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Fuck them.

I’m sure there will be another cinema, owned by better people, in its place. I’d love to see a community cinema, like that in Peckham, open in its place.
They are actually insolvent. Another conglomerate which expanded too quickly then hit the rocks.
Not surprised tbh. We watched Tenet at the main screen at Picturehouse West Norwood last Saturday at 7 pm- surely the busiest time slot of the entire week for any cinema- and including ourselves there were seven people watching.
yea, but it was a shit film.....
yea, but it was a shit film.....
Wouldn’t call it shit myself, and plenty of worse films would have got far bigger crowds before Covid. But if you think about it, this is probably the first time in modern cinematic history when there have only been two brand new films of any recognisable stature available to watch in cinemas. Until Covid it would have been what, 10-15 new releases at any one time? Admittedly it had been in cinemas for about a month when we saw it, but the place should have had tons more people watching considering there’s fuck all else to watch but one other solitary new release of any prominence. Deffo nothing to do with the quality of the film, and in any case plenty of people including myself enjoyed enough to recommend others to check it at the cinema, if only as a visual treat.

Sadly I fear the cinemas aren’t deserted because of the quality of the offerings, but because of the rarified atmosphere the pandemic has created. If a new film came out next week that was universally acclaimed as the greatest of all timeand the only one available to boot, I reckon it would still be playing to single-figure audiences come the end of the month.
They are actually insolvent. Another conglomerate which expanded too quickly then hit the rocks.
There is a building there with seats, screens and projectors. Plus a willing customer base, once people start going out again, which hopefully can be done safely soon. It will make a great cinema.
Freed from the debt, I’m sure that someone else can open up there. I’d love to see something a bit different though. Community owned, like I said earlier, or else arthouse like Curzon.
Ritzy was a Brixton Challenge project. It was supposed to remain as an arthouse/ local cinema.

The way that Cineworld ran it upping the prices to West End levels for what was supposed to Cinema for local people in the end put me off.

Staff were alwys nice but next time public money goes into "regenerating" local amenity it should stay in public ownership. Either the building should stay in public hands or the company that runs it should be obliged to have community/ Council input.
There is a building there with seats, screens and projectors. Plus a willing customer base, once people start going out again, which hopefully can be done safely soon. It will make a great cinema.
Freed from the debt, I’m sure that someone else can open up there. I’d love to see something a bit different though. Community owned, like I said earlier, or else arthouse like Curzon.
Mookie was on Sky News being interviewed just now.
He claims to have full support of his bankers.
When Ian King said Cineworld has an £8 billion deficiency in its accounts (worldwide), Mookie said it was only £4 billion.
When Ian King asked how it was going to be sorted out Mookie said;
Maybe they will have a vaccine
Maybe the government will give more aid.
Cineworld loses a lot less money being shut than being open
The Hollyood producers were causing it - having a cinema chain right now was like having a grocers with no food

Mookie said the staff were like a family and Cineworld will look after them as best it can, as it has in the past.
He thought Cineworld might be closed for 2 months - but then again it might be closed until March.
He acknowledged there were skilled staff who he didn't want to have to replace.

A very understated interview.

PS I know people don't necessarily follow these things - but note IAG (British Airways) and Rolls Royce aero engines have both had major cash call where shareholders had to put up billions to keep them going.
I would have thought Mookie is whistling in the wind if he thinks the government will bail out Cineworld,
More on Cineworld market turbulence Cineworld shares more than halve on news of temporary closures

PPS Smick yes of course - if Cineworld actually goes bust other operators would no doubt get the chance to selectively buy the assets from the receivers. Or a management buyout.

@ClarelBinns seems to have a photo of an empty Ritzy Screen One on her Twitter. Wonder is she has the dosh?
So there's some building works happening at the 414 - can anyone see anything on Lambeth's planning database?
I went to see Bill and Ted midweek in Purley Way and was the only person in the theatre I was in. When I came out, there was no staff and when I went to the door I had come in, it was locked. Very surreal.
This was at The Vue? May I ask, how busy was the rest of the retail and leisure places? Car park busy?
I'm getting 'Document Unavailable' for that link :hmm:
so am I now - the planning reference is 17/03737/FUL
In fact if you put in just 414 Coldharbour into Lambeth simple search on their planning site it will come up.
so am I now - the planning reference is 17/03737/FUL
In fact if you put in just 414 Coldharbour into Lambeth simple search on their planning site it will come up.
Got it - yes that was from the All Bar One group who have nothing to do with the current twat of an owner who claimed to have 'saved' the club he had precisely fuck all to do with.
This was at The Vue? May I ask, how busy was the rest of the retail and leisure places? Car park busy?
On the night, it was busy. This was about a week and a half ago. There was a Frankie and Benny place which looked quite full and then millennials hanging outside the bowling / arcade place smoking fags.
Lambeth Anti-Social Behaviour Survey 2020

Crikey, look at the state of this survey sent out by Lambeth Police on Nextdoor

Using a free version of a third party survey app. All the info will flow through Smart Survey's servers. No concern for confidentiality for such sensitive data.
No mention of Data Protection in the survey, either for people who supply their email addresses, or identifying metadata for anons.
No context, or details, explaining the aims of the survey, how it fits into policing strategy, to any past actions or results.
No demographic monitoring questions - I don't know if that is a fixed requirement, but surely it would be good practice.

When I posted my concerns on Next-door, the officer in charge just shut down comments.
Lambeth Anti-Social Behaviour Survey 2020

Crikey, look at the state of this survey sent out by Lambeth Police on Nextdoor

Using a free version of a third party survey app. All the info will flow through Smart Survey's servers. No concern for confidentiality for such sensitive data.
No mention of Data Protection in the survey, either for people who supply their email addresses, or identifying metadata for anons.
No context, or details, explaining the aims of the survey, how it fits into policing strategy, to any past actions or results.
No demographic monitoring questions - I don't know if that is a fixed requirement, but surely it would be good practice.

When I posted my concerns on Next-door, the officer in charge just shut down comments.
If you fancy expanding just a bit, I'd happy to run your thoughts on Brixton Buzz?
If you fancy expanding just a bit, I'd happy to run your thoughts on Brixton Buzz?
Probably for the best not to. With the resources at his disposal, the officer in question can easily find out who I am, and our PM conversation on ND took an unsettling turn, when he started using the Passive aggressive "Sir" in his replies (never a good sign), after I pointed out that closing down comments because he didn't like the way they were going is effectively state censorship.
Sorry, boring question, but where can I print one page of sheet music in Brixton or nearby in these covid times? Trying to avoid having to go into work on my day off.
Sorry, boring question, but where can I print one page of sheet music in Brixton or nearby in these covid times? Trying to avoid having to go into work on my day off.
If it's A4 and something like a PDF, is Herne Hill end of Railton Road any use to you?
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