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Brixton Village, Market Row, Pope's Road, Lost In Brixton, Club 414 & Ton Of Brix - Taylor McWilliams and Hondo's Brixton Empire

Brixton hasnt changed that much.

It stil is in the top twenty percent most deprived Council Wards in England and Wales.

So when one says its changed a lot. It has but not for the benefit of the majority of Coldharbour Ward.
what kind of facilities/infrastructure would you reckon is needed to actually help for Coldharbour ward/local residents?

Also I walked around and found so many spaces are unused like viaducts and the land opposite to moorland estate, and the very fancy EGA look very weird together...
what kind of facilities/infrastructure would you reckon is needed to actually help for Coldharbour ward/local residents?

Also I walked around and found so many spaces are unused like viaducts and the land opposite to moorland estate, and the very fancy EGA look very weird together...

Stopping Hondo from evicting Nour Cash and Carry as example. Ive emailed my Cllrs about this. Have you?
Stopping Hondo from evicting Nour Cash and Carry as example. Ive emailed my Cllrs about this. Have you?
sorry I am not from Brixton so I dont understand how it works... Does Nour Cash and Carry pay rent to Hondo? Why would they still kick them away? It is a nice local shop
what kind of facilities/infrastructure would you reckon is needed to actually help for Coldharbour ward/local residents?

Also I walked around and found so many spaces are unused like viaducts and the land opposite to moorland estate, and the very fancy EGA look very weird together...

Getting back to the subject what is your view on Brixton Hatter post 186 here?

went to the exhibition in the Village today showing the Hondo plans for the Popes Road site (where Sports Direct and that 'Flannels' clothes shop are currently.)

I couldn't bear staying there more than a few minutes cos there was this twat selling the plans to a couple who'd arrived just before me, and he was banging on about 'revitalising the local vibrant creative industries' and 'creating permeable community spaces to enhance the productivity of the area.' Seriously, my bullshit bingo card was filled instantly so I grabbed a leaflet and left.

Basically they want to build a 21 storey tower block with various retail spaces and lashings of community-wash. A new 'public' (i.e. private) square, office space etc. It's not all bad but it's a property development after all and designed to rake in cash for Hondo. The tower will seriously dominate the centre of Brixton. Also they reckon it will "create safer neighbourhoods and natural surveillance." :hmm:

Anyway, you can see the plans here and respond to their consultation survey (which has some great leading questions, such as "do you support making our famous Brixton market a better place?"
sorry I am not from Brixton so I dont understand how it works... Does Nour Cash and Carry pay rent to Hondo? Why would they still kick them away? It is a nice local shop

Are you winding me up on purpose?

Fuck off now.
sorry I am not from Brixton so I dont understand how it works... Does Nour Cash and Carry pay rent to Hondo? Why would they still kick them away? It is a nice local shop

I see you just joined . Wind up fucking troll fuck off.
?? I only wanted to get to know more about the area as we are thinking of actually moving in instead of airbnbing, but is that how newbee is treated? great thank you

You said you were not from Brixton.

I havent got time for this. Just fuck off.
Anyway back the to the subject.

Thanks to Brixton Hatter and CH1 for the reports. And editor for the informative Brixton Buzz piece.

I missed the Hondo event on Saturday.

I have not had time to look at all the info.

Here is what I do know that is relevant.

Hondo events for the public are "Pre Application". Looks good when a plannng application for large development like this goes to planning committee that they have done "community engagement".

I was at the Brixton Neighborhood Forum this week. I will do a full report on Brixton thread later.

Officers from Regeneration turned up to talk about ( among other things) a new SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) for the Brixton Central area.

This is International House, the Pop site, the Hondo site between the arches ( under discussion here) and Popes road/ station site.

An SPD is added onto the the Local Plan to help guide development for the benefit of all in Lambeth.

It was pointed out to officers that the Hondo site was already under pre appplication process and this SPD would not be finished in time to influcence the plans by Hondo.

Officers said that work in progress would influence the application. Im not so sure.

Officers did confirm that Hondo were in "pre application" discussions with planning officers.

This is an issue for me.

I saw at the Hero of Switzerland planning application Committee meeting that by the time an application goes to committe the senior planning officers and developer have come to agreement.

Officers then tell the plannnig committee Cllrs that the application is great and it gets passed.

Local residents in reality have little say.

Developers as Brixton Hatter correctly saw try to use pubic pre application meetings to get locals to support a scheme. Pre application meetings for the public are not about finding out what people want.

Take the LJ Hero of Switzerland application in Loughborough Junction ( see the thread on this). Most people opposed a big tower at pre application meetings and the developer ignored these findings. Instead persuaded senior planning officers to support the application design. People also brought up issue of affordable housing. In the end the developer has reduced the affordable housing to the mininal amount they could get away with. With the support of senior planning officers.
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Don’t be ludicrous

Its you being ludicrous saying freedom of movement is same as this issue.

My friends from other EU countries have unsettled future here due to the ending of free movement.

Your use of the term is trivialising a serious issue. And misusing it.

You know what you are doing using this kind of language. Dont try to play the innocent.
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Its you being ludicrous saying freedom of movement is same as this issue.

My friends from other EU countries have unsettled future here due to the ending of free movement.

Your use of the term is trivialising a serious issue. And misusing it.

You know what you are doing using this kind of language. Dont try to play the innocent.
Nope, you’re still being ludicrous
Gramsci I did actually say at the Saturday Hondo consultation event that if they thought the scheme was so signature they could at least have created a proper station entrance on Popes Road instead of people having to dart through poorly lit alleys to catch their trains.

And better still I said they could liaise with the council, British Rail etc to actually implement the scheme proposed before the Victoira Line was opened in south London - to have a transport interchange between Southern Region, Victoria Line and the higher level South London Line - now London Overground.

Naturally the very nice lady spluttered and totally failed to see the wisdom of my suggestion.

In my opinion you can't have a signature scheme which is actually a concrete multi storey former coal yard. You have to do something signature as an enhancement to be called signature - like providing a hugely improved transport hub for the public as a spin-off.
In this thread, I've had two 'new' posters specifically name the block I live in and the venue where I work. Nowhere else, just those two places. Of course it just might be a wild coincidence, but forgive me if I'm a little suspicious of what's going on here.
I saw at the Hero of Switzerland planning application Committee meeting that by the time an application goes to committe the senior planning officers and developer have come to agreement.

Officers then tell the plannnig committee Cllrs that the application is great and it gets passed.

Local residents in reality have little say.

Developers as Brixton Hatter correctly saw try to use pubic pre application meetings to get locals to support a scheme. Pre application meetings for the public are not about finding out what people want.

That accords exactly with my experience of the planning process.
CH1: "And better still I said they could liaise with the council, British Rail etc to actually implement the scheme proposed before the Victoira Line was opened in south London - to have a transport interchange between Southern Region, Victoria Line and the higher level South London Line - now London Overground."

Now that seems like an interesting idea. I wonder whether Lambeth Council has the imagination and energy to stipulate a Southern Region/Overground station as a requirement for granting planning permission. Such a modification would of course cost Hondo more, but could bring lots of new workers/visitors into Brixton. And it would require the deep involvement of TfL. However something similar has just been decided by Southwark, working with the E&C developer and TfL, so it's not an impossible concept.

Those of us who live in Brixton and have to commute into places like Old Street or the West End and pay silly amounts in rent when we could be located in Brixton. Maybe, just maybe, we might be able to afford to employ some local people too!

From what Ive been hearing silly rents have already come to Brixton.

The kind of inward investment that Hondo propose isnt to provide affordable office space .

Inward investment is good phrase to make it appear that bg enterprises like Hondo are coming to Brixton to do good works.

From the way they treating Nour I dont think thats the case.
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As the development that Hondo propose will be large it may be that a proportion of the office space may be affordable. Council have new planning policy , a bit like affordable housing policy on large developments , that developer has to allow certain percentage of affordable.

This is new so don't think its been tested yet.
International House is only place where community groups can find affordable office space now.

This is Council owned building. Now run as Meanwhile space.

Last meeting of Brixton Neighborhood Forum told Council officers that Council should retain this building and not sell it off in the future.

With rents rising in Brixton only way to retain and support small business is for Council to retain the buildings and shops it still owns.

Like the shops under the Brixton Rec. Which are Council owned. Also some shops in Loughborugh road.

Its no good depending on the likes of Hondo. Or NR railway arches. Look what NR did to Brixton Ststion road. destroyed a lively street full of small business. The "inward investment" and still empty units on Brixton Ststion road.

I think the Council should redevelop the Pop site itself so it can control the new housing / shops on the site.

So called "inward investment" by big capitalist business like Hondo aren't about providing affordable space.
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Another thing to be born in mind is why big capitalists like Hondo and Sports Direct take an interestin Brixton.

Given that central London is being gradually gentrified Brixton is still a good opportunity to possibly make a profit .Get in now build and rake in the high rents that are likely in near future. May not happen but its a business decision.
Another thing to be born in mind is why big capitalists like Hondo and Sports Direct take an interestin Brixton.

Given that central London is being gradually gentrified Brixton is still a good opportunity to possibly make a profit .Get in now build and rake in the high rents that are likely in near future. May not happen but its a business decision.
I think Mike Ashley is a trader and was looking to make a turn on his investment. Like a mini Tiny Rowland. Steeped in alcohol by all accounts. Ooops I didn't say that.
Another thing to be born in mind is why big capitalists like Hondo and Sports Direct take an interestin Brixton.

Given that central London is being gradually gentrified Brixton is still a good opportunity to possibly make a profit .Get in now build and rake in the high rents that are likely in near future. May not happen but its a business decision.
Sorry I don’t understand what your point is?
Sorry I don’t understand what your point is?
Not sure why you find it so difficult to understand. He's explaining the presence of big players backed by US investment funds all piling into Brixton: and that's because the area is ripe for exploitation, with rents and property values likely to keep on soaring.

If you're a long term resident, it's not particularly pleasant to find yourselves in the crosshairs of this capitalist pile-on, with luxury tower blocks, unaffordable restaurants and bars changing your landscape, as much loved businesses, bars and cafes are being forced out.
My apologies. The point you were making was so trite & banal i assumed I must be missing a deeper, more interesting subtext.

So you agree what I stated is the case?

I just told you I was not making a point. Just stating how things are.

I don't understand why you say it was trite and banal. Why do you think that?
So you agree what I stated is the case?

I just told you I was not making a point. Just stating how things are.

I don't understand why you say it was trite and banal. Why do you think that?

maybe i misunderstood, but I thought you were stating that businessmen were investing in Brixton because they thought they would make money.
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