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For years i used to regularly see a thin guy with dreads and a staff (stick not dog!) who used to roam the streets of Brixton shouting about the Irish. Haven't seen him about for while. One day I saw him ranting about the Irish as was his wont then he bumped into someone he knew and had a calm pleasant conversation. I I used to wonder what caused his dislike of the Irish or if Irish was shorthand for something else. Is he still around an about?
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For years i used to regularly see a thin guy with dreads and a staff who used to roam the streets of Brixton shouting about the Irish. Haven't seen him about for while. One day I saw him ranting about the Irish as was his wont then he bumped into someone he knew and had a calm pleasant conversation. I I used to wonder what caused his dislike of the Irish or if Irish was shorthand for something else. Is he still around an about?
I haven't seen him for a while. And yes, he REALLY didn't like the Irish!
For years i used to regularly see a thin guy with dreads and a staff (stick not dog!) who used to roam the streets of Brixton shouting about the Irish. Haven't seen him about for while. One day I saw him ranting about the Irish as was his wont then he bumped into someone he knew and had a calm pleasant conversation. I I used to wonder what caused his dislike of the Irish or if Irish was shorthand for something else. Is he still around an about?
Possibly the same man who used to constantly abuse battymen. He died a while back - and his passing got mixed reviews on here.
Possibly the same man who used to constantly abuse battymen. He died a while back - and his passing got mixed reviews on here.

That's him. I'd forgotten that was his other trope. Sometimes he'd combine the two. He can't have been that old when he died
Fella with a BMX who also used to sell mix tapes outside the tube? We're talking around '85 here...
Maybe the mixtapes 1985 - I don't recall that at all. But the man was actively up and down Coldharbour Lane, Brixton Market, tube et al from when I moved to CHL in 1986. And died a couple of years ago.
Someone posted up a tribute on here when he died, but others commented he was "abusive" for want of a better word.
Can't find the post. Urban's super spellcheck tends to alter searches anyway - Brixton Rasta becomes Brixton Road these days!
Link to a blog about someone living on the old Sudbourne school site.

Sounds quite posh. Presume they're there as official guardian type security?
Yeah there's a company called Lowes that manage a lot of these. I think at one time they were quite a cheap and good renting alternative if you had the lifestyle that suited it, but surprise surprise, its increasingly not the case

Inside the murky world of property guardianships (some actual journalism in the past year from Time Out?!?)
For years i used to regularly see a thin guy with dreads and a staff (stick not dog!) who used to roam the streets of Brixton shouting about the Irish. Haven't seen him about for while. One day I saw him ranting about the Irish as was his wont then he bumped into someone he knew and had a calm pleasant conversation. I I used to wonder what caused his dislike of the Irish or if Irish was shorthand for something else. Is he still around an about?

I remember him

No have not seen him for years.
Do Guardians rip up the floorboards "to create a studio"?
Whoever owns the property it's obviously not Gerry Knight!
Think Knight owns the site between Acre Lane and Sudbourne Rd and which was initially proposed as the location for the schools expansion but he wouldn't play ball.
Some pathetic shithouse tagger has managed to cover loads of windows in central Brixton with some sort of acidic 'paint'.
Just saw this on a street WhatsApp, a Ukrainian event at Brockwell Greenhouse.

A very long read on Brixton gentrification. Rambling in places, but some decent points are made.
I think the article is an account, true to its time (ie 2023 interpretation) - but only goes back to 1991 apparently.
"Gentrification" is the free-market "neo liberal" version of post World War II town planning, where thousands of people lost their homes to build council estates.
In those days compulsory purchase wiped out the value of the property - especially as CPOs were awarded on "moral" values such as Damp or rodent infestation.
This is how they "cleansed" working class areas in the 1950s

[from Secret History of our Streets - Deptford]
As part of London Festival of Architecture, BoonBrown - the smarteners-up of Tunstall Hall behind Morley's - have a three day exhibition
Re-imagining Brixton at their Tunstall Road studio from tomorrow Weds 21st to Friday 23rd June 10:00 -16:00
(I know, not exactly convenient hours for anyone tied to a conventional daytime job or caring responsibilities)
Our exhibition is broken up into three parts:-
A Brixton Colours Show | An art installation fixed to our studio’s façade symbolising Brixton vibrancy.
Common Land Conception | A series of boards which will exhibit visualisations in the form of sketches, drawings, renders etc. conveying what Brixton could look like if reinvented as common land.
The BoonBrown Experience | At the rear of our studio, you’ll have the opportunity to take a deeper look into who we are and what we do at BoonBrown.

I am intrigued by the "reinvented as common land" bit?!

There is also a private view tonight (suspect Eventbrite for this may be closing soon)

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There's a lot of 're-imagining' of late - Atlantic Road a few weekends back, and now wider Brixton. This sounds like planners bullshit talk for "we've fucked things up."
There's a lot of 're-imagining' of late - Atlantic Road a few weekends back, and now wider Brixton. This sounds like planners bullshit talk for "we've fucked things up."
My liking of lang rabbie 's post is for info provided to us here. I'm planning on "dropping in" to the event but unusually for me have a meeting until 7 pm on Teams - so no doubt dedicated gentrifyers will have polished off all the cheese and wine by the time I get there. I may comment after I have seen what they are on about.

What annoys me the most about this public space issue - some of it Rush Common to boot? Its this current fad for desking and private smoking yards outside bars and cafes. San Marino and The Albert in particular - and worst of all the arcade outside the Satay Bar, which is part of the pavement going back to 1880 or whenever Coldharbour Lane was adopted by the Metropolitan Board of Works. But they have annexed the pavement and turned it into their own property.
Putin has caused a war like this - but Brixton BID seem to think annexing public pavements for smoking and drinking is good. But then they would do I suppose - after all the venues pay a supplementary business rate to be members.
What annoys me the most about this public space issue - some of it Rush Common to boot? Its this current fad for desking and private smoking yards outside bars and cafes. San Marino and The Albert in particular - and worst of all the arcade outside the Satay Bar, which is part of the pavement going back to 1880 or whenever Coldharbour Lane was adopted by the Metropolitan Board of Works. But they have annexed the pavement and turned it into their own property.
Putin has caused a war like this - but Brixton BID seem to think annexing public pavements for smoking and drinking is good. But then they would do I suppose - after all the venues pay a supplementary business rate to be members.
This may be false memory syndrome, but I thought the arcade at the Satay Bar was a far more recent pavement widening imposed as part of the consent for agreeing that the block above could be rebuilt to the original Victorian building line.

I cannot remember for the life of me what was there before the satay bar!

The other buildings at the western end of the south side of Coldharbour Lane are set back to a road widening line agreed sometime around 1900.
The only remaining exceptions are the shops in older buildings - former Phoenix/Mikos and the ground floor of Bookmongers, both of which have upper storeys that look early-to-mid-Victorian.
For years i used to regularly see a thin guy with dreads and a staff (stick not dog!) who used to roam the streets of Brixton shouting about the Irish. Haven't seen him about for while. One day I saw him ranting about the Irish as was his wont then he bumped into someone he knew and had a calm pleasant conversation. I I used to wonder what caused his dislike of the Irish or if Irish was shorthand for something else. Is he still around an about?
There was a chap of the same sort of description who used to stand at the end of the bar and get slowly drunk on pints in the daytime in The Prince Of Wales when i worked there about 6 years ago. I'm not sure whether he was an ex British soldier, but he still seemed to think he was one, he wore sunglasses, and sometimes a beret, and would bang his cane on the floor ordering people nearby to "stand by your beds!". He'd eventually get ushered out, but im wondering if it was the same guy. He never bad mouthed the Irish though, which is just as well as he wouldn't be there long.
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