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I went swimming in the Brixton Recreation Centre for the first time in months as it closed.

To swim now you have to get the Better App

I previously paid for each swimming seesion using my Lambeth Leisure Card to get discounted swimming.So I was not a monthly member.

Now one has to book a timed seesion. As they are limiting the number of people in the Rec. You get an hour. Looks to me if its not busy they don't chuck you out after one hour. Hour is enough for me.

Downloaded the App this morning and with a little help from the friendly staff at the Rec booked online.

You have to book and pay online. Monthly members must book online.

You can still do swimming pay per seesion.

When you arrive use your mobile to scan to get in.

There are limited changing facilities.

The one way system leads one to what were the womens changing rooms.

The way out of the swimming leads one to the mens. Which are now unisex as well

Limited showers so shower before you go.

Also limited lockers. I managed to get one.

Looks like people are leaving stuff by the pool.

So imo dont take to much that is valuable with you.

The pool is now divided into three wide lanes.

There are two ways of booking swimming.

Swim for All and Swim for Fitness.

Swim for All is the lagoon roped off for parents and children.

Swim for Fitness is lane swimming in main pool.

So parents with children can go. Not sure exactly how it works.

Better have staff fulltime at entrance to deal with queries.

One of staff told me they have started childrens swimming lessons in the mornings on weekend.

I was impressed. Downloaded app this morning , got my Lambeth resident discount still and swam today.

Having three wide lanes works well.

As someone said to me the fact that the Rec is so big means that social distancing is fairly easy.

Looks like only gym and pool are open.
I went swimming in the Brixton Recreation Centre for the first time in months as it closed.

To swim now you have to get the Better App

I previously paid for each swimming seesion using my Lambeth Leisure Card to get discounted swimming.So I was not a monthly member.

Now one has to book a timed seesion. As they are limiting the number of people in the Rec. You get an hour. Looks to me if its not busy they don't chuck you out after one hour. Hour is enough for me.

Downloaded the App this morning and with a little help from the friendly staff at the Rec booked online.

You have to book and pay online. Monthly members must book online.

You can still do swimming pay per seesion.

When you arrive use your mobile to scan to get in.

There are limited changing facilities.

The one way system leads one to what were the womens changing rooms.

The way out of the swimming leads one to the mens. Which are now unisex as well

Limited showers so shower before you go.

Also limited lockers. I managed to get one.

Looks like people are leaving stuff by the pool.

So imo dont take to much that is valuable with you.

The pool is now divided into three wide lanes.

There are two ways of booking swimming.

Swim for All and Swim for Fitness.

Swim for All is the lagoon roped off for parents and children.

Swim for Fitness is lane swimming in main pool.

So parents with children can go. Not sure exactly how it works.

Better have staff fulltime at entrance to deal with queries.

One of staff told me they have started childrens swimming lessons in the mornings on weekend.

I was impressed. Downloaded app this morning , got my Lambeth resident discount still and swam today.

Having three wide lanes works well.

As someone said to me the fact that the Rec is so big means that social distancing is fairly easy.

Looks like only gym and pool are open.

I went back this week too! Felt very safe to me 😊
Brixton Village scene:

Artist at work: Mark Anthony paints in the Brixton Village, Sept 2020

Artist at work: Mark Anthony paints in the Brixton Village, Sept 2020

I have noted questions raised on here as to what Florence Eshamoli MP for Vauchall has done lately.
She did ask a question of the Prime Minister at PMQs today.
She has Tweeted out the encounter
Brixton Village news

In photos: The Wig Bazaar in Brixton Village closes for good, Sept 2020

In photos: The Wig Bazaar in Brixton Village closes for good, Sept 2020

she was due to close at Easter but then the coronavirus struck, I believe either she wasn't offered a new contract or they put the rent up so much it made her business unviable, with some of the stories I'm hearing the market is going to be very empty within the next six months
If anyone is on that Memories of Brixton and Stockwell Facebook group could you ask them why I've suddenly been banned!

You got modded by Denise fox it seems
“ I banned him, he was lifting members comments from this group and posting them on his own page, and naming this group as the source.. MOBS is a private group and what gets said in here, stays in here..!!!!“
You got modded by Denise fox it seems
“ I banned him, he was lifting members comments from this group and posting them on his own page, and naming this group as the source.. MOBS is a private group and what gets said in here, stays in here..!!!!“
Shame that what gets posted on my sites doesn't stay there, as their posters regularly steal my photos and text and post them up without credit or permission. Some have even claimed my work as their own, FFS.

And I've never identified or mentioned anyone off that group, and I can't think of more than a handful of times I've quoted a line or two here, and that was just to illustrate local opinion. But then I guess they're happy to find an excuse to hoof off anyone who doesn't fit the group's predominantly right wing agenda.
A number of us asked you should be unbanned. However Denise seemed adamant. And you are right, contributors to MOBS continually rip of my blog.. And their certainly are some very unpleasant people on MOBS, some quite explicitly racist. Most though are just quite elderly, haven't lived in Brixton for many years and can't come to terms with the fact the places change and evolve. They just want everything to be like it was in the 1950s 60s 70s.
A number of us asked you should be unbanned. However Denise seemed adamant. And you are right, contributors to MOBS continually rip of my blog.. And their certainly are some very unpleasant people on MOBS, some quite explicitly racist. Most though are just quite elderly, haven't lived in Brixton for many years and can't come to terms with the fact the places change and evolve. They just want everything to be like it was in the 1950s 60s 70s.
The underlying racism seeping through the place is really quite depressing and it's rarely challenged by the mods, even when it bubbles to the surface.

Their rose tinted recollections of the past are quite amusing, mind. It seems that there was no crime, no burglaries, no fights, no disease, no problems and no bigotry at all in the past.
You got modded by Denise fox it seems
“ I banned him, he was lifting members comments from this group and posting them on his own page, and naming this group as the source.. MOBS is a private group and what gets said in here, stays in here..!!!!“
This is a warning for me then.
I just got granted membership of the Wrestling Heritage website. Actually I'd been waiting for months. I forgot I applied. I was seeking info on Dale Martin promotions, who were based in Brixton. One of the posters on MOBS put up a photo of Dale Martin vans in a side street some months back. Turns out from a Lambeth Archive photo they were based at 313 Brixton Road - more or less opposite 336 Brixton Road, where I worked for many years.

Looks like if I post pictures & info (on the Urban75 Brixton History thread) to jog anyone's memory I'm damned if I put up pictures and damned also giving credit as it were.

The Wrestling Heritage website has an interesting warning: apart from copyrights, no responsibility for forum views you then get "Visits to W******* H******** are recorded by Google Analytics."
Are Google sceaping Urban75 as I speak - have I been banned already?? Ooh - errrh missus!
The Town Hall clock is short a few bongs... something's gone wrong with the mechanism and it now strikes the quarter-hours with odd missing notes. Striking the number of hours is unaffected. It's subliminally messing with my head a bit.
Does anyone know of any quizzes back up and running? I think Pratt's & Payne is back on the go, but I'd prefer something in Brixton. Preferably Tommy in Effra Social, if anyone knows when he might be back.
Does anyone know of any quizzes back up and running? I think Pratt's & Payne is back on the go, but I'd prefer something in Brixton. Preferably Tommy in Effra Social, if anyone knows when he might be back.

.....The Grosvenor just off Stockwell Road have been running one Monday evenings, not sure if that still the case with shorter opening hours...
edited to add there is also one at the Kennington at junction of foxley road and Camberwell road by the oval, part pub quiz part very camp light entertainment show, Sunday’s 7ish start.
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Does anyone know of any quizzes back up and running? I think Pratt's & Payne is back on the go, but I'd prefer something in Brixton. Preferably Tommy in Effra Social, if anyone knows when he might be back.
There's a great one in the Railway Tavern on Thursdays:


And there's this one too:

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