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Over 50% of appeals are successful.
[edit - I've googled]

Where do you get that from? Parking enforcement and appeals statistics | London Councils
London's boroughs have carried out parking enforcement since 1993/94 to ensure that the capital's already busy roads are not further congested with unnecessary hazards and are safe for everybody that uses them.

Penalty charge notices are issued to people parking illegally, wrongly using bus lanes, committing moving traffic offences like stopping in yellow box junctions, or for contraventions under the London Lorry Control Scheme. Less than one per cent of these penalties are appealed through the independent Parking and Traffic Appeals Service (PATAS) known as London Tribunals since 2015.

[edit again - ok - less than 1% are appealed, but half of those that are appealed are successful. that makes sense]

I think I've had a grand total of 3 motoring fines in my life. Once on the yellow box outside the fire station on West Hill in Wandsworth (supposedly the highest revenue yellow box cam in the UK - someone cut front of me from the lane to the right and blocked my exit.), one was a parking fine in Covent Garden and I was bang to rights.

Last was when I was helping someone move on a street in Brixton (legally loading but from a third floor flat so car doors were shut and locked) and they didn't put the ticket on the car - successfully appealed that one but took multiple letters and I had to go in person to an appeals hearing near Trafalgar Square - it took so much time it really wasn't worth it.

I avoid driving, especially in London, but it's really not hard to avoid fines.
When Lambeth does get it wrong, their appeals department fucking pisspoor anyway. It might as well be run by a by bot. Indeed, I recently managed to get scott-free from an infraction that I was guilty of and was actually happy to pay, because they sent me a template letter response to my query that had nothing to do with my concern and clearly showed they hadn't even bothered to read my query. Then they tried to charge me the full fine instead of the reduced rate I was entitled to and was happy to pay. I escalated the matter to the Ombudsman, and they ordered Lambeth to scrap the fine altogether due to their unfit-for-purpose appeals process.
I think it is fair to point out that the appeals process is not there to serve people who have been fairly ticketed but those who believe they have been unfairly ticketed. Over 50% of appeals are successful.
I thought we were talking about the "early payment" discount rather than the right to appeal, but are they linked?
I'd misunderstood t&p's post, thought he meant that if the 14 days pass because the car club are slow in passing it on, you can't appeal to pay the discounted fine.

But it looks like you have 14 days to pay at a discount, and 28 days if you want to challenge the fine.

If the car club causes you to miss the opportunity to appeal a mistaken fine then obviously not fair. But I'd say your argument is with the car club company - it's them who have failed to act in time - rather than the LA.
From what I remember, if you appeal (even if before 14 days are up) you pay the full rate if your appeal is unsuccessful.
No, quite the opposite. If you appeal before the 14th day since the PCN was issued, you will still pay the reduced rate even if the appeal is dismissed. They give you an x number of days from the date on the rejection letter to enjoy the reduced rate.
I'd misunderstood t&p's post, thought he meant that if the 14 days pass because the car club are slow in passing it on, you can't appeal to pay the discounted fine.

But it looks like you have 14 days to pay at a discount, and 28 days if you want to challenge the fine.

If the car club causes you to miss the opportunity to appeal a mistaken fine then obviously not fair. But I'd say your argument is with the car club company - it's them who have failed to act in time - rather than the LA.
Yes, as things stand that’s pretty much it. In an ideal world local authorities should extend the grace period by a few days and the car club & car rental companies contact the driver at the earliest opportunity to notify them of the PCN. But that’s not going to happen unless someone is bothered about it enough to take legal measures.
Yes, as things stand that’s pretty much it. In an ideal world local authorities should extend the grace period by a few days and the car club & car rental companies contact the driver at the earliest opportunity to notify them of the PCN. But that’s not going to happen unless someone is bothered about it enough to take legal measures.
Where's your information from, that this is happening a lot, that car club users are missing the window for an appeal due to the car club being too slow?

(edited to add-)

Zipcar's FAQ page fails to be clear on exactly where and why the delay occurs:

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Where's your information from, that this is happening a lot, that car club users are missing the window for an appeal due to the car club being too slow?
Happened to me a few months ago. Parking infraction that I was not responsible for, but the next person who hired the car. The first I knew about it was when I was told about a month after the infraction that my card had been debited £130- the full rate. Luckily I was able to show I had returned the car before the ticket was issued so it was cancelled.
Yes, as things stand that’s pretty much it. In an ideal world local authorities should extend the grace period by a few days and the car club & car rental companies contact the driver at the earliest opportunity to notify them of the PCN. But that’s not going to happen unless someone is bothered about it enough to take legal measures.

I’m sure this has happened forever with car hire companies as well.
Appealed two Lambeth PCNs issued when I parked on my own street with Ombudsman last year. The first had a suspension sign behind a tree which totally obscured the sign and my appeal was upheld. The second was on a suspended bay that extended the final date late on the day when it was initially due to expire - I had to pay that one. Another with TFL showed about 85% of cars turning left (against a temporary road suspension) and included HGVs reversing back out and vehicles stopping in the middle of the junction, drivers confused by the signage. I appealed on the basis of poor signage and TFLs own video clip showed clearly that the vast majority of drivers hadn't seen the signage. Still lost appeal. It seems to be luck of the draw on whether the PCNs are quashed. I've got over 25 years no claims and haven't had any points on my license for more than 35 years. Lambeth councils parking business model does not target antisocial motorists at all.
Appealed two Lambeth PCNs issued when I parked on my own street with Ombudsman last year. The first had a suspension sign behind a tree which totally obscured the sign and my appeal was upheld. The second was on a suspended bay that extended the final date late on the day when it was initially due to expire - I had to pay that one. Another with TFL showed about 85% of cars turning left (against a temporary road suspension) and included HGVs reversing back out and vehicles stopping in the middle of the junction, drivers confused by the signage. I appealed on the basis of poor signage and TFLs own video clip showed clearly that the vast majority of drivers hadn't seen the signage. Still lost appeal. It seems to be luck of the draw on whether the PCNs are quashed. I've got over 25 years no claims and haven't had any points on my license for more than 35 years. Lambeth councils parking business model does not target antisocial motorists at all.

kind of interesting that your original post referred to fines issued which i guess ignores those that are voided on appeal because they are illegal or otherwise faulty.
Appealed two Lambeth PCNs issued when I parked on my own street with Ombudsman last year. The first had a suspension sign behind a tree which totally obscured the sign and my appeal was upheld. The second was on a suspended bay that extended the final date late on the day when it was initially due to expire - I had to pay that one. Another with TFL showed about 85% of cars turning left (against a temporary road suspension) and included HGVs reversing back out and vehicles stopping in the middle of the junction, drivers confused by the signage. I appealed on the basis of poor signage and TFLs own video clip showed clearly that the vast majority of drivers hadn't seen the signage. Still lost appeal. It seems to be luck of the draw on whether the PCNs are quashed. I've got over 25 years no claims and haven't had any points on my license for more than 35 years. Lambeth councils parking business model does not target antisocial motorists at all.
So you were in the wrong every time but got let off on one of them. Lambeth is clearly very tolerant of bad drivers. Drive more carefully in future.
One hears that the bronze statues of local people on Brixton (British Rail) station platforms 1,2 and 3 are to be reinstated accompanied by a reception at the Rec on Wednesday. Did anyone know - and were they covering it? editor Tricky Skills
I'm not (yet) on the guest list for this. Which is a tad irritating. I recall showing Rosie Boycott, then a journalist at recently founded paper The Independent, round Brixton late 1986 or early 1987 - and we had a stop to inspect the statues. Can't honestly recall if she wrote anything about it though.

The statues were unveiled by Sir Hugh Casson on 30th June 1986. (Casson was an arts big-wig knighted in 1952 for his work on the Festival of Britain but by the 1980s he had become a BBC 2 arts presenter (in his 70s).

Curiously the London Metropolitan Archive have a walking tour of Brixton which MIGHT include the statues/reception - but this comes at the price of £16.50/£11.50
As if one hasn't paid enough rates, council tax and bloody rail fares already in the last 45 years!
One hears that the bronze statues of local people on Brixton (British Rail) station platforms 1,2 and 3 are to be reinstated accompanied by a reception at the Rec on Wednesday. Did anyone know - and were they covering it? editor Tricky Skills
I'm not (yet) on the guest list for this. Which is a tad irritating. I recall showing Rosie Boycott, then a journalist at recently founded paper The Independent, round Brixton late 1986 or early 1987 - and we had a stop to inspect the statues. Can't honestly recall if she wrote anything about it though.

The statues were unveiled by Sir Hugh Casson on 30th June 1986. (Casson was an arts big-wig knighted in 1952 for his work on the Festival of Britain but by the 1980s he had become a BBC 2 arts presenter (in his 70s).

Curiously the London Metropolitan Archive have a walking tour of Brixton which MIGHT include the statues/reception - but this comes at the price of £16.50/£11.50
As if one hasn't paid enough rates, council tax and bloody rail fares already in the last 45 years!
If you fancy writing a short piece for Buzz I can give you my pass!
It's mighty cold out there!


On an unrelated note I wouldn't be surprised if the Street Gym don't start attracting noise complaints given the roof rattling volume of the music blasting out of there tonight.
On an unrelated note I wouldn't be surprised if the Street Gym don't start attracting noise complaints given the roof rattling volume of the music blasting out of there tonight.
Are they the ones responsible for the very loud music coming over from the vicinity of Coldharbour Lane this evening? (well, loud enough I can hear it inside my flat on Rushcroft Road!) It started at about 7.00 and still going at 10.20. And on a work night! Grrrr! :mad:
Morleys and other stores.......................
I generally get a daily email from Morleys (department store) urging me to shop
This morning however for some reason I got 2 - the second one being from Morleys of Bexletheath Broadway.
So what and where exactly IS Morleys these days?

"The new Morleys store will also become the ninth under parent company Morleys Stores Ltd, which also owns Elys in Wimbledon, Camp Hopson in Newbury, Selbys in Holloway, Roomes in Upminster, Pearsons in Enfield and Bodgers in Ilford. The other two Morleys stores are in Tooting and Brixton."

Curiously Tudor Williams of New Malden, which seemed to me a natural fit has simply closed down (2019) and will be "redeveloped" into an artisan food market with 49 high quality homes above (if you know what I mean).

I'm amazed anyone would want a high-rise flat in New Malden, but then again there might be some high-rise loving Buddhists nearby
Korean temple.jpg
One hears that the bronze statues of local people on Brixton (British Rail) station platforms 1,2 and 3 are to be reinstated accompanied by a reception at the Rec on Wednesday. Did anyone know - and were they covering it? editor Tricky Skills
I'm not (yet) on the guest list for this. Which is a tad irritating. I recall showing Rosie Boycott, then a journalist at recently founded paper The Independent, round Brixton late 1986 or early 1987 - and we had a stop to inspect the statues. Can't honestly recall if she wrote anything about it though.

The statues were unveiled by Sir Hugh Casson on 30th June 1986. (Casson was an arts big-wig knighted in 1952 for his work on the Festival of Britain but by the 1980s he had become a BBC 2 arts presenter (in his 70s).

Curiously the London Metropolitan Archive have a walking tour of Brixton which MIGHT include the statues/reception - but this comes at the price of £16.50/£11.50
As if one hasn't paid enough rates, council tax and bloody rail fares already in the last 45 years!
Bizarrely, they are back on the platforms and there is a new fourth one. but they are wrapped in blankets which makes them look like people who have been tied up. It is quite sinister.

North end of platform 2. The one on the left is of course a real human.
WhatsApp Image 2023-01-25 at 08.47.22.jpeg

North End of Platform 1WhatsApp Image 2023-01-25 at 08.48.25.jpeg

South end of platform 2, new location for a statue:
WhatsApp Image 2023-01-25 at 08.47.18.jpeg

South end of platform 1, also a new location for a statue:WhatsApp Image 2023-01-25 at 08.45.51.jpeg

I presume this is the new one. there only used to be 3. Can't find anything online about who the new one is, why they're wrapped in blankets, when they'll be unwrapped, etc etc. Nothing at all really. Glad they're back though.
Great to have them back. Anyone know what restoration was involved that took 6 years? I always assumed that bronzes were kind of bullet proof.

ETA- they can't have been removed in 2016 as per the article. My son couldn't walk until 2018 and I have photos of him stood copying the chap with his foot up against the wall in probably 2019.
Great to have them back. Anyone know what restoration was involved that took 6 years? I always assumed that bronzes were kind of bullet proof.

ETA- they can't have been removed in 2016 as per the article. My son couldn't walk until 2018 and I have photos of him stood copying the chap with his foot up against the wall in probably 2019.
Yeah I swam at lot at the Rec in 2019 and remember seeing them then
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