Well-Known Member
There‘s a photograph of mine somewhere on U75 that shows what was there pre-Ritzy rebuild. Perhaps Ed can find it quicker that I can.I cannot remember for the life of me what was there before the satay bar!
There‘s a photograph of mine somewhere on U75 that shows what was there pre-Ritzy rebuild. Perhaps Ed can find it quicker that I can.I cannot remember for the life of me what was there before the satay bar!
The picture is here (from Buzz 6 Jan 2019), and the contrasting picture of the closed off Satay pavement is under it.There‘s a photograph of mine somewhere on U75 that shows what was there pre-Ritzy rebuild. Perhaps Ed can find it quicker that I can.
There was an intriguing faux pas, or perhaps even an aspiration which would have got editor going.Popped in BoonBrown this evening. Quite impressed by effort studio team members had put into the show.
If it's for a house sale, it's Clapham. If it's a serious crime, anything within a 5 mile radius of Brixton is Brixton!There was an intriguing faux pas, or perhaps even an aspiration which would have got editor going.
There was a street scene of Brixton Road outside Woolworths/H&M where cars were banned - only buses allowed.
Point being that the bus with a headcode visible was a 148.
We are used to Brixton being East Clapham (especially on April 1st). Now we seem to be West Camberwell!
There was an Argentinian rock band playing Electric Brixton.Argentinian football flags in Brixton!
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In photos: a long row of Argentinian football flags cover the railings outside Brixton’s St Matthew’s church
We’re not entirely sure why they were there, but these Argentinian football flags added a real splash of colour to the railings outside St Matthew’s Church in Brixton on Sunday. Here…www.brixtonbuzz.com
Yes - someone commented on the article earlier today.There was an Argentinian rock band playing Electric Brixton.
In electric brixton play an Argentinian rock banda, one of the best, La Renga!. Many people from all europe and argentina come to see them.
Building on the previous comment, while some of the flags reference football teams, not all of them do. They mention different towns or provinces from Argentina, most likely where the people who made them are originally from.
Interesting article, thanks.A very long read on Brixton gentrification. Rambling in places, but some decent points are made.
I like it, great isn't it?
I didn’t know BB was Heineken
Yeah and customers think they're supporting new brewers/small companies. The wholesale price that Heineken charge for these boutique beers is outrageous. I have to admit Beaverton is a good product that deserves a slight premium but the equally priced Brixton lager is crap.As is 'Beavertown'. Lots of money to be made from these heavily marketed beers with funny names, lots of people willing to part with up to £7 for 1 pint of the stuff!
Not surprisingly, they're not so keen to mention that fact,I didn’t know BB was Heineken
Background:We embrace a very Brixton love for life and all it has to offer - the grit, the glitter, the experience of being part of something bigger than ourselves. We love bringing people together to share in the flavour of Brixton, wherever they are and wherever they want to go.
I like it, great isn't it?
The other attacks were two days earlier on Saturday. Rather disconcerting that they seem to have attracted no attention at the time.
Johanita Dogbey: Mohamed Nur charged with Brixton murder
Mohamed Nur is accused of murdering Johanita Dogbey and of recent stabbing attacks on three others.www.bbc.co.uk
I can only think that the Saturday attacks weren’t reported at the time (which is itself concerning). If they were then hard questions need to be asked.
Not sure I know what a 'Commonwealth' nurse is, or why the gender, age and ethnicity of the trainee nurse is important.
Your point is well-taken. By contrast, I note the prominence afforded to this:If three people were stabbed in the centre of Brixton in the same incident, where would you have expected to read reports of the incident?
Dear Consultee
Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Greater London Authority Acts 1999 and 2007; Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008.
20-24 Pope’s Road, London Borough of Lambeth
GLA reference: 2021/0265
Lambeth Council reference: 20/01347/FUL
Notice of Representation Hearing: 21 July 2023
On 31 March 2020, planning application (reference 20/01347/FUL) (“the Application”) was submitted to the London Borough of Lambeth (“the Council”) by AG Hondo Popes Road BV (“the Applicant”) for the proposed redevelopment of 20-24 Pope’s Road, Brixton in the London Borough of Lambeth. Following receipt of notice from the Council on 16 February 2021 that it was minded to grant planning permission for the redevelopment proposals at Pope’s Road, the Mayor notified the Council on 1 March 2021 that he would act as the local planning authority for the purposes of determining the Application (under article 7 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008 and the powers conferred on him by Section 2A of the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)).
A public Representation Hearing is due to be held in the Chamber, City Hall (Kamal Chunchie Way, London E16 1ZE) on 21 July 2023, starting at 10.30am, for the Deputy Mayor Planning, Regeneration & Skills, Jules Pipe, to consider the Application in detail and to determine whether planning permission should be granted.
The Hearing is open to the public, with a capacity of 140, and you are welcome to attend if you wish. Details of how to get to City Hall can be found here: How to find City Hall.
Please note if you are intending to attend in person, you will be required to enter City Hall through ‘airport style’ security which can lead to a delay. Please arrive in plenty of time to ensure you are able to watch or participate at 10.30am. The Chamber will be open from 9.30am and entry to City Hall is possible from 8.30am.
If you have any accessibility requirements or questions about accessing City Hall, please contact us at [email protected].
The Hearing will also be available to watch or participate online and a link will be published as soon as it is ready on our website: Pope's Road Public Hearing.
The agenda will be made available on the GLA website seven clear days in advance of the Representation Hearing, along with the officer’s report on the Application and the recommendation to the Deputy Mayor here: Pope's Road Public Hearing.
Right to speak
If you have made a written representation in relation to the Application either to the Council or to the GLA at any consultation stage, then you are eligible to request to speak (for the avoidance of doubt this does not include an individual who has signed a petition but would include an individual who has signed a standard letter). If you wish to speak at the Hearing you must submit a detailed statement to GLA officers of the issues that you intend to express to the Deputy Mayor within seven days from the date of this correspondence. This information should also clearly state in what capacity you wish to speak (i.e. as an objector or supporter) and which organisation (if any) you represent. All statements should be provided in writing by email to: [email protected]. If you request to speak you should also indicate whether you intend to attend the hearing in-person at City Hall or online. We will share details of how to join online with anyone who wishes to participate virtually.
In accordance with the GLA published procedure (https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/mayoral_rep_hearing_procedure_-_june_2021.pdf) all speakers (objectors and supporters) will cumulatively have a total of fifteen minutes to speak. Depending on the number of people within each group wishing to speak, the GLA may ask people with similar views to agree a spokesperson or persons to act on their behalf and it will be the spokesperson’s responsibility to ensure that all the relevant points are made within the time limit.
In order to facilitate the selection of a spokesperson or persons, the GLA will pass on your personal information to other registered speakers. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018. If you do not want the GLA to share your details for this purpose, please confirm in your response.
PLEASE NOTE – withholding your personal details may mean that you will not be able to speak at the hearing. The GLA will publish a list of confirmed speakers three days in advance of the hearing on the GLA website.
Further details with respect to the procedures to be followed at the representation hearing, including arrangements for speakers are available on the GLA website here: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/mayoral_rep_hearing_procedure_-_june_2021.pdf.
Yours faithfully
John Finlayson
Head of Development Management
Greater London Authority
Sorry but I don't agree, we are always very open about our ownership and make a point of mentioning it on our website, to consumers in our taproom and on tours etc and to customers. One of our core values is transparency and integrity.Not surprisingly, they're not so keen to mention that fact,
We've been running advertising and creating local partnerships for many years shining a positive light on our community and always trying to contribute in a positive way. As we've grown our presence and capacity we naturally have been able to do more and we never do this in an exploitative way.I don't like the corporate exploitation of Brixton, no. What authentic local independent breweries can compete with that kind of $$$$ branding and advertising budget?