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Yup, it was horrible in Streatham last night - I guess they use the A23. I'm 10 mins walk from it but could still hear the selfish twats.....
I's love it if one of those twats revving up like fuck at traffic light blew up their bikes. What are they trying to achieve by making all that racket? Show off? Scare pedestrians (which they do)?
Yes. Not just bikes but cars too with modified exhausts. Some pop like gun shots.

Lambeth have confirmed that they were not part of the noise camera trial and have no plans to be; are not monitoring road noise or recording complaints about it; and have no formal means for residents to make complaints or engage with them about it.
Me and some neighbours recently crowdfunded to hire a professional noise meter. Just analysing the results. Main roads clearly the worst affected. We're planning to approach the council. Kensington and Chelsea were quite helpful in explaining what they have done, they have 6 mobile noise cameras and fine offenders. They are up for talking to Lambeth.
I just watched A BrixtonTale on Rahuten TV Ire online - with loads of adverts.
Appreciate editor and Mr paulee have seen it - butt there might be others interested.
Its very focused on Loughborough \Park, the Barrier b|ock and other central Brixton locales.
As for the plot - your guess is as good as mine. Seemed to be a story of corrupted innocence and drugs- par for the course in inner London I guess.
Is Brixton Causeway now Brixton Hill? I wonder where is / was the 5 mile stone?


seems to have been just north of Brixton Hill Place (1850s + current map here)

doesn't look (from street view) as if it's still there. some got absorbed in to building frontages like this one at camberwell green.

What is the milestone in Windrush square - sure thats less than 5miles - 4 miles maybe?

yes. 1890s + current map here.
Is Brixton Causeway now Brixton Hill? I wonder where is / was the 5 mile stone?

What is the milestone in Windrush square - sure thats less than 5miles - 4 miles maybe?
Brixton Hill (Windrush Square) moved from west side of road. Other face says Whitehall 3½.
Temp image from Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons Licence. Image Chris MCKenna.
To answer my own question, unfortunately a cyclist was hit by a fire engine that was responding to an emergency. Live updates as cyclist hit by fire engine rushing to emergency on busy road
That explains all the police siren activity earlier and the air ambulance in the air.

Sounds horrible for the cyclist and the fire crew. .

A road in Brixton is closed off after a fire engine hit a cyclist earlier today (Wednesday, August 23). The cyclist in his 50s suffered a head injury, with his condition not yet known.

A local business owner told MyLondon they heard the cyclist has 'internal bleeding'.

A group of paramedics treated the man, thought to be in his 30s, who was lying on the road with an oxygen mask over his face before later lifting him into an ambulance, reports PA.

Meanwhile, a silver bicycle could be seen leant against the fire engine while an air ambulance circled above.

A man in his 40s, who did not wish to be named, said he saw the cyclist crossing the junction from Atlantic Road before being hit by the fire engine which was traveling down Coldharbour Lane.

He told the PA news agency that the fire engines “come so fast up this road”.

“It was a green light and I don’t think he saw it coming,” he added.

Another witness described hearing a “bang” before seeing the man unconscious on the road.

Davood Germi, who described a similar scene, said the cyclist “wasn’t moving” before paramedics took him away.

The crash happened the junction between Coldharbour Lane and Atlantic Road.
so the cyclist was in his 50s or 30s according to a man in his 40s?
sad news and a very weridly/badly written story which doesn't help.
I'm really glad you enjoyed it but you managed to come on the quietest night I've ever had there!

It looked like this last week:

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I do like a dance floor with enough space for my bad arm waving 80s moves. I had a lovely time twirling about taking up space. Won't be doing that too often. Crowds of young people hold no attraction for me.
Glad you are still enjoying yourself there.
Good to see the people who use Brixton station stairs to smoke hard drugs and lie unconscious being challenged by Police last night when i was passing by. The conversation was going something like "look we know you've been smoking crack here, but can you not as children use these stairs to get up to the train platform", which is good policing (as long as they listen).
A more dramatic variant yesterday afternoon - the same afternoon as the fire engine collided with a cyclist outside Brixton House Theatre/Dogstar with as yet unknown outcome.
I was waiting for the 17:56 train to Victoria on Brixton (BR) Station platform1. As usual the station was relatively empty - 2 or 3 on the Victoria platform, maybe 10 on the Herne Hill platform.
Suddenly a bedraggled looking lady in her 40s appeared through the entrance on the Herne Hill platform.
She walked to the edge of the platform, climbed down onto the track, crossed the tracks (avoiding the live rails obviously), climbed up onto the Victoria bound platform - then ambled out the platform 1 entrance and down the crack-smoking stairs.
One feared she was suicidal - but seems more likely she was just trying to avoid someone!

I was shocked - probably others were too - but nobody did anything.

Its all very well consulting about closing railway ticket offices - but Brixton Southern Region station exists in a special circle of hell where ticket offices have ceased to be even relevant.
Oh and by the way it is an open station - so payment is completely optional.
A more dramatic variant yesterday afternoon - the same afternoon as the fire engine collided with a cyclist outside Brixton House Theatre/Dogstar with as yet unknown outcome.
I was waiting for the 17:56 train to Victoria on Brixton (BR) Station platform1. As usual the station was relatively empty - 2 or 3 on the Victoria platform, maybe 10 on the Herne Hill platform.
Suddenly a bedraggled looking lady in her 40s appeared through the entrance on the Herne Hill platform.
She walked to the edge of the platform, climbed down onto the track, crossed the tracks (avoiding the live rails obviously), climbed up onto the Victoria bound platform - then ambled out the platform 1 entrance and down the crack-smoking stairs.
One feared she was suicidal - but seems more likely she was just trying to avoid someone!

I was shocked - probably others were too - but nobody did anything.

Its all very well consulting about closing railway ticket offices - but Brixton Southern Region station exists in a special circle of hell where ticket offices have ceased to be even relevant.
Oh and by the way it is an open station - so payment is completely optional.
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Brixton station seems to gone back to being a destination of choice for crack smokers - funnily enough I saw a dishevelled guy contemplating a walk across the same tracks a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure anyone would stand much of a chance if a non stopping train thundered through.
I suppose its a good job no one did anything, otherwise they would have probably closed the line which would inconvenience thousands of people.

I must admit i bunk the train between Brixton and Penge or Sydenham Hill, but maybe ticket barriers would help flush the crack smokers out of the station, particularly on the stairs by the Herne Hill bound trains. Then you have the age old issue of where would they go next, it's simply moving the problem from one place to another. Also, the barriers would probably mean closing off the thoroughfare between station road and Atlantic Road
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Its all very well consulting about closing railway ticket offices - but Brixton Southern Region station exists in a special circle of hell where ticket offices have ceased to be even relevant.
Oh and by the way it is an open station - so payment is completely optional.

that pretty much sums up most of south eastern (under direct DFT management) now. they haven't been filling vacancies for ages, which makes payment pretty much optional.

and then means they can say 'the figures show that passenger numbers are down, we can cut the services more'

and shows the bullshit about 'freeing up ticket office staff to do other things' for what it is.

hmm at ticket barriers - there is a requirement that barriers are staffed when they are in operation, in case someone has a ticket that doesn't work, and even when they are staffed it's relatively easy to push through them or follow someone else - station staff are broadly under instructions not to get in to physical confrontation with fare dodgers.
I suppose its a good job no one did anything, otherwise they would have probably closed the line which would inconvenience thousands of people.

I must admit i bunk the train between Brixton and Penge or Sydenham Hill, but maybe ticket barriers would help flush the crack smokers out of the station, particularly on the stairs by the Herne Hill bound trains. Then you have the age old issue of where would they go next, it's simply moving the problem from one place to another. Also, the barriers would probably mean closing off the thoroughfare between station road and Atlantic Road
Be interesting to know how platforms were accessed 100 years ago.
It looks from OS courtesy of Puddy_Tat that there were stairs from the street to all of the platforms - including the two Catford loop ones.
I guess in those days each platform had had a despatcher and a ticket collector though. And no thoroughfare - just Popes Road.
that pretty much sums up most of south eastern (under direct DFT management) now. they haven't been filling vacancies for ages, which makes payment pretty much optional.

and then means they can say 'the figures show that passenger numbers are down, we can cut the services more'

and shows the bullshit about 'freeing up ticket office staff to do other things' for what it is.

hmm at ticket barriers - there is a requirement that barriers are staffed when they are in operation, in case someone has a ticket that doesn't work, and even when they are staffed it's relatively easy to push through them or follow someone else - station staff are broadly under instructions not to get in to physical confrontation with fare dodgers.
most times if there are staff by the barriers they're just sat on their phones.
Be interesting to know how platforms were accessed 100 years ago.
It looks from OS courtesy of Puddy_Tat that there were stairs from the street to all of the platforms - including the two Catford loop ones.
I guess in those days each platform had had a despatcher and a ticket collector though. And no thoroughfare - just Popes Road.
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I never knew it was called Brixton and South Stockwell, did Stockwell used to stretch all the way down here?
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