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All who live on north Shakespeare a combination of anger, sadness, resignation and feeling up against it re: Lambeth. As for Poet's Corner residents, offered their sympathies but they will see the benefits unlike north Shakespeare - and Poet's will no longer have to endure the skip lorries!
They will get the lorries from the Herne Place yard which normally exit the area via the one way system in Herne Hill from about 5.30am. Probably up Regent Road past the school. Not sure whether they use the Shakespeare Road depot but if they do it is going to be a huge round trip for every visit (via north Shakespeare).
I can see the benefits to a resident of Poets Corner but it s an awful lot of expense (ANPR cameras, street furniture, monitoring) to go to when rerouting a few firms lorries, traffic calming on Railton and making the Water Lane end of Shakespeare one way would suffice. Taking Railton and Shakespeare out completely will make the roads in Herne Hill and Brixton (yes - right by the shops we all use) even more polluted and difficult to navigate.

Well played the moneyed new occupants of Poets Corner!
And all that money being spent as we enter a recession - surely there are a thousand better ways to spend it in the trouble ahead ....
I can see the benefits to a resident of Poets Corner but it s an awful lot of expense (ANPR cameras, street furniture, monitoring) to go to when rerouting a few firms lorries, traffic calming on Railton and making the Water Lane end of Shakespeare one way would suffice. Taking Railton and Shakespeare out completely will make the roads in Herne Hill and Brixton (yes - right by the shops we all use) even more polluted and difficult to navigate.

Well played the moneyed new occupants of Poets Corner!
You have a point Lord Noise: I hadn't even considered the potential added value to a home within the zone.
Thats the way it is and I don't begrudge them the windfall. I'm more concerned about those in the public housing on Shakespeare South and the rest of us who will have to put up with the increased traffic and pollution.
Can I point out that not everybody is on Twitter (especially older members of the community) while most people can use and have access to email. Why therefore is Cllr Holland not offering email as a method of getting in touch ?
That’s what Google is for. Her email address is [email protected]
And anyway, there’s no reason why anyone shouldn’t just write to her at the Town Hall.
These closures will only push traffic onto surrounding roads and make them busier. Remember the disaster when the council closed Loughborough Rd and had to back track and reopen it ? Brixton Water Lane, Milkwood Rd, Coldharbour Lane, and Effra Rd will all become congested with queuing cars only increasing pollution in the area. Further traffic calming on Railton Rd with a system of one way streets within the Poets Corner area is the answer.

Shame on the council for using the human tragedy that is the pandemic to push this scheme on the area when its been under discussion since at least 2008. If they were really concerned about runners and cyclist then they’d have widened the pavements on Brixton Water Lane where the vast majority run and cycle years ago.

At the moment there is no way to contact the council about this other than Facebook and Twitter. No phone or email option. very, very poor!

You can comment on the scheme here:

click on have your say and move the pin to the street you want to comment on.

Lot of comments on Urban so relevant to

Ms T Rushy snowy_again Rocky Sullivan

more info on Railton scheme on this page:

Im assuming the commonplace website will be up for the duration of the scheme so if you see issues around extra traffic in certain roads, skip lorries etc then worth updating the website later.

Commonplace website info is collated by officers. Especially now due to social distancing.
Here is the justification for spending money on altering streets:

Transport Response to COVID
We need to keep roads free for truly essential journeys while also helping the majority of households in our borough, who don't have access to a car, safely make trips that they would previously have made by public transport.

The UK Government have made funding available for swift, emergency interventions to make cycling and walking safer. The Mayor of London has produced a plan called Streetspace for London and is working with us and other boroughs, with a focus on three key areas:

  • Quickly building a strategic cycling network, using temporary materials and including new routes, to help reduce crowding on the Tube and trains and on busy bus routes
  • Changing town centres so local journeys can be safely walked and cycled where possible, for example with wider pavements on high streets to give space for queues outside shops as people safely walk past while socially distancing
  • Reducing traffic on residential streets, creating low-traffic neighbourhoods right across London so more people can walk and cycle as part of their daily routine
So its Government funded to help as lockdown is gradually released.

Im afraid half the population think lockdown has ended. With the demos and Cummings.

The idea was to lift lockdown a bit. But those who can work at home stay doing that. People are still supposd to only use public transport if they really have to. We are supposed to practise social distancing when out.

I support what Council is trying to do. This is about practical way to help during a pandemic. This is a small amount of money well spent to protect peoples health. It might not be perfect - that is what ongoing consultation is about. It could be altered at later stage.

Its just that lot of people are starting to act like its all over.

I was in Lidl Stockwell tonight and I was the only person who put mask on to go into the shop. Things are reverting to what they were before lockdown.

All support and sympathy for these key workers in shops is gradually going. I wear mask in shop out of respect for these key workers.

TBF Im starting to get wound up about this now.
I live on Effra Parade - do you mind if I ask what the 'feeling' of the Zoom meeting was ?
I wasn’t able to attend brut according to the street WhatsApp group a lot of the concerns expressed here about the displacement of traffic to poorer parts of the borough were raised.
You can comment on the scheme here:

click on have your say and move the pin to the street you want to comment on.

Lot of comments on Urban so relevant to

Ms T Rushy snowy_again Rocky Sullivan

more info on Railton scheme on this page:

Im assuming the commonplace website will be up for the duration of the scheme so if you see issues around extra traffic in certain roads, skip lorries etc then worth updating the website later.

Commonplace website info is collated by officers. Especially now due to social distancing.
Thanks Gramsci. It's a good level of detail which answers a lot of questions. Given that it is available, why on earth is this information not clearly linked to in the distributed letters? Or by councillors when asked for more details?

The Railton Road proposal will certainly improve the immediate environment for me and my neighbours - I particularly like the way the gardens outside Herne Hill House have been incorporated into the traffic calming. That tight corner between Herne Place and Hurst Street has long been horrible with some spectacular accidents. All passing road noise will be pretty much eliminated our street. It will also make the cycle into Brixton more pleasant - although I never had much of an issue with it before. I do share the Shakespeare Road concerns given that the road is being closed off without providing a public transport link, although it will not affect me personally.

I also note that skip lorries from Herne Place yard will be forced to use the narrow toast rack streets to come and go all day (instead of the one way system which they are cut off from). The closest and most convenient road for this is Regent Road and takes them lorries past the school gates. In reality, wonder how much longer that yard will be there.

I'll comment on the St Matthews one on the Livable neighbourhoods thread.
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Here is the justification for spending money on altering streets:

So its Government funded to help as lockdown is gradually released.

Im afraid half the population think lockdown has ended. With the demos and Cummings.

The idea was to lift lockdown a bit. But those who can work at home stay doing that. People are still supposd to only use public transport if they really have to. We are supposed to practise social distancing when out.

I support what Council is trying to do. This is about practical way to help during a pandemic. This is a small amount of money well spent to protect peoples health. It might not be perfect - that is what ongoing consultation is about. It could be altered at later stage.

Its just that lot of people are starting to act like its all over.

I was in Lidl Stockwell tonight and I was the only person who put mask on to go into the shop. Things are reverting to what they were before lockdown.

All support and sympathy for these key workers in shops is gradually going. I wear mask in shop out of respect for these key workers.

TBF Im starting to get wound up about this now.

"Reducing traffic on residential streets, creating low-traffic neighbourhoods right across London so more people can walk and cycle as part of their daily routine"

I agree with the general thrust of all three bullet point approaches, however Railton is a moderately busy road, Shakespeare North and the Poets Corner roads are quiet (with the exception of Shakespeare North which should perhaps be one way) and from my experience of living close by people can already walk and cycle (not opposed to a cycle lane on Railton if required) safely as part of their daily routine.
Shame on Lambeth Council for using the pandemic as a reason to further disrupt the lives of ordinary local people especially at this difficult time.
Brixton wildlife!

In photos: a litter of fox cubs emerge from their Brixton den

Brixton wildlife!

In photos: a litter of fox cubs emerge from their Brixton den

I think these are 'our' foxes I see in my communal garden on Brixton Hill, each night. There are at least four adults and juveniles but I've only seen one of the cubsIMG_20200603_003434_146.jpg
We had 5 cubs. Buried one (RTA) and one has disappeared. The remaining three are very bold. One comes and lays down by us when we're sitting on the lawn. Here he is trying to nick my bag from under my nose.



(and no we don't feed them!)
Have I got this right?

Street drinking is very bad and against council bylaws, and any off local licences serving the less well off a single can can expect to be punished.

However, trendy bar serving the same amount of beer (at a much higher cost) to be drunk in the same street = splendid.

I thought Brockwell Park was more busy today than I have seen it in or out of lockdown other than the Country Fair.
Yep. Most people seemed to be at least having a stab at social distancing (apart from the volleyball crew, of course).

The sudden rainstorm was fun!

Dancing in the rain - a sudden rain storm in Brockwell Park, south London

Dancing in the rain - a sudden rain storm in Brockwell Park, south London

Railton Rd is to be temporarily closed to cars from Coldharbour Lane to Herne Hill as part of the Covid 19 measures. Ditto Shakespeare Rd from the junction with Mayall Rd down to Loughborough Junction. The letter we got didn’t say when we will become a “low-traffic neighbourhood”.

They’re also widening the pavement along Railton Rd. The 322 will still be allowed as well as emergency vehicles.

It will be interesting to see how it works. Apparently speeds have increased by 300% since last year which doesn’t surprise me. It’s pretty good news for me personally as I live in the Poets area but presumably Dulwich Rd will become a lot busier.
This is the first I've heard of it. No leaflet here and we live on a road just off Railton - and I see we've missed a meeting too.

Can someone summerise for me - does low traffic mean no cars or vehicles except the 322 and emergency vehicles? when does this come into force?
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