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Great to have them back. Anyone know what restoration was involved that took 6 years? I always assumed that bronzes were kind of bullet proof.

ETA- they can't have been removed in 2016 as per the article. My son couldn't walk until 2018 and I have photos of him stood copying the chap with his foot up against the wall in probably 2019.
They weren't away for 6 years. The original bronzes may have been bullet proof, but not proof against bird lime and graffiti.
The new one is apparently hollow with a lighter ballast interior. Manufactured by a new 3D printing/casting process. But still screwed down to the platform to avoid being nicked.
Remember the 4 lions surrounding Sir Henry Tate's bust? No - few people were around when they disappeared in 1983.
They weren't away for 6 years. The original bronzes may have been bullet proof, but not proof against bird lime and graffiti.
The new one is apparently hollow with a lighter ballast interior. Manufactured by a new 3D printing/casting process. But still screwed down to the platform to avoid being nicked.
Remember the 4 lions surrounding Sir Henry Tate's bust? No - few people were around when they disappeared in 1983.
I've never heard of these lions. Any pics?
I've never heard of these lions. Any pics?
No readily available. I read in the SLP back in the mid 80s one had turned up in a railway siding in Willesden Junction.
Google doesn't work (for me at least) pre about 2010 these days.
I'll put in an enquiry to a fellow ex-councillor who is very good with these these things.
A little more here, including the story behind the new 4th statue.
Part of what's good about the original ones is that they all have the look of being bored waiting for a train / lost in their thoughts. Maybe aided by the tedium/slowness of the casting process.

Not sure this newfangled 3d scanned one achieves the same.
I've never heard of these lions. Any pics?
They were on the gate piers into the gardens rather than around the bust itself

Brixton Oval 1961.PNG
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They were on the gate piers into the gardens rather than around the bust itself

View attachment 361039
Thanks lang rabbie There could have been another two lions on another gate on the library side of course.
I suggest a hypothesis. In one of Lambeth's many moments of madness they decided to remodel the library gardens making them more open.
And when they got rid of the gate they were loath to "waste" the lions, they simply redeployed them - and allowed them to get nicked later on.
People of my vintage will recall there were two raised grassy areas with some shrubs - to the left and right of where this entrance is, held in by a low brick retaining wall.
But there was no entrance, and the gardens were paved over with bog standard paving slabs.
Except for Tate's bust + lions, which I recall as being more centrally located - that is further back from the camera than here.
Thanks lang rabbie There could have been another two lions on another gate on the library side of course.
I suggest a hypothesis. In one of Lambeth's many moments of madness they decided to remodel the library gardens making them more open.
And when they got rid of the gate they were loath to "waste" the lions, they simply redeployed them - and allowed them to get nicked later on.
People of my vintage will recall there were two raised grassy areas with some shrubs - to the left and right of where this entrance is, held in by a low brick retaining wall.
But there was no entrance, and the gardens were paved over with bog standard paving slabs.
Except for Tate's bust + lions, which I recall as being more centrally located - that is further back from the camera than here.
Regarding the lions on the gate posts - the Urban75 history page gives a slightly clearer view in the 1965 photo.
Tate then and now.jpg
Judging by this Tate Library Garden and Windrush Square - Greater London the 1965 picture was taken shortly before the gates were removed.
The lost Tate lions of SW2
Sorry to bore on about this - but the Brixton Buzz article done by Mike Urban in 2015 has two post card views from about 1905, after the gardens were created but before the Ritzy was built.
The sepia one has 4 lions - one of each gate post
4 lions 1905.jpg

The other shows more clearly the 2 lions on the library side of the gardens.
liberray side 2 lions 1905.jpg
Unfortunately both these postcards seems to be modern reprints. The originals, if extant would have much better definition.

So the question is this - were are the plans showing the redesign of the Tate Library gardens in 1965? And why no photos of the plinth and bust with the now vanished lions?
It seems to me that the lions fell victim to the same slap-dash approach Lambeth had to town centre modernisation as when they took the Electric Avenue canopy down for "cleaning and restoration".

Of course the theft of public sculpture is not uncommon. Dulwich Park lost a much more significant Barbara Hepworth installation in 2011

Southwark - more arts minded than Lambeth - arranged a replacement: Dulwich Park Gets Replacement For Stolen Hepworth Sculpture
Anyone know if the Rec pool is shut? Neighbours have had their swimming lessons cancelled because of the boiler, I'd like to go swimming tomorrow.
FYI Due to the fatal accident right on the cross roads, pedestrians can't turn left onto Brixton road from Acre Lane (need to go via Trinity Gardens)
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