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Is it actually possible to find simple, accurate, and up to date maps of quiet cycle routes that avoid the main roads to encourage neighbours and colleagues who are returning to the office and a bit wary of travelling on buses?

I was a bit perplexed when TfL journey planner came up with a suggestion of cycling through Granville Arcade (sic) - presumably programmed to avoid the pedestrian only section of Popes Road. The Streetview picture is interesting.

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this looks quite interesting if you want to stick to LTNs

It is interesting, but absolutely useless for the purpose of my original request.
This is probably what you want -


You can't get it to give you a route, but it does show both 'safe' cycle routes that are marked and low traffic neighbourhoods where traffic volumes should be low enough for nearly everyone to feel safe cycling.

The key says it includes
  • Thick lines - Protected cycle lanes (segregated from road traffic)
  • Thin lines - Unprotected cycle lanes (connecting protected sections of cycle track)
  • Dark Blue - Protected permanent cycle lanes
  • Light blue - Pop-up cycle lanes (temporary sections of protected cycle lane)
  • Orange - Shared space with pedestrians - Speed is often limited and there are sections where cyclists must dismount
  • Green - Shared space routes through parks that are closed at night
  • Brown - New routes under construction
  • Pink - New routes in consultation
  • Blue boxes- Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
Putting brixton at the middle the area around us looks like this now - starting to look like a useful network if you add on the bus lanes that are now 'at any time' rather than just peak hours.

Brixton in the middle.png
This is the Late Hilda Lockert who was robbed as she returned to her flat at Langport House in Overton Road, SW9 on 30 April 2001.

Her cash (£15), bus pass and a shopping bag were taken ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... the attack left her with multiple injuries including an injury to her head and multiple bruises to both arms and a fractured knee and she was admitted to hospital where she had an operation. Unfortunately, she developed a blood clot and subsequently died in hospital on her 86th birthday on 15 May 2001, after she went into cardiac arrest.

Medical reports concluded that there was a “clear medical and real causal relationship” between the fracture to Ms Lockert's knee and her death, the cause of which was a pulmonary embolus - a blood clot that moved from her legs and cut off the blood supply to her lungs.

Following initial enquiries, local youth Junior Young (then aged 18, and resident on Angell Town Estate) was arrested on 5 June 2001. He denied any involvement in the attack.
In 2015, a forensic scientist re-examined samples taken from the handles of Ms Lockert's shopping bag, and using the extremely sensitive Low Copy Number DNA method he concluded the sample taken from the bag was one billion times more likely to have come from the defendant, Hilda Lockert and another unrelated person, than from Hilda Lockert and two other unrelated people.

Earlier today, Junior Young, now aged 39. was convicted of the manslaughter and robbery of Ms Lockert after denying involvement and claiming that his DNA could have been transferred onto the shopping bag from the 'real' robber.

Hilda Lockert Walk in north Brixton has been named after the late Ms Lockert in her memory.


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

Junior Young will be sentenced at the Old Bailey on Monday 20 December 2021.
One of the highlights of the gathering was when the group confronted the malevolent presence of Vincent Atkins in Windrush Square with the chant "His Time Is Up", notwithstanding him being surrounded by the protective presence of the Metropolitan Police.

Let me just check this. Vincent The Rat Atkins was in the Square?
Sort of back on the subject of the failing lighting in windrush square...
Maybe Lambeth can take some lessons from Southwark. Lighting is really important and not just about plonking some bright street lamps around. The lighting scheme as originally installed in windrush square was not bad but of course it's no good if half of it isn't working.

Have nicked this link from the Camberwell thread.

Anyone know WTF is going on in Brixton right now? Non stop car horns, revving engines and the usual smattering of sirens.
Anyone know WTF is going on in Brixton right now? Non stop car horns, revving engines and the usual smattering of sirens.
No but can hear it. Sounds like fireworks (or gunshots), car horns and shouting. Is there a building on fire perhaps containing explosive materials? It's been going on for half an hour...
It may be linked to today being Albanian Independence Day. SW1 noticed similar up at Waterloo a few hours ago and was given that as the answer
Brixton Hill blocked by blokes in shiny cars wrapped in Albanian flags. Elvana Gjata playing at the Electric. I asked one of them and he said "This is what we do. This is how we party"
Got this email from the Council. Today if anyone wants to go and look. The Revitalising Brixton Rec quarter is the GLA good growth fund scheme to improve environment around Rec.

On Saturday 4th December we'll also be on Brixton Station Road testing out some of these proposed lighting improvements for the Rec. As well as lighting the building's different features we plan to use a projection to show what the restored original Brixton Rec signage might look like. If you are available please feel free to drop in between 4.30 - 7pm to get an idea of the lighting changes that the Revitalising Brixton's Rec Quarter Project will bring to the street.
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