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Here's some of the things you can't bring into the festival

– Folding Chairs, Stools, Tables
– Shooting Sticks
– Golf or Large Umbrellas
– Flags, Banners, Poles, Sticks
– Cool Boxes / Picnic Hampers
– Luggage / Trolley Cases
– Animals (except Assistance Dogs)
– Recording Equipment
– Alcohol (carried in any container)
– Food
– Bicycles, Scooter, Skateboards
– Footballs, Golf Balls, Darts (or any Sports Equipment)
– Tents/ Gazebos/ Sun Shelters
– BBQ’s, Candles, Lanterns
–– Air horns, Loud Hailers
– Hi-vis Bibs, Jackets or Vests

No food or drink is allowed to be brought onto the site (including sealed bottles of water).
Fuck it, if I’m not allowed my shooting stick, I’m staying home!

All joking aside, not being allowed any food or drink is ridiculous. The queues for food and drinks are already massive and this excludes so many local residents who can’t afford the really expensive options available on site
that's for the field day festival though. the similar, but not identical ones for Country Show are here:


"To ensure that the Lambeth Country Show stays a safe family event, the following items are not permitted to be brought on site. Any person found in possession with any of these items will be asked to dispose of them on entry or they will be confiscated by a member of the security team. Possession of illegal items will be handed over to the police and dealt with accordingly.
  • Drugs inc. “Legal Highs” / Nitrous Oxide / Laughing Gas
  • Knives / Weapons
  • Alcohol
  • Drones / UAVs
  • Glass Bottles / Containers
  • BBQs, incl. Disposables
  • Air Horns / Smoke Canisters
  • Fireworks / Flares
  • Sparklers / Chinese Lanterns
  • Portable Laser Equipment
  • Flags / Poles
  • Tents / Gazebos
  • Large Stereo Systems"
that's for the field day festival though. the similar, but not identical ones for Country Show are here:


"To ensure that the Lambeth Country Show stays a safe family event, the following items are not permitted to be brought on site. Any person found in possession with any of these items will be asked to dispose of them on entry or they will be confiscated by a member of the security team. Possession of illegal items will be handed over to the police and dealt with accordingly.
  • Drugs inc. “Legal Highs” / Nitrous Oxide / Laughing Gas
  • Knives / Weapons
  • Alcohol
  • Drones / UAVs
  • Glass Bottles / Containers
  • BBQs, incl. Disposables
  • Air Horns / Smoke Canisters
  • Fireworks / Flares
  • Sparklers / Chinese Lanterns
  • Portable Laser Equipment
  • Flags / Poles
  • Tents / Gazebos
  • Large Stereo Systems"
But you can bring water and food in. And that's a fucking huge difference.
It's great that money is being raised but the cynic in me suggests that it's just a PR-boosting way to be seen to be raising money for the local community without actually affecting your profit margin in the slightest:

Field Day has confirmed its commitment to supporting the future of their new Brockwell Park home with the introduction of the Field Day Community Fund. Across both days of Field Day, those on the guest list will be required to make a donation upon entry to the festival, the total sum of which will be invested into local initiatives directly related to Brockwell Park. Local organisations can apply to Field Day for an allocation of the fund. Within 28 days of the festival a panel made up of a Field Day Director, local ward councillor and a representative from a park stakeholder group will make a decision on who the fund will be awarded to. The entire process will be kept public, from applications to the awarding of funds. Field Day takes place 1st & 2nd of June.
I think they done this at the Arcadia thingy this weekend. The guestlist (anyone jammy enough to know people involved) was a paying guestlist to be donated to a charity. £25 each.
Popped into the 198 Gallery exhibition last night. Nothing really new on offer (the diagrams still referring to "1/3rd of the park" when it's 1/3rd of the useable park etc.). The two Field Day reps were well prepped.

There is now a complaints number and they will be living in 198 Gallery over the weekend as the community liaison point.
I just got a long letter informing me of all the disruption - which will begin on the 20th May ffs.
Drop in!

Advice drop-in: Field Day in Brockwell Park

Field Day will be beginning to set up their event in Brockwell Park soon, so we have organised a drop-in advice morning to show you the maps and plans, discuss any concerns, take your comments back to the event organisers, and make sure you know how to get in touch.


  • When? Saturday 19 May, drop in anytime between 10.30 and 12.30
  • Where? Norwood Lodge – the building in the corner of Brockwell Park by Norwood Road and Brockwell Park Gardens
RSVP here:

Advice drop-in: Field Day in Brockwell Park
Who cafes?! So long as Lambeth squeeze a few more $$$ out of the park! That nu Town Hall won't build itself, you know!
Yes, but same council issued a contract to the one o'clock which required them to generate additional income - it's the usual left hand not talking to the right hand etc.
The advert says it's not to be a cafe. It's probably too small to do cycle or skate rental like they do in Dulwich Park, so that leaves a small sugar shop or some other way a clever business can relieve parents of their money.
The advert says it's not to be a cafe. It's probably too small to do cycle or skate rental like they do in Dulwich Park, so that leaves a small sugar shop or some other way a clever business can relieve parents of their money.
I noticed that the ice cream van was parked outside the gates last week. Maybe they’ve revoked his pitch to clear the way for a small ice cream stand to open there.

I’m not keen on those vans so I’d probably welcome that.
I think I read a plan somewhere for electric hook ups to be provided for the vans in Brockwell. Or I may possibly have imagined it.
I agree, pumping fumes into childrens faces has always struck me as an odd idea.
They’re also very expensive, the hygiene can’t be as good as in fixed premises, and the guys working in them usually seem quite shifty.
It's fair to be bothered by the huge fence, but some of the posts on the Brockwell Tranquility page are hilarious....

Posting up pictures of a lorry on the A215 and saying 'Lorry blocking our Herne Hill roads' and another of a small child on a scooter riding along beside the festival fence and the comment 'had to answer some difficult questions from my child today'....

Some perspective please...
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