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Brixton 'Splash' 2017 street festival - news and discussion

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Not having that. Livingstone wasn't and isn't an anti-Semite, and I say that as a Semite. All Livingstone was guilty of, was being a gobshite.

Erm, yes, he is. Leaving aside his more recent bonkers comments on the radio about Jews, during Mr Japser's (sic) tenure his true colours came out. Granted Livingstone was/is a massive pisshead but then so is Mel Gibson.

On learning that Mr Finegold is Jewish, the mayor apparently said: "You are just like a concentration camp guard, you are just doing it because you are paid to, aren't you?"

Livingstone faces inquiry over Nazi guard jibe at Jewish reporter

I'm genuinely curious as to what Mr Japser's reaction was to this incident. Presumably at the very least a conversation was had?
Erm, yes, he is. Leaving aside his more recent bonkers comments on the radio about Jews, during Mr Japser's (sic) tenure his true colours came out. Granted Livingstone was/is a massive pisshead but then so is Mel Gibson.

Livingstone faces inquiry over Nazi guard jibe at Jewish reporter

I'm genuinely curious as to what Mr Japser's reaction was to this incident. Presumably at the very least a conversation was had?

Did you read right through the article? Most of the reaction (mostly from reactionaries like the Board of Deputies) is based on what Livingstone apparently said. That'd be the same bunch of reactionaries who jumped on the "Ken is an anti-Semite" bandwagon earlier this year, too. The same bunch of reactionaries who have done fuck all in the last 60 years to actually tackle real Judaeophobia.
Livingstone faces inquiry over Nazi guard jibe at Jewish reporter

I'm genuinely curious as to what Mr Japser's reaction was to this incident. Presumably at the very least a conversation was had?

What utter bollocks. He didn't know he was Jewish when he said whatever he did.The fact he is Jewish had no bearing on why KL said what he did. The story went that he was responding to the immoral way that many journalists follow people around and harrass but hide behind just doing their jobs mantra when challenged. This story amongst many others was part of an ongoing smear campaign against KL. Using it as evidence of anything here is pathetic.
What utter bollocks. He didn't know he was Jewish when he said whatever he did.The fact he is Jewish had no bearing on why KL said what he did. The story went that he was responding to the immoral way that many journalists follow people around and harrass but hide behind just doing their jobs mantra when challenged. This story amongst many others was part of an ongoing smear campaign against KL. Using it as evidence of anything here is pathetic.

He made the comment about being a concentration guard only after he learned the journo was Jewish. Read the article. I cant be arsed quoting it again.

And yes, ViolentPanda I did read right through that article and followed the story at the time. I had the misfortune of having to occasionally work with him around that time when I worked for TfL and though of course race never came into it, his alcohol consumption was certainly, literally, on the table. I wouldn't be surprised if he did make those comments while off his face after leaving a party. He certainly pushed the boundaries of anti-semitism in more recent media interviews though not to the degree he did in 2005.
What utter bollocks. He didn't know he was Jewish when he said whatever he did.The fact he is Jewish had no bearing on why KL said what he did. The story went that he was responding to the immoral way that many journalists follow people around and harrass but hide behind just doing their jobs mantra when challenged. This story amongst many others was part of an ongoing smear campaign against KL. Using it as evidence of anything here is pathetic.

Exactly - you tell em :)

Anyway back to the case in point which isn't Splash - but the Lee Japser show now.

This stuff is brilliant - Peter Dow should debate him on behalf of Urban75...You could sell tickets for that...two political leviathans go head to head.
He made the comment about being a concentration guard only after he learned the journo was Jewish.

He started out on the war criminal theme when he learned the journo was from the Evening Standard. He elaborated that into the concentration camp guard after learning he was Jewish, because he clearly wanted to insult the journo. That is not the same as, say, using some stereotype about Jews to insult the journo. That would suggest he was an anti-semite.
I agree and those campaigns are/were very important but they do not reflect the political priorities of the black community in Brixton or Lambeth and over 20 years I would expect to see this sites involvement in more campaigning on specific race issues.

You are wrong on both counts.

When the Brixton Rec was under threat a few years back the Black community saw it as an issue for them. They turned up en mass at a public meeting to let Lib Peck know how they felt. She backed down at the meeting.

On the shops and cafes in Brixton Station road I know that many members of the Black community felt strongly about the loss of these small business.
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Peter Dow should debate him on behalf of Urban75...You could sell tickets for that...two political leviathans go head to head

Pardon? I get elected every year to one or another organisation or movement. Like I say, white people don't get to decide who our leaders are.
Its the same old shit you have been spouting for over three decades. The Posh Lee Show.
Its a bit threadbare these days.
You are wrong on both counts.

When the Brixton Rec was under threat a few years back the Black community saw it as an issue for them. They turned up en mass at a public meeting to let Lib Peck know how they felt. She backed down at the meeting.

On the shops and cafes in Brixton Station road I know that many members of the Black community felt strongly about the loss of these small business.

I didn't say they weren't important I said they were not the top priorities of black communities such police racism, deaths in custody, or criminal black youth unemployment, school exclusions. Try harder.
Its the same old shit you have been spouting for over three decades. The Posh Lee Show.
Its a bit threadbare these days.

What threadbare is the fight against racism, what is threadbare is white people taking responsibility for racism instead of attacking black representatives, what is threadbare is this site commitment to diversity and anti racism .
For those white people on here, who presume they can decide who are 'credible black people' and what constitutes racism and anti racism, an object lesson.

"I am sorry but if you are a white man you don't get to define what racism is" : Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie http://bbc.in/2fJux1x #newsnight
Exactly - you tell em :)

Anyway back to the case in point which isn't Splash - but the Lee Japser show now.

This stuff is brilliant - Peter Dow should debate him on behalf of Urban75...You could sell tickets for that...two political leviathans go head to head.

Ha! Clash of the, er, Titans. Or something.
Its the same old shit you have been spouting for over three decades. The Posh Lee Show.
Its a bit threadbare these days.

He's like a one-man 1970s sitcom. Only without the humour. Utterly tragic.
For those white people on here, who presume they can decide who are 'credible black people' and what constitutes racism and anti racism, an object lesson.

In a constituency with more than 31,000 black people of Caribbean origin alone; where over 31% off the constituency is black (second highest in UK); and in which almost 2/3 are non white, you were unable to scrape even 600 votes ahead of the Monster Raving Looney Party or National Front.

You may have convinced yourself that it is only white people (filthy racists that they are) who reject your politics. But you are conveniently ignoring the voice of the black community which has made its own clear statement about your credibility as a leader.
Still not convinced this is Lee Jasper. He can't possibly be this weird. Has anyone checked?

I don't know but it does often seem to be the case that when those, who we are used to seeing operating in largely controlled environments as "public figures", get involved in things like internet forums, direct and unedited, it turns out that they are even more nutty and incoherent than the rest of us reveal ourselves to be in those same places.
For those white people on here, who presume they can decide who are 'credible black people' and what constitutes racism and anti racism, an object lesson.

"I am sorry but if you are a white man you don't get to define what racism is" : Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie http://bbc.in/2fJux1x #newsnight
Clever quote, but to compare the American constitution with it's extreme free speech (burning a cross on your neighbour's lawn is legally protected as being "freedom of speech" I heard) with debates about labelling posters on Urban75 seems a bit off.

The argument about whether black people can be racist was raised in Lambeth in the mid 1980s by Janet Boateng when she was an Education spokesman on Lambeth Council. My recollection is it was mocked by the press. It could be argued that Janet Boateng's perceived stridency played into the hands of conservative thinking politicians.

Since you have raised a Nigerian spokesperson for your cause, can I ask what is your view of virulent anti-Nigerian sentiment amongst many black people who are not Nigerian?

Is it racism? Or is it a case of "Remember not to mention the war!" [Basil Fawlty dealing with German guests at Fawlty Towers] Or is Basil racist too - against Germans/Manuel etc etc?

P.S. I have been to Nsuka and Enugu in Nigeria, which is where Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie hails from originally. Not much trouble with racism there. The only ethnic group around are the Igbo people, and the favoured religions are Catholic or Anglican.

No doubt Ms Adichie finds it refreshingly multi cultural in the USA!
For the record: we did check this out when the account was first registered and it appears to be the real Lee Jasper. IIRC, LJ's Twitter account posted links to his posts here saying that it was him. Of course it's impossible to say whether it has been hacked etc but the account seems to be fairly consistent in post content.
In a constituency with more than 31,000 black people of Caribbean origin alone; where over 31% off the constituency is black (second highest in UK); and in which almost 2/3 are non white, you were unable to scrape even 600 votes ahead of the Monster Raving Looney Party or National Front.

I'm philosophical about running for office, and at least I stood for something. I see no shame in trying. Three weeks and £5k expenditure against the Labour machine spending ten of thousands? Plus the racist press coverage of my time in City Hall? Hey Im proud off what I tried and failure is a critical part of success. Thee good news is I aint dead yet. I follow in a great tradition of people who tired and failed at their first attempt to get elected, the list is illustrious. I am proud to be part of the club that tried and failed only to go onto to succeed.

You may have convinced yourself that it is only white people (filthy racists that they are) who reject your politics. But you are conveniently ignoring the voice of the black community which has made its own clear statement about your credibility as a leader.

Your entitled to your myopic, uniformed, view, however shit talk is shit cheap and none of you white people on here, ( and lets face it this site is about as representative as UKIP) who support this view can evidence your private prejudices. May I remind you that Farage aint elected either.

Your bile, is all part of your personal prejudice that allows you to wrongly assume in vain glorious, self righteous and pompous ignorance, that I think all white people are racist. This is a gross distortion of course reflects the popular. but misguided white liberal sentiments that so bedevilles our struggle for equality.

Let me be clear for the avoidance of doubt, it isn't all white people, its white people like you.

But if as you assert, I'm so unpopular and my views soooo unrepresentative of my community, then why won't anyone on here, like you with plenty to say on this subject, why wont anyone come and debate with me lol?

I think like the reason is obvious, like most reactionary white liberals (right or left) they are generally cowards, most vocal behind closed doors, in private or hiding behind their on line anonymity. I think deep down you know that my views would be supported by the majority of both black and whites.

Your collective refusal to take this into the real world reflects that fact and you realise, like most on line braggadocios bullies and cowards, that this black man has your measure.

So you spit your venom in the forlorn hope that you can somehow bolster your miserable sagging self esteem.

I take no lessons on credibility from anonymous white people who have no record in fighting racism. None.

As Dr King pointed out, we ignore the soft siren voices of such damnable 'friends.'
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Clever quote, but to compare the American constitution with it's extreme free speech (burning a cross on your neighbour's lawn is legally protected as being "freedom of speech" I heard) with debates about labelling posters on Urban75 seems a bit off.

The argument about whether black people can be racist was raised in Lambeth in the mid 1980s by Janet Boateng when she was an Education spokesman on Lambeth Council. My recollection is it was mocked by the press. It could be argued that Janet Boateng's perceived stridency played into the hands of conservative thinking politicians.

Since you have raised a Nigerian spokesperson for your cause, can I ask what is your view of virulent anti-Nigerian sentiment amongst many black people who are not Nigerian?

Is it racism? Or is it a case of "Remember not to mention the war!" [Basil Fawlty dealing with German guests at Fawlty Towers] Or is Basil racist too - against Germans/Manuel etc etc?

P.S. I have been to Nsuka and Enugu in Nigeria, which is where Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie hails from originally. Not much trouble with racism there. The only ethnic group around are the Igbo people, and the favoured religions are Catholic or Anglican.

No doubt Ms Adichie finds it refreshingly multi cultural in the USA!

I don't do Whatabouterry. You can read my blog for a more detailed analysis of the where's and whyfores. Virulent anti Nigerian sentiment from other black people?

Where did you get that information? With all these 'white experts' on racism and black peoples expressed opinions I wonder why racism continues to thrive in the UK at all. And therein lies the answer...
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