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Brixton news, rumour and general chat - April 2014

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You deliberately misinterpret my posts, perverting them for you own psychologically unhinged purposes. You put so much effort into doing it that's it's kind of creepy.

Let me know what I have misinterpreted, then. Here is what you wrote. I have highlighted the parts that are particularly relevant to what I have commented on.

Change is good, the nature of the change is another matter. Upwards you put in quotation marks, rightly so because the change is just about more affluent people moving into an area, changing the area to suit their needs, oblivious to and often denying what was there before them; they don't even see us being forced out, they don't see us at all. They are comfortably wrapped up in their own demographic, not only can't they see us they turn a deliberate deaf ear.

It's all about them, they are setting the narrative and that is where we are going wrong; reacting to that narrative when we have our own.

A legacy of thirty years of Thatcherism and a neo-liberal mindset that has indelibly stained much of our generation but not all of it. The generation coming after us know nothing different, their blueprints are different. They can't be converted, neither should we try to do so.

I think as one that is struggling with the change, being threatened by it via broader economic and political paradigms, that only seem to intensify in their hostility and targeting of the non people, the old timers, the working class, the socially excluded, the barbarians (I see the occupying middle class as the barbarians); i have to fight back even though the war is lost. The war is truly lost on a macro scale, economically and politically; it's gone.

But there are other ways of fighting back, other ways of resisting the worst aspects of social cleansing taking place in Brixton and elsewhere. That's the challenge now for all of us who care about living in a neighbourhood that adds to our quality of life.
What am I supposed to do, then? You are making these wierd personal accusations about me, saying that I am deliberately misinterpreting what you have written, I have shown you the bits that I have commented on and offered you the opportunity to explain to me what you think I have misinterpreted, and you flatly refuse to do so.

And you have made several personal accusations on this thread (and previous ones), whilst complaining about me making personal slights when I have done nothing of the sort; as other posters have agreed I have only responded to what you have written, which is after all what a discussion board is for.
What am I supposed to do, then? You are making these wierd personal accusations about me, saying that I am deliberately misinterpreting what you have written, I have shown you the bits that I have commented on and offered you the opportunity to explain to me what you think I have misinterpreted, and you flatly refuse to do so.

And you have made several personal accusations on this thread (and previous ones), whilst complaining about me making personal slights when I have done nothing of the sort; as other posters have agreed I have only responded to what you have written, which is after all what a discussion board is for.

I'm not going to have anything more to do with you. What you do is a matter for you.
I'd suggest that those who don't want to see personal attacks on the boards don't encourage it by giving such posts "likes".
What people choose to like is none of your business.

You're one of the worst offenders when it comes to disruptive personal attacks in this forum, so I'd like you to stop now please. And yes, you can take that as an official warning. And the same applies to anyone else posting up similar attacks.

This can be a great resource for Brixton and the constant ad hominen attacks make it a far less welcoming and interesting space.

(If anyone wishes to debate any of the above take it to the feedback forum please because I don't intend to add to the disruption by arguing the toss here. Thanks.)
Can't you just cut all the personal crap out of the thread editor ?

Is Nour open on Mondays? I was gonna do a healthy food shop but am feeling fragile :D
Course the icing on the cake, is being told by a posh kid when I was 17 that I wasn't good enough to fit in with them.

Which brings to mind Groucho Marx's comment about not wanting to be a member of any club that'd have him. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind want to be "good enough" to fit in with posh kids? :)
I wonder about this.

The 'middle-class' families at daughters' school all seem to be able to afford to go away every school holiday, employ a cleaner etc etc. Can't be that squeezed

Depends what you prioritise, and why. One thing I used to notice a lot with the families of middle class peers was the amount of effort put into presenting a good image to the rest of the world, even if having a nice car and a cleaner meant having a black and white telly and no central heating. Social capital can only be deployed if the people you're deploying it on think you deserve it!
<snip> Is Nour open on Mondays? I was gonna do a healthy food shop but am feeling fragile :D
It's open at least every week day, and if Ms T says that it's open every day, it probably is.
I finished my marathon. 4 and a half hours. I should be dead. I'm not sure if I am.

Thanks again for helping out with my sock conundrum last night, I'm mainly a lurker here but it's lovely when strangers linked by a place can help each other out.

And to keep this post Brixton related, here's a NSFW Athletic Photoshoot me and a friend did just over a year ago when I started training: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153998743805296

Shot in sexy Brockwell Park.
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I finished my marathon. 4 and a half hours. I should be dead. I'm not sure if I am.

Thanks again for helping out with my sock conundrum last night, I'm mainly a lurker here but it's lovely when strangers linked by a place can help each other out.

And to keep this post Brixton related, here's a NSFW Athletic Photoshoot me and a friend did just over a year ago when I started training: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153998743805296

Shot in sexy Brockwell Park.
Well done!

Looks like non-facebook users can't see that page you've linked too though.
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