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Got this email from the Council. Today if anyone wants to go and look. The Revitalising Brixton Rec quarter is the GLA good growth fund scheme to improve environment around Rec.
I'm not around but if you - or anyone else - could take some snaps for Buzz that would be appreciated!
The new Brixton House theatre seems to have anti-terror bollards. Are they now the norm for anywhere where a crowd gathers? Seems a bit OTT.
The new Brixton House theatre seems to have anti-terror bollards. Are they now the norm for anywhere where a crowd gathers? Seems a bit OTT.

are you sure that’s the purpose, there is some crazy driving along that stretch, my next door neighbour got t boned there by some cat doing 50 in an uninsured motor and her car was written off.
Who knows. Bollards are often justified by a combo of the road safety argument and the anti-terror argument. But there's crazy driving all over the place. You can't put bollards everywhere. I would rather the money is spent on speed limiters and catching drivers under the influence or without licences.
Work is progressing on Windrush Square at last. Effra Road bollards mostly in now.
Scarlet O'Hara posted this on Twitter.

Regarding the petition - I hope it is successful
And that they reinstate the number 3 at the tube station. (not on the petition)
There seems no excuse to generate huge queues at Windrush Square bus stops now - the police say they are starting a special operation on Thursday 9th December to subdue unruly elements.

Grove Adventure Playground is raising money this Christmas
Hi everyone, I’m about to rent a small arch from The Arch Co (boo) and trying to find out about business rates.

The arch isn’t on the government website so I don’t know what it’s rateable value is. It’s very small so I don’t think there is rates to pay but the council can’t help me.

Does anyone know if it’s The Arch Co or me who has to apply for it to be registered? Cheers!
Looks like Brixton getting itself another HSBC or the older one is closingView attachment 299935
From the planning drawing (application 21/01381/FUL) it looks as though the new branch will only have one ATM outside compared to the two at the current branch. The sketch plan of interior looks to only have room for paying in machines inside?

HSBC will no doubt argue it is down to reduced demand for cash, but could be an issue if that one machine is out of action.

And HSBC have just closed the branch up the road at Streatham Hill. :mad: Brixton HSBC.PNG
HSBC will no doubt argue it is down to reduced demand for cash, but could be an issue if that one machine is out of action.
The queues for the bank's in Brixton on Friday lunchtime would maybe suggest cash is still in high demand, however many of those people appear shun the cashpoints, even though it would make things much quicker for them. I notice some banks have put signs on the door urging people to use a cashpoint rather than queuing in the street for half an hour.
Hi everyone, I’m about to rent a small arch from The Arch Co (boo) and trying to find out about business rates.

The arch isn’t on the government website so I don’t know what it’s rateable value is. It’s very small so I don’t think there is rates to pay but the council can’t help me.

Does anyone know if it’s The Arch Co or me who has to apply for it to be registered? Cheers!
The Arch Company probably just includes in your agreement that you must make your own enquiry concerning business rates.
Check on the VOA business rates site, search for similar arches nearby and look in the detail for the current valuation find "how the valuation was calculated"
That will give you a base rate per square metre. From that you can work out the Rateable value and the Business Rates will be approx. 50% of that figure per year.
But you may find if it isn't on the VOA web site it may not be registered and so you may not be charged.
Also for a small business with only one premise if the Rateable Value is less than £12,000 there is "small business exemption"
The Arch Company probably just includes in your agreement that you must make your own enquiry concerning business rates.
Check on the VOA business rates site, search for similar arches nearby and look in the detail for the current valuation find "how the valuation was calculated"
That will give you a base rate per square metre. From that you can work out the Rateable value and the Business Rates will be approx. 50% of that figure per year.
But you may find if it isn't on the VOA web site it may not be registered and so you may not be charged.
Also for a small business with only one premise if the Rateable Value is less than £12,000 there is "small business exemption"
Yeah it seems all the other arches under the same viaduct are rated at £7k so no rates to pay in that case.

Just wondering if we have to request it to be registered or anything so we don’t get fined!

Thanks for the reply
I haven't heard many good things about the Arch Company. From what I gather, they are ruthless landlords who like to extract excess rent, even if that means the company goes under. Obviously supply and demand dictates these things but seems a bit much when few people wanted to rent arches across the capital about 20 years ago apart from nightclubs and garages. I went through Vauxhall earlier and was sad to see the motorcycle showroom/shop has vacated and "The Arch Co" banners across it inviting bids to hire it next.
Tomorrow's event has been cancelled because of Covid restrictions

Brixton Chamber Orchestra 1.jpg

That's a shame.
I saw them at Windmill Gardens yesterday.
They played a lively and diverse set including Beethoven, Humperdinck, Gabrieli and Elbow, and seasonal cheesiness including Elton John’s ‘Step Into Christmas’ and a ska version of ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

They sounded terrific.

(Sorry for the terrible pic, it was the first time using a new phone).
View attachment 300228

That's a shame.
I saw them at Windmill Gardens yesterday.
They played a lively and diverse set including Beethoven, Humperdinck, Gabrieli and Elbow, and seasonal cheesiness including Elton John’s ‘Step Into Christmas’ and a ska version of ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

They sounded terrific.

(Sorry for the terrible pic, it was the first time using a new phone).
Shame. I was looking forward to today's one.
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