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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I can see why some people are getting really pissed off with this experiment. I'm all for reducing traffic and reducing car use, but this is how my road looks like every fucking evening. Who wants to cycle amongst all that pollution or walk past this?

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There isn’t any evidence this is caused by the ltn though is there ?
Yes, Coldharbour Lane is badly congested. But what evidence is there that this is the result of the LTNs? Please give examples of what point to point routes that previously used a road now closed by a LTN that have now diverted to Coldharbour Lane. I just can't think of any, apart from the trivial example of someone wanting to drive from one end of Shakespeare Road to the other end.
If Shakespeare Road was such a trivial route why is it now a LTN?
They being residents who try to join community Whatsapp groups where they are told it's for 'open minded chat pro or negative' but then get booted out if they offer any criticism.

I'm in that WhatsApp group, and the three people removed were not engaging in constructive conversation and were being actively insulting to other members. They were warned, carried on, and then were removed.

That group has many fully anti or sceptical members and we continue to chat about the issues, it gets fraught at times but we mostly mange to calm it down amongst ourselves. We certainly don't agree on many things but we do have constructive conversations about what some tweaks might look like.

Emotions run high but being an optimist I (& others) have tried to help keep the group somewhere where we can all chat and hear each others opinions without calling each other names. Call me naive but just breaking into two sides doesn't help get to a final outcome that the majority can be happy with.
you seem to be parroting the catch phrases of oneblah.
Don't patronise me or try to me associate me with them, thank you. Why won't you just answer my question?
I've already stated that I believe that the LTNs are contributing to the congestion, but are clearly not solely responsible. But whatever is causing it it's pissing me off and I'd like it to stop, thanks.
Don't patronise me or try to me associate me with them, thank you. Why won't you ask my question?
I've already stated that I believe that the LTNs are contributing to the congestion, but are clearly not solely responsible. But whatever is causing it it's pissing me off and I'd like it to stop, thanks.

Looking at Waze (possibly too obsessively) the last few days since the Tulse Hill LTN went live and it does look like Coldharbour lane is constantly one of the most jammed roads in Brixton, more continuously even than Brixton Hill. I can imagine that must be deeply unpleasant. Atlantic Road closing must be a contributor as well as the LTNs - which to me suggests Brixton BID's desire to close it permanently may be a non-starter
....and many, many local businesses. Someone said on FB that Pimlico Plumbers, who are based in Lambeth, have been blogging about it. I don't know how many they employ but I can imagine they send a long time on the roads given the equipment they need with them.

The owner is typical self made wealthy businessman who like to think they know what the "real" world is like,

I heard him on radio a while back really angry as one his "self employed" plumbers had taken him to tribunal over the so called self employment he had them on and won. Why should hard pressed businessmen give sick pay to those who work for them? He thinks he pays his plumbers well so what is the problem? Ive worked for people like this. They think they are givng you a great deal and resent any moaning about it. Inference is they have worked hard and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and you haven't. ( he has "pulled himself up" as he does come from poor background. But I have an issue with so called "meritocracy") So stop whining. Thatcherist mentality.

He did, however, oppose Brexit. So the idea put on this thread that supporting Brexit = opposing LTNs is not the case.

Plenty of otherwise right wing people opposed Brexit. Being a Remainer is not a badge of being progressive.

He was giving funds to Tories switched to LDs over the Brexit issue.

I do know van drivers who are finding the increasing number of LTNs becoming a headache. Increasing journey times. So apart from all his other views he could be right and his plumbers are finding it more difficult to get around.
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Regarding Pimlico Plumbers I was taken aback the other night to see Charlie Mullins taking in hand a somewhat camp young guy as a lodger - in the Channel 4 show Lodgers for Codgers.
I don't normally watch programmes like that - and I venture to suggest that all participants are portrayed as being not the full shilling. Nevertheless Charlie announced his TV appearance on his website.
Channel 4's Lodgers for Codgers: I absolutely loved doing the Charlie and Che Show | Pimlico Plumbers

Actually Charlie Mullins is in the same vein as Michael O'Leary (RyanAir), Mike Ashley (Sports Direct) or even beardy Richard Branson. Unfortunately this is what we have to offer the world - and this is what we will get now Brexit is accomplished.
Pimlico bloke had to edit a blog when he called cyclists ‘fascists’ called for them to be taxed to use the roads etc.

He's blogged his anti Khan / anti TFL, anti cyclists views before and is a regular on Nick Ferrari radio shows and talk radio - a little England Tory.

Also regularly drives like an idiot up Croxted Road
So the idea put on this thread that supporting Brexit = opposing LTNs is not the case.

No one's argued that there's some kind of literal ideological correlaton between brexiteering and opposition to LTNs (least of all me, I voted out and I support LTNs). It's just there is a fairly typical Mr Angry type who is in love with his car and who also voted out, I have literally seen people on facebook (MOBS page) who have made brexit and fighting against LTNs part of the same struggle.
Back toi Railton LTN - anybody know why Somerleyton Passage has been opened up to motorbikes, when formerly it was pedestrian only for maybe thirty years?
I will post a couple of photos to illustrate later.
No one's argued that there's some kind of literal ideological correlaton between brexiteering and opposition to LTNs (least of all me, I voted out and I support LTNs). It's just there is a fairly typical Mr Angry type who is in love with his car and who also voted out, I have literally seen people on facebook (MOBS page) who have made brexit and fighting against LTNs part of the same struggle.

The argument that supporting Brexit and opposing LTNs go together has been regularly posted up on this thread.

The head of Pimlico plumbers has been called a "little England Tory" here even though he was against Brexit.

I also look at FB page of One Lambeth and I have also attended one of their demos. I didn't see a lot of racist/ Brexit types at the demo. Nor were any of the speeches at the demo mentioning Brexit. I see a lot of angry car drivers on the One Lambeth FB posting up videos of how they can't drive around. They are angry that does not make them Brexit voters.
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Back toi Railton LTN - anybody know why Somerleyton Passage has been opened up to motorbikes, when formerly it was pedestrian only for maybe thirty years?
I will post a couple of photos to illustrate later.

It’s been opened up to bicycles. If motorbikes can get through then that is a by-product.
That is because - like Tim Martin of Wetherspoons - he wanted little England with free movement of labour.

Tim Martin was Brexit supporter. Owner of Pimlico plumbers opposed Brexit.

What Im objecting to on this thread is reducing the pro and snti LTN to a binary "culture war" between the forces of light ( Remainers/ pro LTN/ pro immigration/ tolerant) who oppose the forces of darkness ( Brexit supporters/ racists/ little Englanders/ anti LTN) Im talking about Lambeth in this case.
Is the gate on Railton Road south of the junction with Kellett Road one way? There did not appear to be any signs stopping traffic heading from Herne Hill direction.
Why is everyone so desperate to tie this firmly into political affiliations? It's complicated enough already. And the he said she said gossip focusing on random individuals is playground stuff.

Really interesting little podcast here called The Fragility of Choice which looks at an attempt at research into how we make choices.
It’s been opened up to bicycles. If motorbikes can get through then that is a by-product.
So you were involved in that decision to spend public money fixing that which was not broken?
(and create a hazard to pedestrians at the same time)
somerleyton road.jpg
somerleyton passage 005.jpg
So are you suggesting that most Uber drivers/ motorist would make a point of stopping and supporting local businesses? Or just continue through the streets their satnavs have suggested they use? Is that fair for people who live in these areas to be subjected to constant traffic? It not fair for where ever you live! Motor traffic needs to be reduced everywhere. It’s no longer acceptable.

I'm saying that Lambeth could have done this so much better by planning out where to roll it out progressively, so as to not displace traffic in great frigging bunches. As it is, because most of the LTNs have been rolled out over a couple of months, we're seeing chaos on main roads. I agree with teuchter that the flow will ebb gradually, but proper traffic surveying could have achieved this without displacing rat-running onto other side roads, & ramming up the main roads so thoroughly.
Separately, until the cameras are in place I don't think the success or otherwise of the LTNs can be assessed.
I have been followed through the planters (normally by Priuses) at Palace Road and both ends of Railton in the last 2 days

I was sitting outside a cafe on Streatham High Rd on Thursday, enjoying a very nice Americano, watching cars pass. My "back of a shopping list" 5 minute survey of cars heading toward Streatham Hill, showed 1 in 7 cars to be Priuses. They're breeding!!! :eek:
Tim Martin was Brexit supporter. Owner of Pimlico plumbers opposed Brexit.

What Im objecting to on this thread is reducing the pro and snti LTN to a binary "culture war" between the forces of light ( Remainers/ pro LTN/ pro immigration/ tolerant) who oppose the forces of darkness ( Brexit supporters/ racists/ little Englanders/ anti LTN) Im talking about Lambeth in this case.
I don't think the Brexit stuff is really relevant and I agree it's unhelpful to bring that up.

However, the tendency for tories to be anti LTN does fit with the tory ideology of individualist freedom, in my opinion. It's not irrelevant to the discussion.

It's not a coincidence that the tory borough of Wandsworth cancelled their schemes, that Lambeth's sole tory councillor is opposing the Lambeth LTNs, and that tory-supporting, boris-backing Pimlico Plumbers man is opposing the LTNs.

I don't think this means that being opposed to the LTNs makes you a tory. I recognise that there are reasons people might be against them, that don't stem from an individualist ideology.
Someone from the Sustainable Growth and Opportunities Directorate told me this week that it will be "very soon" but that we will get a letter and advance notice. We got a letter and advance notice in June saying it would be fully enforced with APNR cameras issuing warnings from July 11 and fines from July 25. One of my councilors told me that there were issues getting cameras - that was two months ago.

Apparently - according to a cllr - the "issues" boil down to hundreds of LAs ordering dozens of cameras each, at the same time. Manufacturers & installers are snowed under.
What happened to Rachel was terrible. Lambeth acted disgracefully when she was doing exactly what a councillor should do.

As I recall, she was so fearful that the party would do a hatchet job on her when she declared herself as an independent candidate, she held back announcing her decision until it was pretty much too late to make an impact in the election.

I've no idea who my current councillor is. Never seen or heard from them.

One of your ward cllrs is the toxic individual who said, back before the 2014 local elections, that Coldharbour had "too many damned council tenants". This was said in the context of it meaning he had to do lots of ward surgery work.
I don’t know who wrote that motion but clearly someone very angry not just about LTNs but Labour in general. When your audience is 67 Labour, 3 greens (who you also have a pop at) and 1 Tory, I’m not sure that’s a winning strategy. Just out of interest are all the labour councillors more moderate or do some support momentum?

57 Labour, 5 Greens, 1 Tory. 63 cllrs in total.
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