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Good to see Brixton's own Tatterjacks Morris being featured in the Guardian:

I think the Guardian article is a bit weird. They slag off Cecil Sharpe, the godfather of folk song collecting.
Then they go on about Cecil being inclined to the pagan origins of Morris and claim it is not that but an importation of European courtly dances.
How about the Moresca? Moresca - Wikipedia
This Spanish tradition surely accounts for the controversial "blacking up" tradition which is now commonly replaced by such devices as wearing plague doctors' masks.
when it's that bad surely they should just stick a camera up and issue fines. would presumably stop pretty quickly.
Send a few tow trucks down with back up from traffic Police. I would enjoy watching people loose their heads as their £40k BMW is towed away, all because they couldnt be fucked to park properly for a £7 portion of chicken. Word would soon spread that its not worth parking in the middle of a busy road anymore.
Anybody know anything about the solar panel installations on Moorlands Estate?
They've fitted panels on the east sloping roofs on some of the houses at the "Electric Quarter" end. Possibly not on right-to-buy.
Can't see any info online. Assume it is something to do with Metropolitan, or whatever it now calls itself.
Anybody know anything about the solar panel installations on Moorlands Estate?
They've fitted panels on the east sloping roofs on some of the houses at the "Electric Quarter" end. Possibly not on right-to-buy.
Can't see any info online. Assume it is something to do with Metropolitan, or whatever it now calls itself.
The ones facing onto Loughborough Park? If so they’re fairly south facing as well, so prob get enough sun if that’s what you mean.
The ones facing onto Loughborough Park? If so they’re fairly south facing as well, so prob get enough sun if that’s what you mean.
No these are one houses actually on Somerleyton Road - but its the back roofs where the solar is fitted. There is no large roof area on the Somerleyton Road side.
What I am asking is this - is this an estate scheme by the landlord - or is it being sold to individual householders?
Also what is the effect on their electric bills?
No these are one houses actually on Somerleyton Road - but its the back roofs where the solar is fitted. There is no large roof area on the Somerleyton Road side.
What I am asking is this - is this an estate scheme by the landlord - or is it being sold to individual householders?
Also what is the effect on their electric bills?
It seems like they're going up on every roof so I can't see this being just for private owners (unless the estate has been more sold off than I imagined).
It seems like they're going up on every roof so I can't see this being just for private owners (unless the estate has been more sold off than I imagined).
I think it might NOT be for RTB - where I saw this there were panels on the terrace - but not the one RTB house.
Did you know it was Commonwealth Day today? Me neither.
My GP surgery rang this morning and demanded I have a blood test - so I had to go to KCH phlebotomy dept, and saw the Union flag on the KFM building flagpole in Coldharbour Lane and another on the KCH building itself.
I took a supervised blood test. Clearly a novice - white English guy at least 35. Being supervised by a Commonwealth nurse - she didn't know why the flag was flying any more than me.

I had a very irreverent thought in there - surely they should be recruiting heroin users to do this work? At least they should be able to find a vein? Then again maybe they are and I was the customer of a retraining scheme?

Meanwhile here is the rubric which currently governs public buildings:
Did you know it was Commonwealth Day today? Me neither.
My GP surgery rang this morning and demanded I have a blood test - so I had to go to KCH phlebotomy dept, and saw the Union flag on the KFM building flagpole in Coldharbour Lane and another on the KCH building itself.
I took a supervised blood test. Clearly a novice - white English guy at least 35. Being supervised by a Commonwealth nurse - she didn't know why the flag was flying any more than me.

I had a very irreverent thought in there - surely they should be recruiting heroin users to do this work? At least they should be able to find a vein? Then again maybe they are and I was the customer of a retraining scheme?

Meanwhile here is the rubric which currently governs public buildings:
Not sure I want blood taken from between my toes.
Maybe Lambeth should consider something like this for heating the Rec, rather than just replacing like for like....

Its taken a while to get the Council to commit to replacing the heating in the Rec. Which has not worked for years.

The original heating and ventilation system is still in place. Some parts where replaced. But surveyors report say it all reached end of its useful life some time ago.

Its still taken argument with the Council to commit to replacing it.

BRUG wrote to Leaders office recently as making no headway with officers and less senior Cllrs. Got reply in writing that it would be replaced. Credit to Leader for actually committing to this..

When is another matter. But at least now there is written commitment from the Leaders office.

Discussions on replacing the defunct system where going on years back before the pandemic. It was as far as I can tell from looking over old meetings and emails to Council going to be part of Phase Two works.

Pandemic happened and works came to a stop. When pandemic eased off refurbishment sort of re started. But the impetus had gone.

Taken some effort by BRUG to get it back on the agenda.

TBF Im not to bothered how they do it. I just wish the Council would actually make concrete steps to plan and do it. After all these years of promises the heating would be fixed before every winter.

Its imo simply unacceptable that this has gone on for so long. The changing rooms in the Rec are a disgrace. Use of Rec is a paid for service.

Mild winters have made it just about bearable.
I finally gave up on the Rec last week. It was shocking. Just not a pleasant experience. There was a pool of water on the floor in the changing rooms. It smelt like piss :confused:

I couldn't find a single locker that had a key. The showers and the pool were bloody freezing for an indoor pool. I come from an outdoor swimming background...

There's also a weird drilling sound once you are in the pool. It's coming from the work to convert the public bowling green into office space below. Can't be helped, but it makes for an odd swimming experience.

I've been swimming at Vauxhall this week. Yes, yes - a sell out. I know it's basically a private pool that has been badged up by Lambeth / Better. But I pay the same £2.80 for a swim in a facility that has heated floors in the changing rooms, access to a steam room and a sauna, and is squeaky clean throughout.

In over 30 years I've never had such a shitty Rec experience as of late. And that's saying something,
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For those of you in the community forums - we are having a real life south London drinks in the Brixton area. If you are not in the community forums pm me, if you convince me you are not a psycho I'll let you know where.
I finally gave up on the Rec last week. It was shocking. Just not a pleasant experience. There was a pool of water on the floor in the changing rooms. It smelt like piss :confused:

I couldn't find a single locker that had a key. The showers and the pool were bloody freezing for an indoor pool. I come from an outdoor swimming background...

There's also a weird drilling sound once you are in the pool. It's coming from the work to convert the public bowling green into office space below. Can't be helped, but it makes for an odd swimming experience.

I've been swimming at Vauxhall this week. Yes, yes - a sell out. I know it's basically a private pool that has been badged up by Lambeth / Better. But I pay the same £2.80 for a swim in a facility that has heated floors in the changing rooms, access to a steam room and a sauna, and is squeaky clean throughout.

In over 30 years I've never had such a shitty Rec experience as of late. And that's saying something,

The bowling green is not being converted into offices. That rumour has been going around. But not is what is happening.

Bowling green is being converted into new play area for young people. With a new cafe at that level. Which will be open to all. The old play zone will be closed. I am not sure what that space will be used for.

The noise is probably coming from works on the football pitch or the undercroft which has GLA Good Growth Funding to be turned into workshop space. The undercroft is empty bare concrete space. It has been empty since Rec built. Propbably built as a retail unit when the Rec was part of a larger scheme for Brixton ( the Hollamby plan)

I have being using Vauxhall due to cold pool and cold changing rooms in Rec.

An ongoing issue with Lambeth is long term maintenance. Vauxhall is fairly new centre so everything works.

Lambeth go on about the centres they have but they do not do long term maintenance. There are industry guidelines to foresee how long plant like ventilation, boilers, heating etc will last. So replacement can be planned. Maintenance in Rec has been reactive not planned. Waiting until something finally packs up before trying to bodge a fix. Which is not cost effective.

The escalator was turned off several years back as it kept breaking down. Money to fix it was wasted. It needed replacement. So Council with agreement of GLL/ Better turned it of. Replacement was supposed to be in Phase two of refurbishment works.

Council recently have being trying to blame GLL for lack of maintenance. Which imo is unfair. Replacement of worn out plant is their responsibility.

Long term maintenance - planned maintenance- is something BRUG have been going on about to Council. Coucnil promise all will change when they take over. We will have to see.
Not sure I know what a 'Commonwealth' nurse is, or why the gender, age and ethnicity of the trainee nurse is important.
For my part I was content with Lambeth Council's policy on flying the Lambeth flag when the council AGM was on, the Union Jack on the Queen's birthday - and on all other days the European flag.
The issue on "Commonwealth Day" is surely what does it mean?
If the Union Jack is flown on Commonwealth Day this confirms the view that the Commonwealth is a substitute for the British Empire.

Instead of decolonising my posts why don't you decolonise the government and King College Hospital ChrisSouth ?
The bowling green is not being converted into offices. That rumour has been going around. But not is what is happening.

Bowling green is being converted into new play area for young people. With a new cafe at that level. Which will be open to all. The old play zone will be closed. I am not sure what that space will be used for.

The noise is probably coming from works on the football pitch or the undercroft which has GLA Good Growth Funding to be turned into workshop space. The undercroft is empty bare concrete space. It has been empty since Rec built. Propbably built as a retail unit when the Rec was part of a larger scheme for Brixton ( the Hollamby plan)

I have being using Vauxhall due to cold pool and cold changing rooms in Rec.

An ongoing issue with Lambeth is long term maintenance. Vauxhall is fairly new centre so everything works.

Lambeth go on about the centres they have but they do not do long term maintenance. There are industry guidelines to foresee how long plant like ventilation, boilers, heating etc will last. So replacement can be planned. Maintenance in Rec has been reactive not planned. Waiting until something finally packs up before trying to bodge a fix. Which is not cost effective.

The escalator was turned off several years back as it kept breaking down. Money to fix it was wasted. It needed replacement. So Council with agreement of GLL/ Better turned it of. Replacement was supposed to be in Phase two of refurbishment works.

Council recently have being trying to blame GLL for lack of maintenance. Which imo is unfair. Replacement of worn out plant is their responsibility.

Long term maintenance - planned maintenance- is something BRUG have been going on about to Council. Coucnil promise all will change when they take over. We will have to see.
The escalator now works- think it was a repair not a replacement.
The escalator now works- think it was a repair not a replacement.

I'm wondering how long a repair will last.

Years back was told it was difficult to repair the escalator as it was very old and difficult to get parts for

Watching the works progress and I'm feeling at times the Council say different things at different times. As you say it's a repair job not a full replacement.

It now appears it was always possible to repair the escalator. So why did the Council not do it before?

The Council were saying recently it was GLL / Better responsibility as they , according to Council, didn't maintain the escalator and lifts properly. Trying to get money out of GLL

I've got no side in this. Either for Council or GLL. But even if this was accurate it begs the question why were the Council not making sure that Better / GLL were fulfilling their side of the contract with Lambeth in previous years? Why suddenly the Council reckon that Better/ GLL hadn't over the years been maintaining the lifts and escalator property? Surely the Council should have been making sure of this through the contract?
This archived thread from Digital Spy Forum in 2009 seems clear that Coldharbour lane is the most "notorious" The most notorious street in London
On the other had there was a moral panic in 1986 due to Kenneth Erskine - who the press called "The Stockwell Strangler"
This fed into a right brew haha with an NF Brixton prison officer making a speech selectively relayed in print by the Daily Express and the Sun which stated that violent crime in Brixton was twice the level of Precinct 46 The Bronx.
I posted about this in 2014 - though I can't find the original material right now
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