Your entitled to your myopic, uniformed, view, however shit talk is shit cheap and none of you white people on here, ( and lets face it this site is about as representative as UKIP) who support this view can evidence your private prejudices. May I remind you that Farage aint elected either.
Your bile, is all part of your personal prejudice that allows you to wrongly assume in vain glorious, self righteous and pompous ignorance, that I think all white people are racist. This is a gross distortion of course reflects the popular. but misguided white liberal sentiments that so bedevilles our struggle for equality.
Let me be clear for the avoidance of doubt, it isn't all white people, its white people like you.
But if as you assert, I'm so unpopular and my views soooo unrepresentative of my community, then why won't anyone on here, like you with plenty to say on this subject, why wont anyone come and debate with me lol?
I think like the reason is obvious, like most reactionary white liberals (right or left) they are generally cowards, most vocal behind closed doors, in private or hiding behind their on line anonymity. I think deep down you know that my views would be supported by the majority of both black and whites.
Your collective refusal to take this into the real world reflects that fact and you realise, like most on line braggadocios bullies and cowards, that this black man has your measure.
So you spit your venom in the forlorn hope that you can somehow bolster your miserable sagging self esteem.
I take no lessons on credibility from anonymous white people who have no record in fighting racism. None.
As Dr King pointed out, we ignore the soft siren voices of such damnable 'friends.'