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Curious name check there.
The sometime former landlord/manager of the Angell Pub in Coldharbour Lane was called Peddy, followed later on by Ricky Atkins.

Don't suppose there's many Peddys about, but also doubt I could be responsible for the actions of a grandson - it would have to be a grandson given the age.

I'm not convinced that Ricky was close to the more demented Atkins family members - if he was related at all.
I do remember however the Police raided the Angell Pub 20 years ago and claimed to have found drugs hidden in the cistern of the gents outside toilet.
Ricky complained to the Community Police Consultative Group for Lambeth that he had been framed - and was supported in his complain by Lloyd Leon of the Domino Club, and former Mayor under Ted Knight.

Its easy to get correlations by Googling names - but allegations require verification.
I quite liked Ricky - who sort of ran the South London HiFi shop as well as the pub. I find it difficult to imagine him being in cahoots with Vincent and the young mobsters. Maybe the police didn't see it that way though. But as far as I know he was never charged - and no licensing issues arose.[/url]
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Farah wants her photo taken

I am writing on behalf of Independent London Mayoral candidate, Farah London. In recent days, Farah has been shocked to hear that families on free school meals have been receiving unacceptable food hampers and has decided to act. Tomorrow morning, Farah will be visiting St John’s Angell Town Primary School in Brixton to hand deliver donations of food that the school has asked for. This will go to 50 families in the local area who are struggling to feed their children.

Would you be interested in running a piece on this and receiving pictures from us tomorrow?

More information about Farah’s profile and platform is available on Vote Farah London | Bring London Back | Bring London Back | Have your say. I
Farah's website makes my eyeballs bleed and makes me too queasy to actually read the content.

Still, the surname is perfect for the aspiration
Where’s London been that it needs bringing back from?
I think I agree with your response.
Her website seems a sort of anodyne populism you would expect from a Mayoral candidate in New York say.
Moreover her housing policy appears identical to that of the present secretary of state - cut red tape planning restrictions and watch the invisible hand of the market generate new homes. No sign of funding for affordable or social housing schemes in there as far as I can see.

Listening to radio last night and Carnegie came up. Programme about philanthropy. Carnegie is key figure in modern philanthropy. His text the Gospel of Weath written in 1889 is key text. I read the text. Definitely worth a read.

He does not say it directly in the text but in the programme he was inflenced by Social Darwinism. A right wing use of Darwins ideas applying them to society. Views were commonly held at the time

These ideas helped support the the what was then new Capitalism. Competition was good and natural. The best will rise up to the top.

Carnegie had clear views on what philanthropy should be.

He thought most philanthropy in his time was wasted on the undeserving. He was of the a "hand up not a hand out " school of thinking.

Given the period he was writing in he puts up a defence of the 1% of his day against Communists / Anarchists.

For him the natural order of things was competition. Capitalism had brought great material benefits and also greater inequality. Those like him who had risen up had become very wealthy.

In his view there is nothing wrong with that. Problem was that the clear divisions between those who worked in the modern factories and those that owned them who became very wealthy.

This was how Communisn / Anarchism had gained ground. The class difference with as Carnegie says the surplus value made going to the top 1%.

Reading his piece and he agrees with Marx. Capitalism had transformed social relations and the surplus value created by workers was appropriated by the business owners like him.

He, however , saw this as a good thing. Natural competition meant that those of the race who were the most able became very wealthy.

As they were from the the superior parts of the race they should be the ones who decide how this surplus value created should be used to further civilisation and the race.

He was against inherited wealth. What he is suggesting is a kind of meritocracy. Those who are the fittest of the race will if competition and individualism is allowed become the top level of society.

He did think that the problem of class warfare between the new factory worker and wealthy Capitalist would be abated if his kind of philanthropy was followed.

He decided how the surplus value he extracted was to be spent.

Libraries were ideal. They were not a hand out that could be misused ( spent on drink and idleness) . Only those workers who already were of the better part of the race would be interested in them.

So his version of philanthropy was top down, opposed the growing Marxist/ Anarchist movements and was to shore up the grossly unequal Capitalist society he lived in.
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Listening to radio last night and Carnegie came up. Programme about philanthropy. Carnegie is key figure in modern philanthropy. His text the Gospel of Weath written in 1889 is key text. I read the text. Definitely worth a read.

He does not say it directly in the text but in the programme he was inflenced by Social Darwinism. A right wing use of Darwins ideas applying them to society. Views were commonly held at the time

These ideas helped support the the what was then new Capitalism. Competition was good and natural. The best will rise up to the top.

Carnegie had clear views on what philanthropy should be.

He thought most philanthropy in his time was wasted on the undeserving. He was of the a "hand up not a hand out " school of thinking.

Given the period he was writing in he puts up a defence of the 1% of his day against Communists / Anarchists.

For him the natural order of things was competition. Capitalism had brought great material benefits and also greater inequality. Those like him who had risen up had become very wealthy.

In his view there is nothing wrong with that. Problem was that the clear divisions between those who worked in the modern factories and those that owned them who became very wealthy.

This was how Communisn / Anarchism had gained ground. The class difference with as Carnegie says the surplus value made going to the top 1%.

Reading his piece and he agrees with Marx. Capitalism had transformed social relations and the surplus value created by workers was appropriated by the business owners like him.

He, however , saw this as a good thing. Natural competition meant that those of the race who were the most able became very wealthy.

As they were from the the superior parts of the race they should be the ones who decide how this surplus value created should be used to further civilisation and the race.

He was against inherited wealth. What he is suggesting is a kind of meritocracy. Those who are the fittest of the race will if competition and individualism is allowed become the top level of society.

He did think that the problem of class warfare between the new factory worker and wealthy Capitalist would be abated if his kind of philanthropy was followed.

He decided how the surplus value he extracted was to be spent.

Libraries were ideal. They were not a hand out that could be misused ( spent on drink and idleness) . Only those workers who already were of the better part of the race would be interested in them.

So his version of philanthropy was top down, opposed the growing Marxist/ Anarchist movements and was to shore up the grossly unequal Capitalist society he lived in.

Very interesting. Bit of an Ayn Rand kind of vibe, unless I'm missing something. Strange to me because I hate Rand but always kind of respected Carnegie.
Very interesting. Bit of an Ayn Rand kind of vibe, unless I'm missing something. Strange to me because I hate Rand but always kind of respected Carnegie.

TBF to Carnegie his views on race and social improvement were common currency.

Above article gives background. Social Darwinism was at time seen as scientific and rational approach to the problems caused by the new Capitalist industrial society.

Was reading Paul Gilroy recently and he has wrtten about the "scientific" study of race in 19c. Which runs in parrallel to social Darwinisn. In his book "Against Race".

It was from this murky background that social reform and social work developed. Later Social Darwinisn led to growth in classification and study of human beings. Seeing who was to be treated as useless to society to be incarcerated and who could be "reformed". All based on "scientific" study.

Gilroy writes about same thing regarding study of race by Victorians in Africa. Classifying what they saw as different races based on shape of heads for example.

Of course the basic problem was the inequality caused by the new Capitalist industrialisation and Imperialism. Social Darwinisn justified this whilst trying to deal ameliorate some of the worst of it. But it was always about social control.

Had a lasting effect imo on how societies operate even now. Something Gilroy writes about. The fascistic thinking that still permeates society as we know it.
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I only watched 5 minutes too and was going to watch tonight. Any good?

Thought it was strange that it was so openly available.
I only watched 5 minutes too and was going to watch tonight. Any good?

Thought it was strange that it was so openly available.
Me too but it was on their own video channel which appeared top of the list on Google - and sometimes indie films do appear on line. I only took a quick look, but thought it might have been some sort of extended behind the scenes preview thig.

They briefly got very shirty with me thinking I was some sort of super hacker, but were apologetic when they realised the fuck up was entirely their end, and we're all cool now.

Coronavirus: How Brixton is waking up from 'lockdown coma'

Meet 18-year old local lad Ronaldo Scott who, according to his lawyers, has learning difficulties ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... yesterday at Inner London Crown Court, he was sentenced to 24 months' imprisonment suspended for two years, having pleaded guilty to violent disorder and carrying a prohibited weapon, after filming himself on 'social media' during an "unlicensed music event" on Angell Town estate on 25 June 2020. This was during the national Covid-19-related 'lockdown'. The judge also ordered that he complete a 35 day rehabilitation course and obey an electronically monitored curfew for two months. He was also sentenced to a three year criminal behaviour order. The order means he must not meet others charged in connection with the June party or enter the area of Lambeth and Southwark. It also bans him from carrying a mobile phone not registered in his or his mother's name. At the 'party' he was in possession of an extendable baton which was a stun gun.
Meet 18-year old local lad Ronaldo Scott who, according to his lawyers, has learning difficulties ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... yesterday at Inner London Crown Court, he was sentenced to 24 months' imprisonment suspended for two years, having pleaded guilty to violent disorder and carrying a prohibited weapon, after filming himself on 'social media' during an "unlicensed music event" on Angell Town estate on 25 June 2020. This was during the national Covid-19-related 'lockdown'. The judge also ordered that he complete a 35 day rehabilitation course and obey an electronically monitored curfew for two months. He was also sentenced to a three year criminal behaviour order. The order means he must not meet others charged in connection with the June party or enter the area of Lambeth and Southwark. It also bans him from carrying a mobile phone not registered in his or his mother's name. At the 'party' he was in possession of an extendable baton which was a stun gun.

So what is your view of this conviction?

Im getting a bit tired of looking at Brixton Forum and seeing yet again one of your cut and paste posts of crime with no comment.

Sorry I am new to this website and the only way I know how is to post this message is to use this reply function.

The link should be a way to get to my new forum and the message on that is below.

I am a year 13 Geography A-Level student and am eager to get the opinions of Brixton residents and businesses on the work of the Brixton BID and the Local council in trying to achieve environmental sustainability.
Have there been improvements in methods to make Brixton more sustainable?
Are the council doing enough?
Is there evidence that the council is doing enough? Is so what evidence?

Any opinions you have on this would be great.
All answers will remain anonymous as I will be collecting this data for my fieldwork investigation (coursework)

Please only answer if you know about this topic or you live or work in Brixton

Sorry I am new to this website and the only way I know how is to post this message is to use this reply function.

The link should be a way to get to my new forum and the message on that is below.

I am a year 13 Geography A-Level student and am eager to get the opinions of Brixton residents and businesses on the work of the Brixton BID and the Local council in trying to achieve environmental sustainability.
Have there been improvements in methods to make Brixton more sustainable?
Are the council doing enough?
Is there evidence that the council is doing enough? Is so what evidence?

Any opinions you have on this would be great.
All answers will remain anonymous as I will be collecting this data for my fieldwork investigation (coursework)

Please only answer if you know about this topic or you live or work in Brixton
Surveys aren't allowed here. Please don't post up any more threads asking for information. Good luck!
Full council is exotic tonight.

Cllr Holland's backdrop seems to be The Sky ay Night.

Mayor Philip Normal has a jerkin which would work well in Joseph and the Amazing Tecxhnicolour Dreamcoat.

Relations between the Green Party councillors and Labour bigwigs seem almost poisonous.
Matthew Bennett's question-answering abilities rival those of Boris Johnson.

Even the urbane Jack Hopkins has issues with the opposition questioning Lambeth Labour approaches to policy.
He accused both the Greens and the lone Tory of being Populists. Isn't this is the Trump-like tactic of getting your retaliation in first?
" Our Brixton community is one of our closest knit and vibrant. Becky Sparks Wright, knows SW8 like the back of her hand. "


I saw this before Xmas and actually emailed them suggesting that a correction would make them look a bit more inforned. No reply, no correction
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