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Doubling it in price but giving away a small number per house per year would seem fair.

Or an increasing cost per permit per household, would “drive” the correct behaviours.

( first 5 cost a pound, 2nd five cost a fiver, next ten cost a 7.5, next 10 cost a tenner, next ten cost 15 and so on ).

Lambeth could actually have made this progressive, eg traders permits assume people using traders are minted - one day costs 23 quid, more expensive than parking meters in most of the borough.
It does when the mortgage has more than doubled in a few months and everything rocketed except my income. I have a 20-year-old car that I bought four years ago for 2.5K to visit my parents in their 80s and who are virtually housebound except when I can get down and take them out. When Lambeth installed the cpz we were told it was to stop commuters coming in and dumping their cars for the day. There was a small fee. Now it's a large fee increase at the same time as council salaries are ballooning.
Not sure why you’d attach traffic wardens though.
Crazy! Really nasty attitude - smacks of driver entitlement.

Predictable over-reaction. You are quick to jump on anyone that doesn't agree with your absolutist hatred of cars. There is a nasty attitude on here and it's yours. I can imagine the wailing and gnashing of your teeth if a bike road tax were implemented.
Predictable over-reaction. You are quick to jump on anyone that doesn't agree with your absolutist hatred of cars. There is a nasty attitude on here and it's yours. I can imagine the wailing and gnashing of your teeth if a bike road tax wre implemented.
You’re calling people probably working on minimum wage parasites - because you’re being asked to pay a bit more to store your car on public roads. The maximum under these new rules is a tenner a week. Pathetic.

A bike tax reflecting damage done by them would be minimal but I’d be happy to pay.
Doubling it in price but giving away a small number per house per year would seem fair.

Yes that would be a sensible option to be considered.

Same thing with large waste disposal.

Some boroughs give each resident free collection certain number of large waste items ( old mattresses etc) per year. After which you pay.

I paid ( after some argument with Lambeth. Who did not want to collect from my address. Cllr sorted that out) to get my old cooker picked up.

With Lambeth no free pick of large waste.

It's not surprising that people just dump stuff on street
It does when the mortgage has more than doubled in a few months and everything rocketed except my income. I have a 20-year-old car that I bought four years ago for 2.5K to visit my parents in their 80s and who are virtually housebound except when I can get down and take them out. When Lambeth installed the cpz we were told it was to stop commuters coming in and dumping their cars for the day. There was a small fee. Now it's a large fee increase at the same time as council salaries are ballooning.

Friend of mine in North London finally bought a car when her mother got frail in her 80s. She lived near London but having a car meant my friend could visit her weekends , run errands and be safe in knowledge that if her mother called she could jump into her car to help her.

Gave her peace of mind despite extra cost of owning a car.

A lot of people use cars not because they are to lazy to walk or are conspiracy loon petrol heads. Given way this society works it is essential in some circumstances.
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Having known traffic wardens Id say on the scale of Cops, Bailiffs Id say traffic wardens come low down on the scale.

If you really want to abuse people then of course the Met is best option.

However give anyone a little bit of power and some will relish using it.

Used to know a traffic warden - he used the cafe I used in West End. Used to go at back of cafe. I asked him why. He said to avoid the supervisor. He told me this was a stop gap job. They were expected to give out a minimum number of tickets. He did that then went to hide in the cafe. He said that meant he got no bonus. But he was ok with that as he didnt really want to do this job.

Another one in same area I used to see loved giving out tickets.Saw them on regular basis. Never saw them hide in a cafe.

It is surprising to me that people on low wage get off on a little bit of power. But there you go.

I used to chat to this security guard. Friendly guy. Told me he wanted to change job and get into "removals". I said furniture removals? No he said he wanted to get job putting asylum seekers on planes back to where they came from. Told me he would love it.

Short of this is that low paid jobs like this attract all sorts. Including those who get perverse pleasure out of giving people a hard time.
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Or an increasing cost per permit per household, would “drive” the correct behaviours.

( first 5 cost a pound, 2nd five cost a fiver, next ten cost a 7.5, next 10 cost a tenner, next ten cost 15 and so on ).

Lambeth could actually have made this progressive, eg traders permits assume people using traders are minted - one day costs 23 quid, more expensive than parking meters in most of the borough.

Going back to have a look at that section.

Permit type Annual Price
22/23 (£) 23/24 (£)
Traders Permits – 1 day 23.10 going up to 28.00
Traders Permits – Book of 5 108. going up to 140.00
Resident Visitor Vouchers – Individual 6.04 going up to 10.50
Resident Visitor Vouchers – Book of 5 26.25 going up to 52.50

So traders permits are not being doubled.

In practise traders ask residents for one of their permits.

Still its a discrepancy in hiking of charges.

Id assumed as the residents permits were for any vehicle the big hike in cost is in case every resident permit is used for high polluting vehicle.

But with trader permit it is going up less. But nothing about how polluting the trader vehicle is.

They could have made trader permits dependent of emissions. Have electric vehicle and pay a lot less. For example.
I’ve got empathy but it does get tested when so many drivers have such a terrible aggressive attitude, have no idea of the impact their actions have on others and through a massive tantrum if they can’t do exactly what they want.

Atlantic Road and (as people have pointed out) Acre Lane are an absolute joke with illegal parking and it’s no wonder wardens aren’t enforcing the rules there if even posters on here feel very comfortable slagging them off. Weird that they somehow don’t deserve empathy isn’t it?
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Going back to have a look at that section.

Permit type Annual Price
22/23 (£) 23/24 (£)
Traders Permits – 1 day 23.10 going up to 28.00
Traders Permits – Book of 5 108. going up to 140.00
Resident Visitor Vouchers – Individual 6.04 going up to 10.50
Resident Visitor Vouchers – Book of 5 26.25 going up to 52.50

So traders permits are not being doubled.

In practise traders ask residents for one of their permits.

Still its a discrepancy in hiking of charges.

Id assumed as the residents permits were for any vehicle the big hike in cost is in case every resident permit is used for high polluting vehicle.

But with trader permit it is going up less. But nothing about how polluting the trader vehicle is.

They could have made trader permits dependent of emissions. Have electric vehicle and pay a lot less. For example.

It’s just a money making exercise wrapped in green bullshit.

Classic Lambeth

It would be quite hard to make the trader permit linked to emissions, as you don’t know what vehicle the trader will turn up in.

There could be a deal for Lambeth traders with low emissions vehicles though, eg free parking across the borough for Zero emissions.
You’re calling people probably working on minimum wage parasites - because you’re being asked to pay a bit more to store your car on public roads. The maximum under these new rules is a tenner a week. Pathetic.

A bike tax reflecting damage done by them would be minimal but I’d be happy to pay.Instead of blurting "probably" do some research on wages.
Hey Edbore. Instead of blurting "probably" try doing a modicum of research and if you're still peeved (I predict it's your permanent state) come back and make an informed reply, you'll look less silly.
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Pechkam Plex are promoting the premier of "Rye Lane"
From the trailer (in the article) looks like scenes in Windrush Square too.

Rotten Tomatoes score of 97% apparently (seems high?)
Apparently free tickets are available to "Friends of Peckham Plex" but not clear how to become one.
Hey Edbore. Instead of blurting "probably" try doing a modicum of research and if you're still peeved (I predict it's your permanent state) come back and make an informed reply, you'll look less silly.
We you’re a real charmer aren’t you.

Apologies - looks like their earning a massive £12 an hour - greedy bastards deserve all they get!!

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