David Clapson
Well-Known Member
You've already got an anonymous knife and gun crime unit - you don't have to give your name at A and E.Here's a little poem I wrote to commemorate the Lambeth Ho$pital deal. I want an anonymous knife & gun crime unit so thanks for the inspiration! Read in a ded kennedys punky tone
"On the Road to St Tom's'
Bleeding out in Brixton,
Watching the luxury flats flash by your eye,
In the back of an ambulance,
In a traffic jam,
as the 'Golden Hour' ticks away,
Fuk Fuk Fuk
The only word u can $ay'
Edit: Liz Peck replaces PolPot if u wanna join v choros
Rob x
And the LAS response time is what matters. Traffic between here and Kings' isn't really a factor. Paramedics or doctors start treating you as soon as they get to you. What's your interest in gun and knife injuries, and how come you know so little about NHS services?