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It's not my blessing!

More unsupported argument, and now personal attack!

By point: and?, and not just philanthropic men. Never said 'everyone' did backbreaking work, just many others including post slavery plantation workers. Never said that either. Yes, not 'capitulate'!

' right wing resentment dressed-up as middle of the ground reasonableness'. Yeh, Unitarian Ministers and community lawyers like me are well-known for it!

Unitarian is a strange tag to put on any religion, given its inherently divisive nature. Encouragingly, the accelerating decline in faith is matched by increasing tolerance of other people's cultures and beliefs.
Street party in Atlantic Road where it meets Railton Rd. Pretty good sound system. Get down there quick to catch your dose of Covid before the police arrive.
The TSG arrived and spoke to the person responsible for the PA, who had barricaded himself in. Rashid Nix of Green Party fame addressed the crowd: if people didn't disperse, the police would force entry and seize the equipment. Everyone left. The last few moaned that "the government has taken everything away. If we're not allowed to party, you might as well shoot us." Apparently the virus is a hoax and nobody's died of it.
Unitarian is a strange tag to put on any religion, given its inherently divisive nature. Encouragingly, the accelerating decline in faith is matched by increasing tolerance of other people's cultures and beliefs.
Not sure what you are saying here. The denomination has been around in UK since about 1770. I don't know what current membership is - was around 2,000 in the late 20th century, about half what the Quakers claim. Neither Unitarians or Quakers have a formal creed "I believe in one God etc". So why are you saying the Unitarian church is divisive?
On Friday, 28 August 2020, Yassein Bullock, 18, of Fiveways Road, Brixton, became the second person to be charged with the murder of Salem Koudou.


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

The Late Salem Koudou

Anyone with information or footage relating to this incident should visit this website, dial 101 or tweet @MetCC and quoting reference Cad 5998/20Aug. To remain anonymous call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
My Brixton story from tonight: file it under gentrification.

On my way to Sainsburys I pass a guy having a long, slow, deliberate piss on the door of Hereford House in Rushcroft Rd. Not in the corner of the doorway but right on the letterbox in the middle of the door.

I say: "Are you really pissing right in the middle of someone else's door?" He turns round and smiles and says "It's Brixton, innit? Where do you live.? I say "I've lived in Brixton for 20 years. What about you?" He says "I've lived in Brixton for 27 years". Me: "So that makes it alright to piss one someone else's door?" Him: "Yeah." Me: "Are you high?" Him: "No, I'm drunk. Where are you from?" I walk away. He follows me. Me: "I live here." Him: "But where are you from?" He puts his arm round my shoulder and pulls me towards him. I punch him in the face and cross the road. He punches me in the face and I fall over. He stands above me. "I've got a gun and I'm going to shoot you." He reaches inside his jacket. People in two of the flats have opened their windows and are shouting. He runs off.

That's really horrible for you, I'm sorry to hear it. I've got to wonder why this is filed under gentrification though..?
I must say whenever I go into town there seems a reasonable chance that Thameslink will be cancelled.
This sounds serious though

The emergency services dealing with an incident at Loughborough Jn means train services running through this station may be running non stop between Herne Hill and Elephant & Castle. Loughborough Jn will not be served. Disruption is expected until 13:00.

Can you tell me more about the incident?

Following an incident at Loughborough Junction earlier today, the police are carrying out further investigations and have requested that the station be closed until further notice.

This from National Rail inquiries train time website.
I must say whenever I go into town there seems a reasonable chance that Thameslink will be cancelled.
This sounds serious though

The emergency services dealing with an incident at Loughborough Jn means train services running through this station may be running non stop between Herne Hill and Elephant & Castle. Loughborough Jn will not be served. Disruption is expected until 13:00.

Can you tell me more about the incident?

Following an incident at Loughborough Junction earlier today, the police are carrying out further investigations and have requested that the station be closed until further notice.

This from National Rail inquiries train time website.
Something serious that's for sure. My other half went passed walking to Camberwell. He said he's never seen so many old bill cars in one place.
Lots of police with guns etc on the street and Wyck Gardens questioning people. Wonder what's happened.
Surely the irony of maintaining a website about an area and your stubborn reluctance to accept change or welcome people who might be attracted to the area by said website, is not lost on you?

I think the Brixton Buzz website has been doing a great job recently. Giving local people info during the Covid lockdown.

Also good to see Tricky Skills writing for the Buzz. Put in excellant article on the Hondo planning application Committee meeting.

So I don't see the "irony".

Looks like a lot of local people had "stubborn reluctance" to accept change when it came to McWilliams generous offier to invest in Brixton.

Perhaps Brixton Buzz is reflecting a lot of locals views?
Surely the irony of maintaining a website about an area and your stubborn reluctance to accept change or welcome people who might be attracted to the area by said website, is not lost on you?
Where has this "stubborn reluctance to accept change" manifested itself in regards to the news about Brixton Village winning a major international tourist prize? Am I supposed to applaud everything that brings more tourists into the area and thus helps fuel increased prices, gentrification and displacement?

It's quite possible to run a local website and be critical of some of the changes happening in that area - in fact, I think it's a fucking good thing. There's nothing 'ironic' about that at all.

And you are aware that I ran a photo feature on Brixton Village just 3 days ago, yes?
Where has this "stubborn reluctance to accept change" manifested itself in regards to the news about Brixton Village winning a major international tourist prize? Am I supposed to applaud everything that brings more tourists into the area and thus helps fuel increased prices, gentrification and displacement?

It's quite possible to run a local website and be critical of some of the changes happening in that area - in fact, I think it's a fucking good thing. There's nothing 'ironic' about that at all.

And you are aware that I ran a photo feature on Brixton Village just 3 days ago, yes?
I'd say anything that brings 'tourists' or any potential new footfall to the area during the current economic situation would be welcomed.
And it certainly doesn't need to lead to increased prices/gentrification and displacement.

Editor go into shops and local businesses and ask them if they'd welcome the news of the area winning an international tourist award. You and I both know what they'd say.
And it certainly doesn't need to lead to increased prices/gentrification and displacement.
There's so many studies and obvious examples from around the UK and elsewhere proving you completely wrong, I really don't know where to start.

Gentrification caused by tourism is increasingly affecting a number of places around the world. Although some scholars have noted that tourism threatens the right to ‘stay put’ of existing populations....

The visitor is regarded as an affluent user that overlaps with other daily dynamics of the city and, as a result, the gentrification of lower income communities will be more intense in areas that have been transformed into spaces for tourism consumption.
Tourism is a significant cause of neighbourhood change in several places but research on the impact of urban tourism remains scarce. The research argues that a process of tourism gentrification is taking place.
I am assuming all written before the economic catastrophe which is Covid 19?
Right. So that's your attempt to dismiss the entire body of the research? Like all the tourists are suddenly going to stop spending money in Brixton forever?

Judging from my recent trips to the village, the recovery is already well underway, and as you can see from its US finance-backed owners, even more big money is rolling into the area for rooftop restaurants. And then there's Squires new restaurant/bar coming soon, which will no doubt complement their private, exclusive, members-only bar splendidly.
I attended an online event from the Advocacy Academy today, where the young people presented the campaigns they have been working on to Helen Hayes and a zoom audience. Amazing young people, gives me hope for the future. You can still see a recording of it here next week:
Can't catch the livestream and feeling the FOMO? Don't worry! Join us for a watch-party the following week.
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