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Pechkam Plex are promoting the premier of "Rye Lane"
View attachment 364821
From the trailer (in the article) looks like scenes in Windrush Square too.

Rotten Tomatoes score of 97% apparently (seems high?)
Apparently free tickets are available to "Friends of Peckham Plex" but not clear how to become one.

I under stand that it will eventually turn up on Disney +
Hey Edcraw, Edbore - whatever.

Thats better. Indeed however are quoting an average of £29, 756. Can you be a dear and check how much young teachers earn? TTFN

Parking Enforcement Officer yearly salaries in the United Kingdom at Lambeth Council​

Job Title
Parking Enforcement Officer5 salaries

United Kingdom

Average salary
£29,756 per year
Above national average

Average £29,756

Low £14,000
High £45,000
Hey Edcraw, Edbore - whatever.

Thats better. Indeed however are quoting an average of £29, 756. Can you be a dear and check how much young teachers earn? TTFN

Parking Enforcement Officer yearly salaries in the United Kingdom at Lambeth Council​

Job Title
Parking Enforcement Officer5 salaries

United Kingdom

Average salary
£29,756 per year
Above national average

Average £29,756

Low £14,000
High £45,000
What a progressive board this is. Just going to go and get that £45k traffic warden job because obviously that’s correct!
The left blaming everything on bankers and developers is as silly as the right blaming everything on immigrants and woke/political correctness gone mad.

The 2007 - 2008 economic crisis was caused by the banks/ financial sector.

Unions, workers, the "left" could not be blamed as since Thatcher there real influence has been reduced dramatically.

So its not the "left" being silly. This is concrete historical fact.

The City got "light touch regulation" - this was a big factor in the financial crisis.

It was left to governments and ordinary people to pay for it. Through "austerity"

Remember when head of Bank of England was concerned about the "moral hazard" of bailing out banks? This was soon dropped when the size of the crisis caused by the bankers was seen. Governments stepped in to save them.

This is not about being silly. Its what happened.

To equate a "left" view like this as being on the same level with out and out bigotry is the kind of sensible middle ground view that is so annoying.
You are quick to jump on anyone that doesn't agree with your absolutist hatred of cars.
Please feel free to contribute to the anti car thread which I think you would find fun. It does need some new recruits because the longer standing car apologists have nearly all been converted to correct thinking now, and they have stopped arguing.
The 2007 - 2008 economic crisis was caused by the banks/ financial sector.

Unions, workers, the "left" could not be blamed as since Thatcher there real influence has been reduced dramatically.

So its not the "left" being silly. This is concrete historical fact.

The City got "light touch regulation" - this was a big factor in the financial crisis.

It was left to governments and ordinary people to pay for it. Through "austerity"

Remember when head of Bank of England was concerned about the "moral hazard" of bailing out banks? This was soon dropped when the size of the crisis caused by the bankers was seen. Governments stepped in to save them.

This is not about being silly. Its what happened.

To equate a "left" view like this as being on the same level with out and out bigotry is the kind of sensible middle ground view that is so annoying.
This is the one that gets me Andy Hornby - Wikipedia
It was him that crashed the Halifax into £10bn losses - and was then retained "on consultancy" by Lloyds after they rescued Halifax.
Note that whilst wrecking the Halifax he was simultaneously a non-executive director of Home Retail Group ("Great Universal Stores").
He then transitioned to CEO of Alliance-Boots (our off-shore high street chemist) whilst also doing similar work for Corals/Ladbrooke Corals.
He is now CEO of a Pubco.

Mr Hornby truly has a magnificent record of knowing which trough to put his snout in - and when to "step back".
Although criticised for not taking responsibility for the Halifax HBOS crash and as per the Wikipedia article above
"On 5 April 2013, The Banking Standards Commission asked financial regulators to consider whether three former HBOS bankers, including Hornby, should be barred from future roles in the financial sector. It said former bosses Sir James Crosby and Andy Hornby were largely to blame for the collapse of HBOS, then the UK's fifth-biggest bank, in 2008; former chairman Lord Stevenson was also heavily criticised. The commission accused the trio of a "colossal failure" of management.[18][19]"

Yet who here has even heard of Andy Hornby? These crooks blithely sail on - Red sails in the sunset and all that.
I've just received this, about Lambeth's consultation on dog controls. I try not to be too cynical, but I'll be suprised if this is any different to any previous 'consultations', even after the Kerslake report.

Lambeth Council is carrying out a consultation to ask residents for their views on a new proposed Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Lambeth.
The need for a Dog Control PSPO has arisen due to an increase in dog related anti-social behaviour issues in the borough, such as dog fouling, dogs making unwanted contact or acting aggressively, or being walked in banned areas, such as children’s play areas or formal ornamental gardens. These issues have a detrimental effect on the local community’s quality of life.
The proposed PSPO will be applicable borough wide, or for some proposals restricted to certain areas only, and will apply to publicly accessible land owned by Lambeth Council, including in parks, highways and communal housing land.
For more information and to complete the consultation survey, please click the link below.

You know who’s worse than traffic wardens of course…. Those bloody dog wardens!!

in fact the lambeth dog warden is a very capable person with a love of canines
the people who'll be enforcing this will be cpso's or similar...who are a bit of a law unto themselves.
I've just received this, about Lambeth's consultation on dog controls. I try not to be too cynical, but I'll be suprised if this is any different to any previous 'consultations', even after the Kerslake report.

Lambeth Council is carrying out a consultation to ask residents for their views on a new proposed Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Lambeth.
The need for a Dog Control PSPO has arisen due to an increase in dog related anti-social behaviour issues in the borough, such as dog fouling, dogs making unwanted contact or acting aggressively, or being walked in banned areas, such as children’s play areas or formal ornamental gardens. These issues have a detrimental effect on the local community’s quality of life.
The proposed PSPO will be applicable borough wide, or for some proposals restricted to certain areas only, and will apply to publicly accessible land owned by Lambeth Council, including in parks, highways and communal housing land.
For more information and to complete the consultation survey, please click the link below.


cynical in what regard ?
...genuine question 🙂
I generally assume that any 'consultation' will be just a way of fobbing off residents and rubber-stamping decisions that have already been made, with very little regard for the wishes or welfare of residents.
I think people misunderstand the point of consultations. The council’s only going to consult on things it wants to do - its then a way of getting views to see if it’s missing something or to find out effects that it hadn’t accounted for. Their not a way of deciding policy but a way on shaping it and they’re certainly not referendums.
I generally assume that any 'consultation' will be just a way of fobbing off residents and rubber-stamping decisions that have already been made, with very little regard for the wishes or welfare of residents.
What Council ever does different?
What Council ever does different?
You are not wrong. But Lambeth was supposed to be aspiring to something better:

Embedding community engagement across the whole council
A cooperative council The London Borough of Lambeth has gone through a process of transformation to become a cooperative council, which has been based on giving people more involvement and control of the services they use and the places where they live by putting council resources in their hands. As a cooperative council, meaningful partnerships and cooperation should be created between service providers and service users, with the goal of delivering public services that are more closely aligned with people’s needs and expectations. The cooperative council model aims to ensure that Lambeth delivers services with its communities, rather than to its communities.

We understand that people are more than units of production and consumption in a voracious economy that’s consuming our planet along with people’s lives. We know that people are more than problems to be managed. We understand the principles of citizenship, where people have individual rights but also owe duties to the rest of society in working for the common good. Public policy too often ignores the fact that people are not problems to be managed but fully rounded human beings nurtured by families, relationships, community, a sense of belonging, and are given meaning by the work they do or the contribution they make.

For co-operative councils, the litmus test is simple: if a policy gives the people affected by it more control over their lives we are heading in the right direction. This has to be more than just giving people a voice. On its own a voice isn’t enough – people also need the power to make their voice heard, because a voice without power is a cry in the dark.
That's actually not far from the truth. Fed up of selfish dog owners not clearing up after their pets....💩🤮
As a dog owner I would agree with you. Does the proposal makes much difference to current legislation regarding letting your dog foul the pavement, do you think?

I found it hard to object to much in the proposal. I think the trickiest bit comes down to balancing the expectations of people who want to use parks to run their dogs off the lead and people who don't want any interaction with dogs. It leaves quite a lot up to the discretion of the enforcer.

I thought the most important thing in there was limits on professional dog walkers. A while since I read it but max four dogs with max two off the lead I think it said. A good move but even that is quite a handful IMO.
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I thought the most important thing in there was limits on professional dog walkers. A while since I read it but max four dogs with max two off the lead I think it said. A good move but even that is quite a handful IMO.
Especially as the some of the professional dog walkers know each other, and like to walk around together in a group. Three professional dog walkers chatting together is up to twelve dogs, six of whom are off the lead.

That's a lot of dogs.
Yep I see that a lot in my part of South London. It's all fine until it isn't. And there seem to be more and more dog owners who just don't give a toss - not picking up their shit, not paying attention generally to who their dog might be bothering.
...lets have a think about domestic cats as well while we're her
I generally assume that any 'consultation' will be just a way of fobbing off residents and rubber-stamping decisions that have already been made, with very little regard for the wishes or welfare of residents.

the 'funny' thing about this consultation is that the majority of dog issues are alteady covered in law
add in a few leading questions to overstate the problem and people will answer accordingly
lambeth seem to think on the spot fines are gonna sort stuff out but they can already do that and dont.
we already had one instance of an aggressive person throwing their weight around trying to intimidate female dog owners whose dogs were doing fuck all wrong in our local park and the signs for the consultation have only been up a week.
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