occupy almost exactly the same area of the park. Field Day needs longer fenced set up and take down times.

So how, after thinking about it, is Lovebox a piss taking behemoth but Field Day is an essential lifestyle fun day out which everyone should be entitled to have on their doorstep without any objection?
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I'm looking forward to all the puke and piss. Not.

What about the huge hangar Field Day will built? I still find the hole 'consultation' process very bizarre.
I'm looking forward to all the puke and piss. Not.

What about the huge hangar Field Day will built? I still find the hole 'consultation' process very bizarre.
On top of the hill between the house and tennis courts apparently. Where sound will travel best. Until 11.30pm according to the licence application in today.

If I hear Lambeth say one more time that they have listened to local concerns...
That hangar will keep the sound in and stop people complaining about the noise. Ive actually long bemoaned how shit London day festivals are- expensive tickets, 9pm finishes, scandalous drinks prices and dickhead crowds who stand around chatting all day rather than dancing, but most of all the really low sound levels due to restrictions, so much so you can barely hear the music. Apparently this hangar thing actually made a big difference with the sound levels, without pissing off local residents.

Not sure they will have it this year in Brockwell park anyway, i think it was used by Field Day because there was a different festival using it the weekend before- Cream's "Steelyard". that event this year is in Finsbury Park.
Lovebox will have a line-up of hip-hop/R&B/grime and a more diverse crowd. Field Day will have a line-up of indie/electronica and will be mostly attended by white middle class "hipsters".

I'm sure the difference in reaction to the two announcements had nothing to do with that...
For what its worth, thinking about it, I think it’s a fair outcome not allowing Lovebox, but giving Field Day the green light. Lovebox is a behemoth and I was quite surprised when I heard it was due to be held in Brockwell park, given the size and scale of it, so it was kind of taking the piss.


Lovebox and FD each applied for 40,000 punters /day. FD have since offered to scale that back to ... 37,500. Both planned to occupy almost exactly the same area of the park. Field Day needs longer fenced set up and take down times.

So how, after thinking about it, is Lovebox a piss taking behemoth but Field Day is an essential lifestyle fun day out which everyone should be entitled to have on their doorstep without any objection?

Still thinking about it?
Lovebox will have a line-up of hip-hop/R&B/grime and a more diverse crowd. Field Day will have a line-up of indie/electronica and will be mostly attended by white middle class "hipsters".

I'm sure the difference in reaction to the two announcements had nothing to do with that...

Not sure what you mean, I don't think the line up has been released for either yet. I always thought that Field day has been a bit of a mash up of indie/rock and dance music, whereas Lovebox, started by Groove Armada, was mostly electronic but has in recent years, since being bought out, booked commercial hip hop/grime/RnB, but not massively so. I may be wrong,

Are you confusing Lovebox with 'Wireless'?
Here's the licence application

View attachment 126758
Well I hope they got the adverts right, I checked the regulations, got to have a notice every 50 along any road frontage!!

(ii) in all cases, prominently at or on the premises to which the application relates
where it can be conveniently read from the exterior of the premises and in the case
of a premises covering an area of more than 50 metres square, a further notice in
the same form and subject to the same requirements every fifty metres along the
external perimeter of the premises abutting any highway;
Are they still thinking of channeling 37,500 people out through the Water Lane gates ?

They're only 9ft 6 ins wide ...
This may help - PhD Chapter 3 - Crowd Dynamics | Prof. Dr. G. Keith Still

We consider normal ingress packing density at Wembley Stadium as typical of a safe ingress. Gate C (Wembley) has 10 turnstiles and these have been measured at 660 people per hour per turnstile - in fact, they were the standards that set the Green Guide measure. The packing density in that area exceeds the limit of 4.0 people per square metre (Figure 34).

At this packing density (gate C) Wembley allows 660 people per hour per turnstile (10 turnstiles) therefore 6,600 people per hour flow through these densities in safety. It is clear that we have to define a safety limit of high density exposure with respect to time.
Interesting article from the Brockwell Community Partners:

And another thing, or two

In short - LBL (via input from community partners) will potentially be getting a second large-ish HLF grant to make the park financially sustainable.

"...Once the landscape was completed there was a need to consider the future of Brockwell Hall . This same community was invited by Lambeth to become ‘the client’ and put together a plan for Brockwell Hall that would generate revenue to sustain both park and Hall. The park community, through the BPCP has done just that and developed a vision and a plan for Lambeth to submit to the HLF. Now, Lambeth officers are taking forward a bid for £3m from the lottery and £1.5 million from Lambeth capital funds, a total of £4.5m is on the horizon.

So this community has been involved in generating potentially £7.5m of new lottery money in the last 10 years. So that will be the same community who protest at the lorries and equipment that will destroy the new drains, paths, fences etc because the restoration was of a park not a motorway or a supermarket. There are no paths engineered for heavy vehicles, so far as we know. Paths are for light park vehicles and the thousands of walkers who are attracted to Brockwell Park for those restored features – the new, award-winning children’s playground, the water play area, the renovated ponds, the restored Victorian Walled Garden. As well as paths, the new flood works are also vulnerable as they are under some of the fields along with the restored Victorian drains."

It also addresses other themes on biodiversity, access to wildlife, community engagement etc. in more detail, but as Lambeth are driving their BP usage as a budget issue, the quoted bit is more immediately relevant.
I applaud our cash strapped council for trying to find new revenue streams and I love a good music festival but even just Field Day is a ridiculously oversized event for Brockwell Park.

I might support a number of smaller events (15 to 20 thousand ?) at weekends only (not Friday - rush hour madness!) with a Monday to Friday lead in time and 3 day tidy up. 10 days in total per event.

If Brockwells too small for multi-stage/zone events we do know from the simple stage and audience set up at the Country Show that something of that scale is sustainable and works. There are a number of sites within the park that could be boarded off for this scale of event in rotation so as not to put too much pressure on one area.

I'm practising giving up social media for Lent so I'd much appreciate updates on the licensing progress and any meetings/events I can attend or actions I can take to make sure Field Day and other events of its size don't happen.
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Around 20k I think - the queuing was about not having enough points of entry and people checking tickets - apparently the queues for the bars were endless too.
So how many more points of entry will Field Day have to avoid the same problem with nearly twice the number of people?
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