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No-one is dismissing anything Ed.
But the fact remains that we are in recession post C-19 and anything positive (like the Tripadvisor award which I initially posted about) should be welcomed.

You must go to the village or walk around the market at different times to me because it's dead. As is the night time economy.

Really interesting stuff from Brixton Brewery re Barrier block architect.
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No-one is dismissing anything Ed.
But the fact remains that we are in recession post C-19 and anything positive (like the Tripadvisor award which I initially posted about) should be welcomed.

You must go to the village or walk around the market at different times to me because it's dead. As is the night time economy.
Sorry, I'm still failing to see why I should be 'welcoming' something that has a likelihood of adding to the social division in the area and pushing up rents for both small businesses and residents. The connection between tourism and gentrification has been well documented so why are you discounting it? Look what happened to Camden. Look how the local shops were replaced by tourist-friendly tack and the rents became unaffordable for those on low incomes.

And have you not seen the huge increase in Airbnb rentals serving Brixton? There's literally hundreds of properties now on the market, all catering for people attracted to the area by the new foodie joints, chain bars, glowing in-flight mag reviews, targeted advertising and now Trip Advisor awards. Can you really not see the direct connection here?


You must go to the village or walk around the market at different times to me because it's dead. As is the night time economy.
Sunday daytime in the village. Doesn't look very 'dead' to me at all. What do you think?

In photos: Life slowly returns to normal in Brixton Village, Sun 30th Aug 2020

In photos: Life slowly returns to normal in Brixton Village, Sun 30th Aug 2020

In photos: Life slowly returns to normal in Brixton Village, Sun 30th Aug 2020
Spoke to a dozen or so local businesses - Market/Village/Coldharbour lane over the course of today.

All would categorically welcome tourist/extra foot fall.

"Don't give a toss where it's from or who it is'.

Ed - lol. Showing a pic from a weekend daytime hardly proves a resurgence is on it's way.
Spoke to a dozen or so local businesses - Market/Village/Coldharbour lane over the course of today.

All would categorically welcome tourist/extra foot fall.

"Don't give a toss where it's from or who it is'.

Ed - lol. Showing a pic from a weekend daytime hardly proves a resurgence is on it's way.
So you're just going to continue to ignore all the studies pointing to the link between tourism and gentrification? Or are you OK with Brixton turning into the new Camden, with all that entails for the poorer elements of the community?

Oh, and good luck to those unnamed traders who naturally fully support your position. Let's hope they're still there when the rents inevitably go up or when they get hoofed out, like the artists in the Village were.

And Nour is only here because of an almighty campaign by the community, but I suspect other businesses may not be so lucky.
No-one is dismissing anything Ed.
But the fact remains that we are in recession post C-19 and anything positive (like the Tripadvisor award which I initially posted about) should be welcomed.

You must go to the village or walk around the market at different times to me because it's dead. As is the night time economy.
You're not seeing it from the point of view of a victim of gentrification. If businesses in the Village and Market Row fail, and the Pope's Road tower is prevented, Hondo might become insolvent or sell up. This could prevent property values from bouncing back to pre-Covid and pre-2008 highs. The property market here is moribund and private tenants need it to stay that way. It's sad for the restaurant owners in the Village, but they were the ammunition for the Spacemakers gentrification explosion. I'd prefer them to go back to Clapham or wherever.
Ed - lol. Showing a pic from a weekend daytime hardly proves a resurgence is on it's way.
'LOL' - then here's some photos from today - and this was before the DJs got properly started...

So does this look 'dead' to you? Looks pretty damn busy for a Wednesday to me.



Watching the planning committee on the Hondo Towers application and one thing does stick out. How with thirty plus years of Neo Liberalism the only way to get things for an area is through well backed private companies like Hondo.

Even the last recesssion did not get rid of this.

Given that is how society is run it can appear unreasonable to complain about Trip Advisor award for Brixton Village.

There is no alternative economic programme. There is not supposed to be an alternative. If someone like Corbyn / McDonnel come along with one they are destroyed. I no longer feel Im living in a genuine democracy. What Im living in is a very limited one. With parameters that say certain economic options are not allowed.

Its why this Council are keen on big concerns like Hondo bringing in inward investment.

Gentrification is about power. Who has economic/ social power and who does not to shape an area.

Its not about incomers - that is effect not a cause.

Hondo towers planning application is prime case of how gentrification works.

Whether the cafe owners think the Trip Advisor award is good for business is not the point.

They are as likely to be thrust aside as the rest of us.

Whilst the McWilliams of the world and Private Equity sail on unpeturbed .

I find the whole thing very depressing as I don't see what I can do about it.
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. Every effort has been made to minimise the adverse impact through good design. The Hostile Vehicle Mitigation is necessary to protect the public from terrorist attack. This should be considered a considerable public benefit – sufficient to outweigh the identified harm.

No it has not.

Bog standard bollards - no design input- no evidence of the square being a target.
At least you have an opportunity to object, which you didn't get with the blocks. Are you going to ask the council about their anti-terror reasoning?
Lambeth hospital is on Landor rd
Going to be knocked down for Luxury flats, that's what the picture says!
edit: I'm on my PC now and looked at the article which says " The South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust is launching a public consultation on proposals to redevelop the Lambeth Hospital site in Stockwell with 570 homes, including 258 affordable flats. "
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At least you have an opportunity to object, which you didn't get with the blocks. Are you going to ask the council about their anti-terror reasoning?

Yes. Are you going to ask for the evidence that Windrush Square is terrorist target?

Does not look like from letter there is any evidence.

Its an issue as Council are arguing safety comes before harm caused to the square and Rush Common.

Also Im going to ask where the money is coming from. As it should not be from CIL.
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At least you have an opportunity to object, which you didn't get with the blocks. Are you going to ask the council about their anti-terror reasoning?

Thats a right. Even the Council have to put some things through planning.

Im sure if they didn't have to they would go straight ahead with it.
No. I can see how events in the square might be an attractive target for terrorists, and I don't see anything wrong with the bollards.

That is not evidence that is personal opinion.

Big change to public realm needs to be evidenced based.

I havent seen any. Have you?
That is not evidence that is personal opinion.

Big change to public realm needs to be evidenced based.

I havent seen any. Have you?
We don't get told all the details of terror threats for security reasons. I'm assuming that the urgency of the blocks is almost certainly evidence of a serious threat which was withheld from public knowledge. We also know that far right groups are busy with numerous attacks UK has highest number of far-right terror attacks and plots in Europe
We don't get told all the details of terror threats for security reasons. I'm assuming that the urgency of the blocks is almost certainly evidence of a serious threat which was withheld from public knowledge. We also know that far right groups are busy with numerous attacks UK has highest number of far-right terror attacks and plots in Europe

Does not say that in the docs for the planning application. Does not say anything about a specific threat.

You assume a lot.

I thought your previous assumption was Islamic extremists driving a lorry into Ritzy as it is owned by a Jew? Not the Far Right?

Last Far Right attack was in the market. So lots of bollards needed in market?
No-one is dismissing anything Ed.
But the fact remains that we are in recession post C-19 and anything positive (like the Tripadvisor award which I initially posted about) should be welcomed.

You must go to the village or walk around the market at different times to me because it's dead. As is the night time economy.

Recessions dont just happen. How they are dealt with depends on the government.

And no not anything should be welcomed.

Angell Town community safety meeting
Posted on Sep 1st 2020 by Cllr Jacqui Dyer
Dear Neighbour,

Last week’s fatal stabbing of 20-year-old Salem Koudou shocked and saddened us all as another young person in the borough lost their life to violence.

I’m writing to invite you to a meeting on Thursday September 3 that will be an opportunity to discuss community safety and recent events in your neighbourhood. It will take place online between 6-7.30pm on the Teams app, and you can join the meeting by clicking here:

In July, we launched the Lambeth Made Community initiative that saw us hold a series of meetings which allowed residents to discuss important community issues. Councillors and officers of the council have been present at these online events, alongside community and voluntary organisations, but the focus has been on listening to your concerns.

In autumn, the council will be launching its strategy for Lambeth Made Safer: a borough-wide public health approach to help young people impacted by violence and prevent violence against women and girls. Community involvement in this programme is vital as it will help to make Lambeth safer and give residents, organisations and councillors the chance to discuss local safety concerns and propose solutions.
Does not say that in the docs for the planning application. Does not say anything about a specific threat.

You assume a lot.

I thought your previous assumption was Islamic extremists driving a lorry into Ritzy as it is owned by a Jew? Not the Far Right?

Last Far Right attack was in the market. So lots of bollards needed in market?
As I explained at the time, I changed my mind about the Ritzy when I knew the Saltoun Road side was being protected.

You are basing your argument on the 1999 bombing and ignoring the current far right terror threat. That's so absurd I'll go back to ignoring you. I suggest you don't put that argument to the council - you'll be ridiculed.

You also believe we have a right to know details of current terror threats are. But we don't. The reasons are obvious. I can't be bothered trying to explain. Ask someone else.
As I explained at the time, I changed my mind about the Ritzy when I knew the Saltoun Road side was being protected.

You are basing your argument on the 1999 bombing and ignoring the current far right terror threat. That's so absurd I'll go back to ignoring you. I suggest you don't put that argument to the council - you'll be ridiculed.

You also believe we have a right to know details of current terror threats are. But we don't. The reasons are obvious. I can't be bothered trying to explain. Ask someone else.

I dont now why Im bothering with you.

Its you whose been absurd. Far fetched fantasies about terrorist plans.

There is no evidence presented in the planning documents.

Yes "we" should have details of terror threats.

i can be bothered to explain to you.

You can just live in your fantasy world concocting terrorist scenerios.
I watched last week excellent doc on Iraq on BBC. The lies and misinformation told to general public to justify destroying a country by USA/ UK

Since Iraq I dont trust the authorities on issues of terror.

"Once Upon a Time in Iraq"

Remember the evidence presented? Ended up with no WMD
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Going to be knocked down for Luxury flats, that's what the picture says!
edit: I'm on my PC now and looked at the article which says " The South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust is launching a public consultation on proposals to redevelop the Lambeth Hospital site in Stockwell with 570 homes, including 258 affordable flats. "
I understand that - it your ‘Hospital at St T or Kings’ that I didn’t understand??
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