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Brixton 'Splash' 2017 street festival - news and discussion

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Oh my days, some are digging deep, way back into the racist archives of evening slandard. How pathetic is that?

I'ts the measure of the sheer desperate and intellectually redundant nature of this site, the overwhelming male, player and stale posters on this site. Your miserable half baked opinions have mutated though thermal consensus bullshit warming and mutual white male backslapping into high grade fuckery of the worst order.

Meanwhile, the nations racism goes through the roof, racist attacks now returning with a vengeance, our local police services are the most racist they've been for the last 20 years, ethnic cleansing of the borough, youth unemployment above 50%, a Tory Government that promotes racism and division, home to some of the most icon justice campaigns in the UK such as Sean Rigg, a site that black people have virtually boycotted, a site which has no black moderators and a white Editor who infers black activists are racists.

If, as your ashy mouths say, I'm have no support from the black community, then come out from behind your keyboards and take up my offer of public debate.

Of course you wont do that, because as we all know, what miserable little cowards some of you really are. Happy to regurgitate racist propaganda to prosecute your personal agendas.

But don''t worry. I'll have fun with you and this site in the new year.

Im making it my mission to bring black people to this site and to publicly expose its confusion on race issues, its failure to represent Brixton, its refusal to say what are its costs, who gets paid what and who actually funds this site?

Then there is the happy montage of your comments on here, which collated and designed will get the word out. I know some of you think your 'anonymous' so I'll be sure to let people know who are you are and what you really think. '

This site wants a war with me, whilst refusing to respond to my offer of civilised debate, fine lets take it to the people

And thats just for starters. Happy New Year.
Oh my days, some are digging deep, way back into the racist archives of evening slandard. How pathetic is that?

I'ts the measure of the sheer desperate and intellectually redundant nature of this site, the overwhelming male, player and stale posters on this site. Your miserable half baked opinions have mutated though thermal consensus bullshit warming and mutual white male backslapping into high grade fuckery of the worst order.

Meanwhile, the nations racism goes through the roof, racist attacks now returning with a vengeance, our local police services are the most racist they've been for the last 20 years, ethnic cleansing of the borough, youth unemployment above 50%, a Tory Government that promotes racism and division, home to some of the most icon justice campaigns in the UK such as Sean Rigg, a site that black people have virtually boycotted, a site which has no black moderators and a white Editor who infers black activists are racists.

If, as your ashy mouths say, I'm have no support from the black community, then come out from behind your keyboards and take up my offer of public debate.

Of course you wont do that, because as we all know, what miserable little cowards some of you really are. Happy to regurgitate racist propaganda to prosecute your personal agendas.

But don''t worry. I'll have fun with you and this site in the new year.

Im making it my mission to bring black people to this site and to publicly expose its confusion on race issues, its failure to represent Brixton, its refusal to say what are its costs, who gets paid what and who actually funds this site?

Then there is the happy montage of your comments on here, which collated and designed will get the word out. I know some of you think your 'anonymous' so I'll be sure to let people know who are you are and what you really think. '

This site wants a war with me, whilst refusing to respond to my offer of civilised debate, fine lets take it to the people

And thats just for starters. Happy New Year.

Is this your new year speech ?
Any decent moderator would point out in a debate that EVERYONE knows how the site is funded.

As a second point I said to two people at work on seperate occasions before xmas. "You're a black man. What do you think of Lee Jasper?"
One said you were a "wanker" and the other said you were a "cunt".

First, you're lying or someone is. The Ed and another poster both pointed out first there was one black kd, than complained there are no black mods.

So don't try that bullshit. If they're are black Mods whoa are they and why couldn't you ask them about me? I'll tell you why because your moderators posse is whiter than UKIP.

Secondly, I did my own research on my little camera, I'll be posting this in the New Year. I asked 10 Brixton black people over Xmas period " 'Have you heard of the U75 website that discussed Brixton issues?"

One hundred, fucking per cent said no, we've never heard of it. As for your work tale, grows the fuck up I get a better quality challenge from Britain First members.
then come out from behind your keyboards and take up my offer of public debate.
This is public and you show no signs of being capable of any sort of debate. You just want to shout. Go and have a lie down.
This is public and you show no signs of being capable of any sort of debate. You just want to shout. Go and have a lie down.

This is about as public as a KKK meeting in Texas. Im famed for my ability to debate cowardly little trolls. I'll add ' Loud' to the U75's white mans list of my imperfections. What a disingenuous statement designed to distract from your supine and cowardly nature. Step up or fuck off I say. All else is bullshit.
Really? OK OK... let me help you out.

Its like this, so far in I've been told this site has no black mods, then one black mod and now two black mods. Somebodies lying is it you?
Any decent moderator would point out in a debate that EVERYONE knows how the site is funded.

As a second point I said to two people at work on seperate occasions before xmas. "You're a black man. What do you think of Lee Jasper?"
One said you were a "wanker" and the other said you were a "cunt".

Still I was impressed that know who you are :)

I got exactly the same response from the guys in the Hootananny and the Effra. Lots of black people seem to strongly dislike Jasper yet they won't hear a bad word said about guys like Stafford Scott or Gary Younge.
Grammar doesnt matter just no idea why you wrote about site mods in response to my post.
Really? OK OK... let me help you out.

Its like this, so far in I've been told this site has no black mods, then one black mod and now two black mods. Somebodies lying is it you?
I got exactly the same response from the guys in the Hootananny and the Effra. Lots of black people seem to strongly dislike Jasper yet they won't hear a bad word said about guys like Stafford Scott or Gary Younge.

Of course you did, should be a doodle to debate my relevance in a public debate then. In fact I'll tell you what I'll do it a Hootanannay!

I'll talk to Cecil. Are you up for it or just happy to talk shit. Tell you what Ill bring Stafford and Garry my good buddies too.
Really? OK OK... let me help you out.

Its like this, so far in I've been told this site has no black mods, then one black mod and now two black mods. Somebodies lying is it you?

Do some sodding research ffs because you're really making a fool of yourself. You may be the only person on the planet who thinks this site is racist or associated with racism in any way. What an utter moron.
Do some sodding research ffs because you're really making a fool of yourself. You may be the only person on the planet who thinks this site is racist or associated with racism in any way. What an utter moron.

Nobody wants to debate you because doing so would give you some undeserved credibility. You're a nutter.
Do some sodding research ffs because you're really making a fool of yourself. You may be the only person on the planet who thinks this site is racist or associated with racism in any way. What an utter moron.

Ive done my research Its clear most of you shooting your mouths off about me haven't a done any research either, which is why your running sacred of a public debate, safe in your little white clique internet bubble.
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Really? OK OK... let me help you out.

Its like this, so far in I've been told this site has no black mods, then one black mod and now two black mods. Somebodies lying is it you?

In caps for my total victory.


What do I win?
Its your failure to answer my question on black mods, preferring this little public school boy sophistry bullshit as you slide into disrepute.

I dont know all the mods nor their ethnicity. I did go to public school though. So at least you said one thing that was accurate :)
Taking youre time, what is it a cast of fucking thousands? How many?
Of the 1 I know as far as I'm concerned he is not black.

Then again aren't you of mixed race?
You're assuming my parental ethnicity? Wow just fucking wow. The arrogance of these people knows no bounds.

So one black mod, probably in a borough thats 40 % non white. No wonder theres so much confusion on race issues and black representation. Oh by the way, theres only one race mate. It's all human
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