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There was part I of a series on development in Manchester on BBC Two just now.
Rather poor I thought. No economic research at all. The whole hour was filled with archetypal figures.
The Mayor of Manchester
A young property developer who is developing East Piccadilly - formerly Ancoats I believe.

A nice touch here was Andy Burnham, the Mayor, had appointed the property developer to fundraise for Manchester's rough sleepers initiative.
Mr Burnham was quite frank - not enoguh public funds were available for helping rough sleepers - so it would nbe necessary to raise charitable donations.
I don't think it was property developers he was approaching - the impression was it was public donations.

Balancing all this were the stories of a super model who found the million pound plus Manchester pentjhouses too pokey, the single Mum in Salford given notice to quit by the landlady who wanted to rent out to more gentrified tenants, and the pair of homeless men staying in a forty bed dormitory run by a laid back but zealous pastor who apparentlly did it in the hope that he might reawaken religious fervour in some of his fallen men.

I guess this Manchester four parter is strong on human elements, but totally devoid of academic treatment.

Brixton on the other hand is devoid of both human elements and academic treatgmetn as far as Brixton BID and Lambeth Council are concerned.

PS I notice Brixton BID have placed a sign on the lamp-post outside Jimmy's Plaice saying black-owned business.
I can remember buying my meat from a black Jamaican woman butcher in Acre Lane over forty years ago.
What on earth is going on?

If they want to preserve black and ethnic businesses stop forcing the customers out to Croydon IYAM.
Slight tangent... I seem to have collected an insane amount of keys over the years... and I have no idea what to do with them. Is there anywhere nearby you can take old keys for recycling? It seems like a lot of potentially useful metal to throw away. But maybe it's useless now. I'm not very clued up on all things metal.
Have you had your engagement letter yet from the Cabinet Member for Jobs, Skills and Community Safety?

Since I live in the Coldharbour Ward and I have issues (as does the Cabinet Member) I intent to pass some further remarks there later on, includng the text of her letter.

But just as a prelude, what about the result DuckDuckGo throws up about the .is (presumably Icelandic) domain location the council is usin for this?

.is - Wikipedia
.is - Wikipedia
Domain suspensions. In April 2013, ISNIC briefly hosted The Pirate Bay's domain ThePirateBay.is.. In October, 2014 ISNIC suspended Khilafah.is, which hosted material produced by the Islamic State.. In September 2017, ISNIC briefly hosted American neo-Nazi domain dailystormer.is, which had been removed by several domain Registries around the world.It was pulled from its .is domain after its ...

So as not to double post - here is the Ferndale website Ferndale Ward Community Meeting

Whereas (so far) Coldharbour's consultation map only has 3 comments from residents, Ferndales's is a rip-roaring success. There are literally dozens of comments. mostly about bins and drug dealing from what I can see.
As that wiki page says .is is the domain for Iceland and as the second line of that wiki page says ‘registration is open to all persons and companies without any special restriction’

Commonplace isn’t the council - it’s an external private company that runs that engagement platform who I guess have been contracted by Lambeth

Not sure what this is for. You can comment about issues in the area on the map.

No clear idea from Council what are the range of issues.
Looked at the Lambeth Made commonplace says the following:

Lambeth Made Community is a new forum launched in July 2020 to discuss matters of community resilience.

The meetings will allow residents and community groups to work with a range of organisations providing local services to build community resilience and improve community safety through partnership working and community engagement.

They will be the first in a series of meetings in Lambeth that have been established in support of a public health approach to reducing violence and building community resilience.

We want to have honest and open conversations with our communities to talk about how we can work together to improve the safety of our wards and help support long term, community led change.

At the heart of our work to make our borough a safer place is the belief that residents and community groups have to be at the centre of everything we do, and this first meeting is part of that new way of working together.
As that wiki page says .is is the domain for Iceland and as the second line of that wiki page says ‘registration is open to all persons and companies without any special restriction’

Commonplace isn’t the council - it’s an external private company that runs that engagement platform who I guess have been contracted by Lambeth
When I went to Reykjavik for Iceland Airwaves music festival, I saw a sex shop with the website pen.is

14 years later and I’m still laughing.
Hi - does anyone know of any 5-aside groups playing locally (south-central London) for someone in his 40s (gaijinboy). He used to play at Ferndale for years but that group has disbanded now.
Condolences to all those affected by last night's fatal stabbing in the Overton Road area of Angell Town Estate.
I have been told (via a police source) that the number of knife crimes in London is massively understated. Reasons: there is a tacit agreement between government and media to underplay the numbers (I don't understand why it is in the media's interests to do so); many stab victims refuse to go to hospital, as seeking such help - unbelievably - is seen as colluding with the "system". During stop-and-searches, police often find healed wounds that have obviously been crudely stitched up on the kitchen table.

When stab victims - almost always teenage boys or young men - are bleeding out but refusing to go to hospital, the police will "Section" them under the mental health act: the logic is that anybody who refuses medical care for a life-threatening stab wound must be having mental health problems. Sectioning allows the police to take the victims into custody, and send them for medical attention, in these cases to the A&E department.

The police have made it clear to the gangs and "elders" that "civilians" are off the menu, and respond forcefully if this sort-of-deal is violated. Thus internecine knife violence is hidden away from the public gaze.
It's pretty obvious what's silly/funny. You're being being horribly judgemental about the people in Pop and it leaves a pretty unpleasant taste in the mouth.

I was not making a comment about Pop. I was saying and it is just a social fact that walking around the area can give one that information.

I showed friend of mine around Brixton a while back ( pre covid). She is hardly a lefty. Her view ( without me asking) is that the area is divided into two worlds.

This is not being judgemental about individual people. Its how social reality is in the area.

That is what leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Its their to see if you want to see it.

Ive looked back at the the post. Go back and look.

Post 1557

Mr paulee put a laugh under it. I asked why. That poster never replied. So I don't know why. Neither do you.

As the poster never replied Im not assuming anything.
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Anniversary of Sean Riggs death in Brixton Police Custody today.

The family spent years trying to get answers and justice.

The police spent years trying to wriggle out of any blame.

All credit to the family of Sean Rigg up against the power of the Met for pursuing this.

Another reason why the BLM protests were relevant in this country.

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This is awful stuff around the corner from me

A young man was stabbed to death as youths armed with swords and machetes clashed on a housing estate in south London.

Witnesses claimed six more people were hurt as a car speeding away from the scene of the brawl on the Angell Town estate in Brixton overturned.

Officers and ambulance crews called to Overton Road at 6pm last night found the 21-year-old victim collapsed with multiple knife wounds in nearby Wynne Road. He was taken to hospital where he died just before 9pm.

Another man, also in his twenties, was found with stab injuries and remains in hospital today. His condition is not believed to be life-threatening.

A Met spokesman said they were working to locate and inform the victim’s next of kin. An overturned car that crashed 400ft away in Marcella Road is being linked to the death.

Former drug dealer Leroy Smith - who was on the run, having escaped from prison custody escaped in April 1993 while being transferred from Leicester to Brixton prison after his arrest on gun charges - shot PC James Seymour in the back and his colleague, PC Simon Carroll, in the leg when they approached him outside a pub in Brixton in March 1994.

He later told his girlfriend: "The buzzards deserved it," and added, "I should've got them good and proper."

She also said that Smith was besotted with his 9mm firearm with an infra-red ray to guide the bullets. He had boasted that police would never catch him, because if anyone got in his way he would shoot them.

After shooting the police officers, Smith escaped on a motorbike and fled to America - where he was arrested in connection with another shooting in July 1994.

Smith was imprisoned for two years for that escape, 18 years for a firearms offence, and five years for robbery. He was given a 25-year sentence for attempting to murder PC Seymour and 18 years for wounding PC Carroll.

He made a mock gun with his hands and pretended to fire at the two police officers whom he had previously shot as he was led to his cell after being sentenced on 9 February 1995.


Metropolitan Police officer James Seymour forgives gangster Leroy Smith who shot him in Brixton in March 1994

Leroy Smith: 'Guns, robberies. That was my life' (December 2016 interview)


The full feature appears here:

Condolences to all those affected by last night's fatal stabbing in the Overton Road area of Angell Town Estate.

This is the Late Salem Koudou who was found lying dying in Wynne Road after being stabbed in Overton Road on the evening of Thursday 20 August 2020.

A post-mortem examination took place at Greenwich Mortuary on 20 August 2020 and gave the cause of death as multiple stab-wounds.

Anyone with information is asked to call 101, tweet @MetCC and quote CAD 5998/20Aug or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

The Late Salem Koudou would have been 21 years old today.
I have been told (via a police source) that the number of knife crimes in London is massively understated. Reasons: there is a tacit agreement between government and media to underplay the numbers (I don't understand why it is in the media's interests to do so); many stab victims refuse to go to hospital, as seeking such help - unbelievably - is seen as colluding with the "system". During stop-and-searches, police often find healed wounds that have obviously been crudely stitched up on the kitchen table.

When stab victims - almost always teenage boys or young men - are bleeding out but refusing to go to hospital, the police will "Section" them under the mental health act: the logic is that anybody who refuses medical care for a life-threatening stab wound must be having mental health problems. Sectioning allows the police to take the victims into custody, and send them for medical attention, in these cases to the A&E department.

The police have made it clear to the gangs and "elders" that "civilians" are off the menu, and respond forcefully if this sort-of-deal is violated. Thus internecine knife violence is hidden away from the public gaze.
Very interesting and I don't doubt there could some truth in this except 'tacit agreement between government and media to underplay the numbers'. Westminster will quite happily blame the Labour mayor and the idea of any of the tabloids - and I speak as a former tabloid journalist - underreporting knife crime is not credible
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I have been told (via a police source) that the number of knife crimes in London is massively understated. Reasons: there is a tacit agreement between government and media to underplay the numbers (I don't understand why it is in the media's interests to do so); many stab victims refuse to go to hospital, as seeking such help - unbelievably - is seen as colluding with the "system". During stop-and-searches, police often find healed wounds that have obviously been crudely stitched up on the kitchen table.

When stab victims - almost always teenage boys or young men - are bleeding out but refusing to go to hospital, the police will "Section" them under the mental health act: the logic is that anybody who refuses medical care for a life-threatening stab wound must be having mental health problems. Sectioning allows the police to take the victims into custody, and send them for medical attention, in these cases to the A&E department.

The police have made it clear to the gangs and "elders" that "civilians" are off the menu, and respond forcefully if this sort-of-deal is violated. Thus internecine knife violence is hidden away from the public gaze.
This agreement between govt and media is a fantasy. It's QAnon-level fiction.

The bit about sectioning is misleading. If you're bleeding out you're going to lose consciousness. You will lack the capacity to refuse treatment and you will be treated against your will, without the need for sectioning.

If you have a less serious wound you can refuse treatment and the police can't do much about it. No doubt they threaten young boys with sectioning to persuade them to name their attacker. They say all manner of outlandish nonsense to put pressure on people. And some of the kids will believe it.

But sectioning is a legal process which has to be signed off by mental health professionals. After sign-off the police, if accompanied by mental health professionals, can take someone to a place of safety against their will. The magistrates court has oversight of the process. If dodgy police and compliant medics were conspiring to pervert it, the patient/prisoner's solicitor would get the whole thing aired in court, there'd be a scandal and we'd be reading about it in the papers.
This agreement between govt and media is a fantasy. It's QAnon-level fiction.

The bit about sectioning is misleading. If you're bleeding out you're going to lose consciousness. You will lack the capacity to refuse treatment and you will be treated against your will, without the need for sectioning.

If you have a less serious wound you can refuse treatment and the police can't do much about it. No doubt they threaten young boys with sectioning to persuade them to name their attacker. They say all manner of outlandish nonsense to put pressure on people. And some of the kids will believe it.

But sectioning is a legal process which has to be signed off by mental health professionals. After sign-off the police, if accompanied by mental health professionals, can take someone to a place of safety against their will. The magistrates court has oversight of the process. If dodgy police and compliant medics were conspiring to pervert it, the patient/prisoner's solicitor would get the whole thing aired in court, there'd be a scandal and we'd be reading about it in the papers.
Not strictly true for S136 - police can remove from a public place if they have reason to believe there's a mental illness in need of "care or control" and can remove to a place of safety for a MHA Assesment. I realise this is somewhat veering off topic though.
Anyone heard how Lib Peck (formerly of this borough) is doing on her knife Crime initiative ?
This is the Late Salem Koudou who was found lying dying in Wynne Road after being stabbed in Overton Road on the evening of Thursday 20 August 2020.

A post-mortem examination took place at Greenwich Mortuary on 20 August 2020 and gave the cause of death as multiple stab-wounds.

Anyone with information is asked to call 101, tweet @MetCC and quote CAD 5998/20Aug or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

The Late Salem Koudou would have been 21 years old today.

GarveyLives that is so sad. What a waste of young life.

According to reports, Salem Koudou attended Stockwell Park school, had 11 GCSEs and ambitions to be in music and finance, as well as being bilingual. Somewhat inevitably, he is also described as "a drill music rapper".

A fourth man, aged 22, was arrested earlier today on suspicion of the murder. He remains in custody.

One man – aged 26 – was found suffering stab injuries at the scene. He was taken to hospital where he remains; his condition is not life-threatening. He was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder, but has since been released.

A 19-year-old man was subsequently arrested on suspicion of murder and grievous bodily harm (GBH). He has been released on bail to return to a south London police station on a date in September 2020.

An 18-year-old man arrested in Harlow, Essex, on Monday 24 August 2020 on suspicion of murder remains in custody.
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