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dont worry I enjoy telling men to fuck off and now I'm not getting out much, this thread is my main outlet. Thanks
That reminds me of a bit of stand up style comedy I saw years back.
It was a disabled guy saying that due to his mobility issues his hobby was swearing at the TV (this was pre 2000 so not yet 'someone on the Internetis wrong' territory).
He mentioned his crowning achievement was learning cyclical breathing so he could scream 'fuck' for the entire run of gone with the wind (including intermission).

I wish I knew who it was so I could look it up.
Half a mile? What a load of nonsense.

37 stop just up from McDonalds on Acre lane
3 stop down by Police station
196 in front of Academy

All well lit and on main thoroughfares.

If you’re going to Herne Hill which one do you choose?

Really don’t understand how or why this is vauguely controversial. Brixton is a step free station and making the interchange as easy as possible is surely a good thing. There was an issue, people raised it, TfL found a solution.

It sounds like it doesn’t really affect you so why do you care? (It doesn’t affect me btw but doesn’t mean I’m not able to see where people are coming from.)
Looks like there was some incident outside Footlocker last night. Police tape, blood on the ground & paramedic equipment. Hope it wasn’t too serious and people are okay.
Outside St. Mathews Church is getting out of hand. People smoking crack under umbrellas and doing smack and robbing each other and passing out by the little playground. 24/7
But I’m not too sure where they’d go.

It’s a horrible situation there now.
Are they the people in the fixed chairs necking beer?
I don't understand your question.
AFAIK the fixed chairs are a Lameth Council invention (by their consultants) to stop "undesirables" congregating over Special Brew etc. This obviously failed - but don't think the Friends of Windrush Square had anything to do with it.

FOWS are more bulb-planting and litter picking. In other words these are volunteers seeking to improve the environment. Obviously if we were in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea or some such, this might be on Serco's work rota anyway.

PS Have people noticed the new Serco bright orange jump-suits for manual staff? Reminds me of those cheap American horror films about Home Invasion where inmates from the local jail run amuck with you hydrangeas.
Anyone know if SERCO run US prisons? Then again maybe the uniforms are surplus stock from SERCO's own UK prisons: Contracted-out prisons
I was cycling up Brixton road Friday evening. Now it's been narrowed it is more difficult to cycle down. Also I noticed the buses are stuck in busy periods due to the road narrowing.

I've been trying to upload 5.3 mb photo of this and can't. Haven't had this problem before. editor
I was cycling up Brixton road Friday evening. Now it's been narrowed it is more difficult to cycle down. Also I noticed the buses are stuck in busy periods due to the road narrowing.

I've been trying to upload 5.3 mb photo of this and can't. Haven't had this problem before. editor

At Brixton? I’ve stopped using and use the back streets now they have the LTNs. Much nicer & quicker without traffic lights.
At Brixton? I’ve stopped using and used the back streets now they have the LTNs. Much nicer.

So you want to start LTN argument here.

I've put the LTN thread on ignore. You can fuck off with winding me up here.

I'm an everyday cyclist. Pointing out the effect of road widening on Brixton road.

Your ignorant pig headed view that LTN are solution to everything is part of the problem.
So you want to start LTN argument here.

I've put the LTN thread on ignore. You can fuck off with winding me up here.

I'm an everyday cyclist. Pointing out the effect of road widening on Brixton road.

Your ignorant pig headed view that LTN are solution to everything is part of the problem.

I’m really not trying to start an argument but point out the benefits. I used to use the main roads to cycle cos the back streets had too much traffic now they’re much better.
I’m really not trying to start an argument but point out the benefits. I used to use the main roads to cycle cos the back streets had too much traffic now they’re much better.

It was deliberate wind up and you know it was.

I've put the LTN thread on ignore and no longer post on it.

So I'd appreciate it if you had the good manners not to wind me up here.

You can go on as much as you like on the LTN thread in knowledge I won't be posting up on it.
It was deliberate wind up and you know it was.

I've put the LTN thread on ignore and no longer post on it.

So I'd appreciate it if you had the good manners not to wind me up here.

You can go on as much as you like on the LTN thread in knowledge I won't be posting up on it.

You were presenting a problem I’ve faced and have found a solution to and was sharing. I really wasn’t trying to wind you up.
Not sure how you can talk about cycling in Brixton without mentioning LTNs tbh. Where was your complaint going? Rip out the wider pavements?
So you want to start LTN argument here.

I've put the LTN thread on ignore. You can fuck off with winding me up here.

I'm an everyday cyclist. Pointing out the effect of road widening on Brixton road.

Your ignorant pig headed view that LTN are solution to everything is part of the problem.
Not sure how you can talk about cycling in Brixton without mentioning LTNs tbh. Where was your complaint going? Rip out the wider pavements?

As per usual your reading into a post of mine something Im not saying.

I've already asked that you keep your LTN posts to the LTN thread. Which I've got on ignore.
Is it actually possible to find simple, accurate, and up to date maps of quiet cycle routes that avoid the main roads to encourage neighbours and colleagues who are returning to the office and a bit wary of travelling on buses?

I was a bit perplexed when TfL journey planner came up with a suggestion of cycling through Granville Arcade (sic) - presumably programmed to avoid the pedestrian only section of Popes Road. The Streetview picture is interesting.

Granville Arcade.PNG

Granville Arcade 2.PNG
Is it actually possible to find simple, accurate, and up to date maps of quiet cycle routes that avoid the main roads to encourage neighbours and colleagues who are returning to the office and a bit wary of travelling on buses?

I was a bit perplexed when TfL journey planner came up with a suggestion of cycling through Granville Arcade (sic) - presumably programmed to avoid the pedestrian only section of Popes Road. The Streetview picture is interesting.

View attachment 297639

View attachment 297640

That’s weird. Is that bit of Pope’s Rd pedestrian only?

There aren’t really any good cycle maps though Citymapper can be quite good. This guys videos are great but does take some working out to find good routes.

Is it actually possible to find simple, accurate, and up to date maps of quiet cycle routes that avoid the main roads to encourage neighbours and colleagues who are returning to the office and a bit wary of travelling on buses?

I was a bit perplexed when TfL journey planner came up with a suggestion of cycling through Granville Arcade (sic) - presumably programmed to avoid the pedestrian only section of Popes Road. The Streetview picture is interesting.

View attachment 297639

View attachment 297640
Unfortunately this seems to be a part of the puzzle that is really missing.

There is this

I have found the downloadable google maps layer useful ish.

Then there are various navigation apps designed for cyclists - I use Komoot a fair bit - but they are not ideal for new cyclists because you can't always be sure they will put you on a route the entirety of which you will be comfortable with. They might be better than the TfL planner though.

I do think that an easily accessible, continually updated map of all the official quietway routes, etc is something that is needed and missing.

Part of it is that the whole network (despite being loads better than most of the UK) is so fragmented and inconsistent that maybe TfL don't want to over promise with a map that implies there is a network of routes that you can always be confident you're comfortable with. This of course is largely a consequence of the fact that it's such a battle to get anything put in anywhere.
Is it actually possible to find simple, accurate, and up to date maps of quiet cycle routes that avoid the main roads to encourage neighbours and colleagues who are returning to the office and a bit wary of travelling on buses?

I was a bit perplexed when TfL journey planner came up with a suggestion of cycling through Granville Arcade (sic) - presumably programmed to avoid the pedestrian only section of Popes Road. The Streetview picture is interesting.

View attachment 297639

View attachment 297640

Quiet route on citymapper is normally good!
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