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Brixton 'Splash' 2017 street festival - news and discussion

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I don't know but it does often seem to be the case that when those, who we are used to seeing operating in largely controlled environments as "public figures", get involved in things like internet forums, direct and unedited, it turns out that they are even more nutty and incoherent than the rest of us reveal ourselves to be in those same places.

A nutty incoherent, unrepresentative, aggressive, opportunist,racist black man on a site that has almost zero black input, no black moderators, no record of fighting anything than cosmetic racism. Whats most apparent in yours and other comments, is the degree of uniformed opinion proffered by people whose no doubt contradictory lives, are lived under the sanitising cloak of anonymity. I send a thousand farts in your general direction.
This is more than a little bit scary. I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall for the job interview for this one.

Lee Jasper was appointed as Director for Policing and Equalities during Ken Livingstone's 2004–2008 term as Mayor of London. He was responsible for the development, enactment and promotion of equalities policies for the Greater London Authority (GLA) and had corporate responsibility for the development and delivery of anti discriminatory policies aimed at ensuring equality in employment practices and service delivery. He was also directly responsible for advising the Mayor on policing issues
Your entitled to your myopic, uniformed, view, however shit talk is shit cheap and none of you white people on here, ( and lets face it this site is about as representative as UKIP) who support this view can evidence your private prejudices. May I remind you that Farage aint elected either.

Your bile, is all part of your personal prejudice that allows you to wrongly assume in vain glorious, self righteous and pompous ignorance, that I think all white people are racist. This is a gross distortion of course reflects the popular. but misguided white liberal sentiments that so bedevilles our struggle for equality.

Let me be clear for the avoidance of doubt, it isn't all white people, its white people like you.

But if as you assert, I'm so unpopular and my views soooo unrepresentative of my community, then why won't anyone on here, like you with plenty to say on this subject, why wont anyone come and debate with me lol?

I think like the reason is obvious, like most reactionary white liberals (right or left) they are generally cowards, most vocal behind closed doors, in private or hiding behind their on line anonymity. I think deep down you know that my views would be supported by the majority of both black and whites.

Your collective refusal to take this into the real world reflects that fact and you realise, like most on line braggadocios bullies and cowards, that this black man has your measure.

So you spit your venom in the forlorn hope that you can somehow bolster your miserable sagging self esteem.

I take no lessons on credibility from anonymous white people who have no record in fighting racism. None.

As Dr King pointed out, we ignore the soft siren voices of such damnable 'friends.'

This is better than Hemingway.
Defo jealousy then. Hmmm... Illiterate black man I'll add that to the list.


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I can assure you I'm not jealous of you Lee. Being sacked for sending pervy emails to female associates isn't exactly the sort of thing I aspire to.
I can assure you I'm not jealous of you Lee. Being sacked for sending pervy emails to female associates isn't exactly the sort of thing I aspire to.

Those emails weren't pervy, they were pure poetry: "How many ways do I love thee? As the air I breathe and first gentle dew on a golden summer morn. As much as the Brazil national football team or aki and saltfish. I love thee feet, ankles, legs, thighs, bum and belly, arms, head and brain... I want to wisk you away to a deserted island beach, honey-glase you, [and] let you cook slowly before a torrid and passionate embrace..."

How could she resist?
Your bile, is all part of your personal prejudice that allows you to wrongly assume in vain glorious, self righteous and pompous ignorance, that I think all white people are racist. This is a gross distortion of course reflects, the popular but misguided white liberal sentiments that so bedevilled our struggle for equality.

Let me be clear for the avoidance of doubt, it isn't all white people, its white people like you.

So if your beef is with liberals rather than whites, why do you constantly bang on about whites? Why not just say liberals? In fact, why do you feel the need to clarify? Is the extent of your own bigotry slowly dawning on you?

Your entitled to your myopic, uniformed, view, however shit talk is shit cheap and none of you white people on here, ( and lets face it this site is about as representative as UKIP) who support this view can evidence your private prejudices. May I remind you that Farage aint elected either.

It is interesting that in relation to your dismal failure to garner electoral support from within the community you so desperately claim to represent, you draw parallels between yourself and that nutter Farage. In describing him as unelected you fail to recognise that he is a democratically elected MEP; elected (ex)leader of a party which garnered almost 4,000,000 votes in a national election; and that he almost single handedly convinced more than half the UK electorate to back him in his unfortunate crusade to leave Europe. So whilst I would agree that in many unfortunate aspects you are like Farage – one has to acknowledge a couple of key differences, such as his popular support and political success.

But if I'm so unpopular and my views so unrepresentative of my community, then why won't anyone on here, like you with plenty to say on this subject, why wont anyone come and debate with me lol?
Probably because (unlike the rest of us) you have been democratically proven to be unpopular and unrepresentative of your community. You’re just one of a bunch of numpties killing time by arguing on a message board. Get over yourself, you deluded ballsack.
So if your beef is with liberals rather than whites, why do you constantly bang on about whites? Why not just say liberals? In fact, why do you feel the need to clarify? Is the extent of your own bigotry slowly dawning on you?

It is interesting that in relation to your dismal failure to garner electoral support from within the community you so desperately claim to represent, you draw parallels between yourself and that nutter Farage. In describing him as unelected you fail to recognise that he is a democratically elected MEP; elected (ex)leader of a party which garnered almost 4,000,000 votes in a national election; and that he almost single handedly convinced more than half the UK electorate to back him in his unfortunate crusade to leave Europe. So whilst I would agree that in many unfortunate aspects you are like Farage – one has to acknowledge a couple of key differences, such as his popular support and political success.

Probably because (unlike the rest of us) you have been democratically proven to be unpopular and unrepresentative of your community. You’re just one of a bunch of numpties killing time by arguing on a message board. Get over yourself, you deluded ballsack.

I've carried out a micro-poll in my house. My wife thinks Jasper's a 'wanker', her sister opts for 'twat' and the latter's son has never heard of him. They're all black. His lack of self-awareness is staggering.
I've carried out a micro-poll in my house. My wife thinks Jasper's a 'wanker', her sister opts for 'twat' and the latter's son has never heard of him. They're all black. His lack of self-awareness is staggering.
Bloody liberals. :mad:
So if your beef is with liberals rather than whites, why do you constantly bang on about whites? Why not just say liberals? In fact, why do you feel the need to clarify? Is the extent of your own bigotry slowly dawning on you?

Nope I have white friends. I repeat for the avoidance of doubt, Im bigoted against pompous asses and fuckwits like you.

It is interesting that in relation to your dismal failure to garner electoral support from within the community you so desperately claim to represent, you draw parallels between yourself and that nutter Farage. In describing him as unelected you fail to recognise that he is a democratically elected MEP; elected (ex)leader of a party which garnered almost 4,000,000 votes in a national election; and that he almost single handedly convinced more than half the UK electorate to back him in his unfortunate crusade to leave Europe. So whilst I would agree that in many unfortunate aspects you are like Farage – one has to acknowledge a couple of key differences, such as his popular support and political success.

As I have said, and yiu studiously choose to ignore, beautiful failure is an integral part of success and you of all people should know that.

There is no desperation in my representation I'm solidly supported as any cursory glance at my work since that by election demonstrates. Your desperate wish to use this one by election bid to define my 30 year career anti racist activism is a total joke and shows just how pathetic and redundant your arguments really are

Probably because (unlike the rest of us) you have been democratically proven to be unpopular and unrepresentative of your community. You’re just one of a bunch of numpties killing time by arguing on a message board. Get over yourself, you deluded ballsack.

I know you want to believe that so badly it hurts. But constant repetition does nothing but confirm your blatant prejudice.

Why am I here I consider it both a public and civic duty to definitely expose your toxic bigotry, whilst Im on my Xmas break.

In any event I've probably spent 100th of the time, you've spent on here massaging each others weak white liberal ego's but I know you have zero tolerance for intelligent black people. You wont debate with me in Brixton, because you, I, and everyone else reading this thread knows, that if you had the testicular fortitude to publicly repeat this bullshit with me, you'd quite simply get your arse sent home in a basket.

Your obvious intellectual weakness is matched by your political cowardice. A anonymous little white liberal man in a small bubble of internet irrelevancy and white privilege.
Bloody liberals. :mad:
Well I have just cited the effects of neo liberalism on black folks too, were equally affected and some of us, do adopt liberal views. It happens...

I've carried out a micro-poll in my house. My wife thinks Jasper's a 'wanker', her sister opts for 'twat' and the latter's son has never heard of him. They're all black. His lack of self-awareness is staggering.

Personally, given our history I never trust white people who claim to be speaking on behalf of other black people. We can speak for ourselves.
Those emails weren't pervy, they were pure poetry: "How many ways do I love thee? As the air I breathe and first gentle dew on a golden summer morn. As much as the Brazil national football team or aki and saltfish. I love thee feet, ankles, legs, thighs, bum and belly, arms, head and brain... I want to wisk you away to a deserted island beach, honey-glase you, [and] let you cook slowly before a torrid and passionate embrace..."

How could she resist?
Now 100% sure its jealousy. Sacked?.... wrong again.

As for your regurgitation of the evening slandard racist crap from nearly a decade ago, no one expect crusty old white liberals gives a crap. Keep trying...
I know you want to believe that so badly it hurts. But constant repetition does nothing but confirm your blatant prejudice.

Why am I here I consider it both a public and civic duty to definitely expose your toxic bigotry, whilst Im on my Xmas break.

In any event I've probably spent 100th of the time, you've spent on here massaging each others weak white liberal ego's but I know you have zero tolerance for intelligent black people. You wont debate with me in Brixton, because you, I, and everyone else reading this thread knows, that if you had the testicular fortitude to publicly repeat this bullshit with me, you'd quite simply get your arse sent home in a basket.

Your obvious intellectual weakness is matched by your political cowardice. A anonymous little white liberal man in a small bubble of internet irrelevancy and white privilege.

You need help mate. You've completely lost it.
Hey Rushy this one for you... " When Martin Luther King wrote of the white moderate, he wrote of the enemy of progress, the foe of social justice, the obstacle to the defining social movement of his time. He understood, perhaps better than many of his contemporaries, that the white moderate was the single most pernicious influence in the broader sociopolitical landscape. For it was the white moderate who opposed the essential and necessary radicalism, who blocked attempts at widening the Civil Rights Movement, who enjoined that demands be tempered, grievances be blunted; all while posing as a friend of the movement, a defender of the marginalized and oppressed." Ajamu Baraka, "Uncle Tom," and the Pathology of White Liberal Racism -
I know you want to believe that so badly it hurts. But constant repetition does nothing but confirm your blatant prejudice.

Why am I here I consider it both a public and civic duty to definitely expose your toxic bigotry, whilst Im on my Xmas break.

In any event I've probably spent 100th of the time, you've spent on here massaging each others weak white liberal ego's but I know you have zero tolerance for intelligent black people. You wont debate with me in Brixton, because you, I, and everyone else reading this thread knows, that if you had the testicular fortitude to publicly repeat this bullshit with me, you'd quite simply get your arse sent home in a basket.

Your obvious intellectual weakness is matched by your political cowardice. A anonymous little white liberal man in a small bubble of internet irrelevancy and white privilege.

You do realise that Lambeth monitors these threads? They're highly unlikely to be looking for an intolerant, racist bigot to organise Splash.
You do realise that Lambeth monitors these threads? They're highly unlikely to be looking for an intolerant, racist bigot to organise Splash.

Brixton Splash is not theirs to organise. Lambeth Council presides over the most racially unequal borough in the UK. As for Splash I wouldn't worry mate, as you say, you've got no chance.
" The education of the confused white liberals continues...

"White liberalism is unassuming and outwardly good-natured. Officially, it rejects all forms of injustice. But within social circles, there is a curious lack of Black people that is more than just coincidental, and, instead, what exists is the perpetual citation of anything Black: “My Black friend,” “That’s so hood!,” Bob Marley, or Beyoncé. White liberalism’s unspoken belief that, “I’m too socially aware to be racist,” conceals the absence. To help solidify this dynamic, liberals depend also on the absent figure of the White conservative, often depicted as confederate flag-waving and gun-bearing. Liberals often assemble this bigoted, angry, uneducated, iconic racist with whom many contrast themselves."

White Liberals Ain’t Loyal: White Silence, Black Absence - The Feminist Wire
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" The education of the confused white liberals continues...

"White liberalism is unassuming and outwardly good-natured. Officially, it rejects all forms of injustice. But within social circles, there is a curious lack of Black people that is more than just coincidental, and, instead, what exists is the perpetual citation of anything Black: “My Black friend,” “That’s so hood!,” Bob Marley, or Beyoncé. White liberalism’s unspoken belief that, “I’m too socially aware to be racist,” conceals the absence. To help solidify this dynamic, liberals depend also on the absent figure of the White conservative, often depicted as confederate flag-waving and gun-bearing. Liberals often assemble this bigoted, angry, uneducated, iconic racist with whom many contrast themselves."

White Liberals Ain’t Loyal: White Silence, Black Absence - The Feminist Wire

"Black people don't support you Lee, Black people dont like you Lee. Youre not credible Lee..." Lol its text book...
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