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I understand that - it your ‘Hospital at St T or Kings’ that I didn’t understand??
It's this one in Landor Road. A substantial Mental Health facility build to accommodate the Lambeth patients formerly dealt with by Tooting Bec Hospital - itself sold for luxury residential development in the Thatcher era.
Apologies for copyright violation - but as a patient/customer/user of the place I feel more proprietorial than Alamy, whoever they are.
No it has not.

Bog standard bollards - no design input- no evidence of the square being a target.
I just find this whole thing so ironic. In the days of Heather Rabbats (bless her cotton socks) she had all walls and vegetation stripped out from the library square because she thought muggers and drug dealers used them as cover.

Having done that they are now faced with the problem of putting in cover for users of the square against hostile external forces, yet to be named. The fact of the matter is if Lambeth Council had not implemented Windrush Square in its present Stalinist format there might have been no need for all this faffing around with Georgian style bollards, or whatever they are.
I understand that - it your ‘Hospital at St T or Kings’ that I didn’t understand??
Well Brixton wont have a hospital for anonymous knife wounds or bullet shots. I understand (now) that Lambeth Hospital was more of a mental health facility. Medics talk about the Golden Hour . That hour can be spent getting to St Toms or Kings in an ambulance. I think that is a shame.
The golden hour is the period of time following a traumatic injury during which there is the highest likelihood that prompt medical and surgical treatment will prevent death.
Mrs B spoke to Mrs WJ today whilst walking dogs and the upshot is Greene King have not given a date for reopening at all
Just had a look at the Greene King website and it looks like they have quite a lot of pubs open but not all. Saw one in the west end that was still closed. Wondering if they will introduce a slow cull of smaller less profitable establishments. For pubs right now it seems to be more about providing food and drink. The food side of things is something the Albert has always struggled with.
I dont think i've ever seen anyone eat food at the Albert. I think wet led pubs which depend on high volumes of people stood around drinking at least a few drinks each are going to really struggle against the new normal of patrons all sat down at a table with service to it, often with food. Im not surprised its the only pub in the area that hasnt reopened.
I dont think i've ever seen anyone eat food at the Albert. I think wet led pubs which depend on high volumes of people stood around drinking at least a few drinks each are going to really struggle against the new normal of patrons all sat down at a table with service to it, often with food. Im not surprised its the only pub in the area that hasnt reopened.
I ate there once about 6 year ago when a certain urbanite was the chef. Otherwise there has never been any consistency to their sporadic food efforts.

I will miss the place...
Right now any gig anywhere would do me. Even Clapham. Or - shudder - Pop Brixton. I'm that desperate.
Believe Windmill has gigs now
Also The Railway fundraiser is on for weekend of 25 Sept (at least it is on at the time of writing)
There is a punky looking artist using one of the shops on railton/ atlantic road he has different pieces of work in the window. Interesting mix of influences from punk/ fetish/ jamacian bling. Today had lots framed colourful water pistols each with diamante and words/fabric etc called Guns of Brixton. Apparently young people don't get the Clash reference and thought he was glamourising gun crime. I met him a few weeks ago - his name is Gary Lowe and he said he doesn't do social media. He has put his opening show back as he isn't ready yet - now planned for the evening Friday 18th.
A boat sails up Coldharbour Lane

Extinction Rebellion boat sails along Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, Fri 4th Sept 2020

There is a punky looking artist using one of the shops on railton/ atlantic road he has different pieces of work in the window. Interesting mix of influences from punk/ fetish/ jamacian bling. Today had lots framed colourful water pistols each with diamante and words/fabric etc called Guns of Brixton. Apparently young people don't get the Clash reference and thought he was glamourising gun crime. I met him a few weeks ago - his name is Gary Lowe and he said he doesn't do social media. He has put his opening show back as he isn't ready yet - now planned for the evening Friday 18th.
The old staff of life shop?
Here's a little poem I wrote to commemorate the Lambeth Ho$pital deal. I want an anonymous knife & gun crime unit so thanks for the inspiration! Read in a ded kennedys punky tone

"On the Road to St Tom's'

Bleeding out in Brixton,
Watching the luxury flats flash by your eye,
In the back of an ambulance,
In a traffic jam,
as the 'Golden Hour' ticks away,
Fuk Fuk Fuk
The only word u can $ay'

Edit: Liz Peck replaces PolPot if u wanna join v choros
Rob x
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I attended the first of the meetings for the new Council "Lambeth Made" Coldharbour Ward meeting:
Lambeth Made Community is a new forum launched in July 2020 to discuss matters of community resilience.

The meetings will allow residents and community groups to work with a range of organisations providing local services to build community resilience and improve community safety through partnership working and community engagement.

They will be the first in a series of meetings in Lambeth that have been established in support of a public health approach to reducing violence and building community resilience.

We want to have honest and open conversations with our communities to talk about how we can work together to improve the safety of our wards and help support long term, community led change.

At the heart of our work to make our borough a safer place is the belief that residents and community groups have to be at the centre of everything we do, and this first meeting is part of that new way of working together.

Cllr Jacqi Dyer led the meeting.

So its set up to listen to residents/ Not "parachute" ideas onto community/ Co produced strategies.

Council officer went on about Coldharbour being deprived ward. Social problems being linked to inequality. Poverty is a "driver" of crime.

Then went onto comments by those attending this Microsoft Teams meeting.

First up one person going on at length about the Railton LTN.

Then other comments about graffitti not being removed which encourages crime and things like that.

Cllr Dyer then asked people what they would do to solve things problems. So she ws asking for people to volunteer their time in local community. Council would help by distributing info on local voluntary projects.

Officer would look at all the comments on the Commonplace website and the meeting to draw up "Draft Action Plan"

I didnt speak.

My view of this new initiative is:

1. Its all very well going on about inequality and deprivation but these are not things local residents can do much about. The Council asking people to step in and volunteer to plug the gaps is a bit much.

2. Their are already Local Neighbouurhood Forums. If the Council wants to co produce then it could work with them Heard not all the Forums were happy with this new Council initiative. Impression I get from the first Lambeth Made Coldharbour Ward meeting is the Council want something more manageable ( by them)

3. Council officer said that pandemic had made Council operate in more "nimble" manner. This I took as meaning that the Council don't have to go through the usual consultation methods. I found this comment at variance to the intro at beginning of the meeting.

4) A Public Health approach requires resources. Council didn't suggest putting any forward.

5) There was recent meeting following the murder on Angel Town. I missed that. TBF I didn't feel like listening to Council waffle on this time.
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Which Ward did you attend? I missed Vassal where I live but i can see no outcome of the meeting including action points or timelines. The Vassal and Coldharbour forum seems to have disappeared off the web so hopefully this will provide impetus to address local issues but I am sceptical.
Which Ward did you attend? I missed Vassal where I live but i can see no outcome of the meeting including action points or timelines. The Vassal and Coldharbour forum seems to have disappeared off the web so hopefully this will provide impetus to address local issues but I am sceptical.

The Coldharbour Ward one.

I can't see outcome yet about the Coldharbour one.

I think officer said meeting every three months. I did think more would have gone on the website about what happened at the first meeting by now.

I though Vassl and Coldharbour forum was still going.

I go to the LJ Neighbourhood Forum.

Meant to put link to Coldharbour one

The way it was run was not like a forum. Councillor led the meeting.

The Cllrs turned up. Which they don't always to forum meetings.

There are already Safer Neighbourhood Panels and a Forum network.

So Im not clear why the Council have started up this Lambeth Made idea.

It looks like it comes out of the reducing violence by treating it was a Public Health issue idea.

One of the officers involved said his remit is also public safety ( as in terrorism).
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