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When the shit hit the fan

Brixton 2020 in photos: March – when the world came crashing down

posted this on the UK politics boards:

My three local MPs opposed the deal.

They are from different wings of the party.

My MP Helen Hayes resigned from front bench and abstained. ( I would say centre of party. Very good constituency MP imo)

Florence Eshalomi MP for Vauxhall also abstained and resigned. ( from Progress wing of party)

Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP ( Streatham) voted against. ( From left of the party. New MP who replaced the much disliked Chuka. Got seat on basis of members rejecting the progress led Council candidate. Becomimg a popular well liked MP)

My area was strongly Remain ( and that does include the working class) the MPs from different wings of the party correctly imo took their decision based on how constituents felt about Brexit.

Local legends The Klf have decided to unleash their previously deleted back catalogue on popular streaming platforms even making the bbc national news......

one of the projected uploads will feature music from a less well known local legend Tony Thorpe/moody boys. this Is great news if he becomes more widely appreciated, especially as a notable music hotspot cut him loose from his residency and regular income stream even before the current pandemic...... The Moody Boys - Wikipedia
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Read this today by Anna Minton.

Reminded me of this recent Brixton Buzz article.

The Youth Opportunities fund is set up by Lambeth Council along with London Community Foundation. I did get a letter about it while back.

Only glancing through it looks like Council funded project to distribute funds to youth groups.

Its not. It Council asking locals to cough up to put money into a fund. Which then local groups can apply for.

As Anna Minton points out initatives like this blur boundaries between Council providing services and charity.

Better would be for the Council to give list of projects that people if they wish can directly give to.

One thing that is very time consuming for voluntary groups to do is apply for grants.

This Lambeth fund will be another grant making body to apply to.
Then (Saturday 15 May 1999):

"Lee Jasper, director of the 1990 Trust, said: "They (the Metropolitan Police) need to stop making alliances with unregistered informants and criminals, who are giving them the runaround, and build alliances with the communities who can give them real information." He added: "The stereotypical view of the police is that the black community is soft on drugs but we actually think the police are soft on drug-dealers."

Now (Sunday 29 November 2020):

An update and further appeal regarding the Vincent Atkins matter:

Logged into MyLambeth to get a council tax statement, wasn't what the establishment wanted, had an argument, phoned them up for a non-existent statement, asked them to .pdf it via email , ....
As this news story appears to have been missed by "Brixton’s biggest and most comprehensive news, features and listings site", details are shared here for all:
It's a non profit blog. No one is paid. Everyone does it in their spare time. Just like this forum, where you're free to post up news articles related to Brixton.

Still, if you think the topic is so important, why didn't you write to them and offer to write it yourself?

Edit to add: Plus the story has already had mainstream news coverage.
Any chance of a summary?

Vincent Atkins' son Nolan was jailed for life in 2003 for attempted murder and torture

Then there's Shaun Atkins, Sean Atkins and Jermaine Atkins. All South London. The same family?

BUSTED: Gang planned to put £1.5m of heroin onto streets of London

I wish I'd known more about Vincent when he used to hang around outside the Brixton Pound Cafe.
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