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Brixton 'Splash' 2017 street festival - news and discussion

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And nope I've never Googled that phrase until now. Like I said, use it if you want just know what you are invoking.

I saw it. If I'd googled it before he was caught then I would have got different results. He hardly invented the word.

Its also hardly invoking it. Just in your head.
Your boss was an anti-semite. How did you advise him on that, Lee? The mind boggles.
Lol oh dear, things are really desperate when you play the 'anti semitism card' Maybe you didn't know I am a founder member of the UK's only Black Jewish Forum. Why would you ? Its not like facts mean anything here.
Really ? OK lets do this, I have been fighting racism for 30 years. Since you know my 'form' can you provide me with the list of instances where I have erroneously raised issue of racism that has then been proven to be false? Given my ' form' here must be lots of, you know, examples you can sight?

Your little fracas when you worked for Ken?
I saw it. If I'd googled it before he was caught then I would have got different results. He hardly invented the word.

Its also hardly invoking it. Just in your head.

I didn't say he invented it. It is, however, inextricably linked to him and his crimes. You're free to keep using it no-one is stopping you :thumbs:
Yes we kinda

Black man under criticism ask's for a reasoned public debate with his detractors and is accused of being aggressive by liberal white male. Hold the front page...

More spin. I didn't accuse you of being aggressive, I showed that you were using exactly the same tactic as you accused someone else of.

Snowballing people works when you're doing it "in real life", it's not so easy to get away with when they can look back at what you've actually written. Try harder.
More spin. I didn't accuse you of being aggressive, I showed that you were using exactly the same tactic as you accused someone else of.

Snowballing people works when you're doing it "in real life", it's not so easy to get away with when they can look back at what you've actually written. Try harder.

I didn't use a tactic, Ed came on all hot and heavy and I pointed it out. I said its reflective of white male discussion when it comes to race. Your attempted sophistry is just more defensive obfuscation.
lol ! Funny thing is I wrote that. That was just a tactical move, I remained in charge 'not discussed by the board' should not be read 'not supported' which is why I stayed on.

And you wonder why people suck their teeth when your name is mentioned. They never know whether you're being "tactical" or a twat.
And you wonder why people suck their teeth when your name is mentioned. They never know whether you're being "tactical" or a twat.

I wonder no such thing because it never happens. I am well supported by my community would you like me to post some pictures demonstrating as much? Happy to prove your wrong, again. Jeez and this ones faking multicultural lingoism.
I wonder no such thing because it never happens. I am well supported by my community would you like me to post some pictures demonstrating as much? Happy to prove your wrong, again. Jeez and this ones faking multicultural lingoism.

Post pictures? Are you taking the piss?
Wow, Big Lee thinks that unless you post pictures, it can't have happened! :facepalm:
Im off... things to do... people to meet. I'll pop back and continue my roasting of U75 . Whilst I'm gone if you could just determine which one of you armchair activists would like a real debate in the real world I'd be grateful. Play nice till Daddy gets back.
Im off... things to do... people to meet. I'll pop back and continue my roasting of U75 . Whilst I'm gone if you could just determine which one of you armchair activists would like a real debate in the real world I'd be grateful. Play nice till Daddy gets back.

Yeah, you're the daddy, Big Lee. :D :D :D
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